Name: dragonsdemesne
Favored Teams:
(chosen because they are 3 of the more versatile elements)
Favored Roles: Writer, Deckbuilder, Card Designer
Timezone (GMT): GMT -7
Usually Online: 0000 to 0600 GMT (5pm-11pm MST/GMT-7)
DECKS I have created:
All my arena decks... ever, Started out going for wins, and the later ones are going for creativity.
Queen Sacrifice"The Deck", (based on M:tG "The Deck"/Weissman school, if you know what that is)
CL decks from two seasons: me in half! (attempting to showcase broken beta deck possibilities; some may not make sense anymore due to beta changes)
I would make a good brawl team member because I can make a lot of very interesting decks. I've played more CCGs than most of you have pairs of underwear, so I have seen LOTS of different cards and card mechanics, and can design some cool cards, as long as somebody else provides the artwork! :p
I haven't published any writing on the forum, but I think I'm pretty good, so I put that down for one of my favoured roles as well.
If you don't want to give me one of the three roles I asked for above, please don't bid
I'm only interested in those three and no others, so fair warning!