Kakerlake 3 - 1 Paddoo
Win Grabby Rush vs. Aether
1 pillar for him, 5 Pillars+gnome +2 grabby for me.
His BB Stalled a while for him and Psion + Sword started to troll.
Then he started to draw more quanta and was soon able to fill his side with critters.
After some clobbering I won very tightly.
Win Gravy Rush vs. Darkness
Early Dagger = nasty. His BBs as well. Lucky GPull saved my day.
Loss Gravy Stall vs. EQ Dev Lock
2 pillars for me. EQ.
Pends. EQ.
More Pillars EQ.
3 devs and a golem made me surrender. no chance to do anything anymore.
Win Hope vs. Poseidon
really good hand for me with split pillars, a fly, 2 critters and a luci. Hope came soon after, but it took quite a while to set up with only 3 Light emmiters. Later on another Fly came, at this point I was already near death. I was just able to keep me over water with my def and a SS.
Really intense game here!
thanks for the awesome matches!