Name: Silver Emerald
Favored Teams: The Chaosomes (Spy), Fiery-Hot Mixtape (Coffee), A Toadally Newtral Team (Math) in the order they were when boss names were first listed.
Favored Roles: Card Designer, Writer, and Deckbuilder in that order. (Untrained Deckbuilder, but the Brawlmasters say they'll incinerate my application {or worse} unless I have three roles.)
Max number of roles willing to complete: 2.
Timezone (GMT): UTC -6
Usually Online: 0800-0900 and 1600-2400. Or, if you prefer 12-hour time, 8-9 AM and 4 PM to midnight. I'm often on the chat during those times and check it occasionally.
Portfolio: I do a lot better with deadlines than I do without them; as such a lot of what I have done idly/by my own motivation is either incomplete or unavailable. However, I'll mention the following:
- Writer - Have been a recreational writer for years and am working (slowly) towards a work I can publish. I was also (for nearly a year) the chief writer and editor of a weekly forum newsletter on a forum which no longer exists. (If it did, I'd link you there faster than you could say "Myst".)
- Card Designer - Came up with this for the recent New Year's Resolution competition and I like solving game design problems that can be fixed with precise wording (such as that found on cards). Edit: Also, after doing more designing I've found that I really enjoy making cards!
- Deckbuilder - This also ties into solving problems, though in complete honesty is not a skill I have cultivated much yet. But with some effort...anything is possible, right?
Why I would make a good Brawl member: I'm friendly, fluffy, good with puzzles,
like long walks in the rain (snow is fine, though), usually focused when there's a goal in mind, and sometimes very silly. Whether or not you bring me on board, good luck with the competition! ^^
I should add to the end of this application that I've been updating it over time as I think of things. As the timer is ticking to the start of bidding with approximately 12 hours left, this will be my final edit.