Name: Gee I wonder
Favored Teams: Iron Manta, Green Night, Go Frak Yourself, Paratus
Favored Tasks: Card Designer - can do pretty much anything
Maximum Tasks: 0.5
Timezone (GMT): GMT
Normally, this would be the part where I state how awesome I am, how I'm probably the best card designer out of you lot, and how I'm next to Andre in levels of utter ridonculousness.
Now, while I am really awesome, probably the best card designer out of you lot, and am next to Andre in levels of utter ridonculousness, I must make something very clear:
I will be VERY inactive this brawl. Vote on me ONLY if you need to.
I will only have decent access to my team on the weekends, and working on the weekend directly cuts into my non-existent free time. If you do pick me, make sure you have Discord - I'm much easier to reach there.
Turns out that these six weeks just happen to be the most important in my entire life. Figures, eh?