Name: Opsinis
Favored Teams: JCJ, UTA, Russian
Favored Roles: Writer, Card Designer, Deck Builder
Max number of roles willing to complete: 2
Timezone (GMT): GMT -5
Usually Online: I can be available usually 6pm-midnight. Plenty of breaks in my day to find a little Forum time though, if it's required.
Portfolio: 4/5 Brawls I was actually present during. Newsletter Writer. Competition Organizer.
Why I would make a good Brawl member: Here's the thing. I try not to do boring things. I take creative risks and sometimes it fails and sometimes it works. I enjoy myself. I've done enough Brawls, being de facto Boss, actual Boss, pathetic Boss, Writer.
Additional Notes: I will do what I can to be a good team member. I can pick up the slack for others, but they may have to pick up my slack too, life happens. I don't have the know-how or the ability to do anything involving film. I can deckbuild if it's necessary, I can do Forum Expert things if it's necessary, but I haven't been around too too much.