Name: Zawadx (call me Zawad or Z, whichever floats your boat)
Favored Teams: Death Dost Dominate | Team Divine Light | The Cuckoo's Nest (Just some random favorites cause I like the names

Favored Roles: Writer | Card Designer| Offtopicker
Timezone: (GMT) +6
Usually Online (in GMT): Sun-Thu: 11 AM-12 PM; 3-4 PM | Fri-Sat: 5-6 AM + Sun-Thu time (Just the bare minimum of time I'm on if I can. It's generally much more than this.)
Portfolio:Spoiler for Offtopicker:
Sample LessonOn the Harry Potter RP site I mentioned earlier, I'm currently serving as a Teacher for a class system which emulates Hogwarts. So basically we put up lessons with homework which students can do for House Points. Above is a sample lesson which I researched for myself.
Aside from that, I haz jeneral knoledge?
Why I would make a good Brawl member:- I'm active; I'm online every day that I can.
- I'm enthusiastic? I dunno, I want to help out as much as I can.
- I have (or so I'm led to believe) good English even though I'm not a native speaker.
- I can provide and take criticism (hopefully)
- I work well with deadlines. The amount of times I procrastinated and came up with stuff in ten minutes...
Yeah I'm too much of a narcissist. But I hope I make a good addition, whichever team decides to select me. I'm a cheap member for the team! (I expect
