Genuinous 2 - 0 Scauduro221095
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5f6 5f6 61t 61t 61t 622 622 622 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 7ds 7ds 7ds 7ds 80i 80i 8po
Used the same deck in both games.
Game 1 Won
Scauduro won the cointoss and played 3 novas. At that point I thought 'no way that I'm getting a turn 1 Discord in the face', but I didn't see any in this game. He played a Mindgate deck, which didn't stand a chance...
Minor Phoenixes came quickly, fractal then fractal again. Mindgates were useless, I had

pendulums. All he got was 1 MP. He played some shields, so I waited for an instant kill before deflaging. Done.
Game 2 Won
This was a more interesting match. I was strongly considering switching to a stall with Sanctuaries, just in case I saw Discords. I thought I'd just deflag them...
Scauduro won the cointoss again, 3rd turn Discord messed up my quanta nicely. It took couple of turns to draw an MP and luckily a deflag. My hand was filled with dim shields by then (got all 3 in 5 turns) so I could only play 4 MPs in total after using fractal. He surprised me with purple dragons + PU. I was able to play my shields luckily, one after the other and slowly chip away his HP. I had 11

at the end of a turn, he at 28 HP, when he got his shield. When 3 turns way over I still had 2 turns of protection left from mine. Had he got another shield (or me less) easy win for him. Would've been down to me getting 1 deflag out of 7 cards. RNG was with me though.
Great games Scauduro. Better luck with your aides next time.