Name: danilFavored Teams: The team with the most instances of the letter "S"
Favored Roles: Bard
Timezone: (GMT) -5
Usually Online: Sometime between 7:30 PM and 12:00 AM
Portfolio: Music sharing thread (on this forum) (Please note that I am adding polish-ups to old work and will most likely be posting regularly in the coming week. Please check back when bidding actually begins to see a more extensive portfolio
Why I would make a good Brawl member: I have too much time (yes, even when I get off of break next week), and like to think that I'm a positive member of this forum. I like discussing things and attempting improvement on said "things." I will not deny my talent in musical production, but keep please in mind that music might not be the forefront task for Bards.
Edit: clarity in "usually online"