Spoiler for Brawl Application:
Name: Zergva
Favored Teams: Death Dost Dominate | Silver Ferns | Team Titans
Favored Roles: Writer | Card Designer | Deck Builder
Timezone: GMT +1
Usually Online: noon to midnight
Portfolio: - Writer: Writer of Team in Brawl #2
- Card designer: -
- Deck Builder: Less than nothing
Why I would make a good Brawl member: - Active.
- I like to see things in different ways.
- Have a lot of time lately.
Sample is the tool of Satan! (Kay, not, but still... I don't like it). I've done it only because I don't know if it's legal to write in an other form (I did, but there's the 'normal one' too and I delete if it's needless) and don't want to waste the time of the Bosses. So if you at there and you are not interested in longer explanation, just read the spoiler and go further, there are much more application what worth reading (I know, I've read it all
Hello, I'm Zergva,
I've been playing this game for a long time in passive. I've started to become more active not really long time ago. I suppose to think it was short before the last Brawl. I joined for
handling the stress of the graduation exams to have fun and it was really fun. I was the little guy between big names, I hadn't written any essay in English before and I wasn't satisfied with myself after it. I had to pass one of my task by the graduating exams and my first task solution was horrible (for my defense, I learnt a lot in the Brawl). But in the end I was the 2. best Writer by points, so it is good, aren't it? We had a lot of fun and that was the real reason to join this year.
But this year I stepping over these mistakes and
making new mistakes trying to do my best. I think being active, having a spare time and creativity is the minimum requirement for events like Brawl (btw 'creativity' as word became overused and meaningless, so I deleted it from the application), but I haven't found any phrase, which doesn't need 'tlr' explanation in the application. 'Sometimes' (very often) I'm overworking my tasks/work, but lacking in self-confidence to choose 'the best' from them clearly. I work slowly, but end with my work in time or before a day (or two). I like card-designing better than writing (as like the most of the community), but I find writing under-appreciated by the Brawlers compared to how funny it can be.
I can learn Deck Building (I think it should be 'Deckbuilding') too, but I only played with poison decks in 90% of the cases (because poisoning is fun in any way
) and it would be a cruel lesson to learn a totally strange thing in 2 week (sometimes I do before exam, but I don't think I can beat more experienced players). And in Elements, by the low minimum deck limit and the max. 6 per card really can differenciate deck with only 2 or 3 card change.
I don't know how it seems, but English is not my native language, but I try my best ^^ .