No, I just cannot win against 10 men. Even 7 aides didn't make the trick.
The first game I used a deck that had worked very well in testing against all but FFQ, and still had a decent chance against that. Of course he plays FFQ. Had him locked down pretty early thanks to quicksands and devourers. He kept piling Air quanta but it didn't matter, because I was aiming at

quanta deprivation. I had tested in this situation, I was fairly confident I could win. I had an early fog, a quite early Arsenic, but I had only one Devourer and my Dragon was Shockwaved upon entering the field. A couple Fireflies got out eventually while I was piling poison on him, and eventually produced enough light for a Hope. I never drew my second Dragon, but that was to be expected. In the end, I was an inch away from victory: he had 3 FFQ and 2 Fireflies on the field, I had a Fog and 16 hp. I passed the turn and he dropped to 6 with 9 poison on him. I was almost sure I had the win. He played two shockwaves on me and got me to 8, then his fireflies killed me. GG.
The second game I thought he'd remain with the same deck as usual, so I got a kinda counter that still worked very well against everything else. It was a close game, but he drew 4 Shockwaves to kill my Dragons and the second LS came too late to heal me enough. I also didn't drew more than one Shockwave, my Steals were useless and I had only 2 Dragons while he got 3. Ah, the pain.
GGs 10 men, it seems I will never be able to beat you.

EDIT: At least in this event.

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