Name: Mr Muffin
Favoured Teams: ???
Favoured Roles: Space Trooper (Though to be honest I'm not great at any of them.)
Timezone (GMT): GMT UTC-5 until daylight savings time
Usually Online: ??? I don't know it varies I think. I should be online for at least an hour a day.
Portfolio: I've made some decks and that alternate alchemy for the life trials thing.'s-entrance-64323/msg1261686/#msg1261686 I think that's it for non pvp achievements.
Why I would make a good Brawl member: I wouldn't. You can ask my team members of S7 from last brawl (ji412jo, kaempfer13, Amashi, Jenkar, danil). I'm a terrible artist and writer and I rarely get good ideas for thematic decks/cards. It was fun enough last year for me to join again anyway.