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55n 55n 55n 562 5c0 61q 61t 61u 6qq 6u3 6u7 744 747 747 74a 74d 74f 74j 77a 77a 77c 77d 77d 77d 77d 77d 77d 7ai 7an 7ap 7ap 7dk 7dm 7do 7gk 7gq 7h2 7js 7jv 7n1 7n3 7n4 7n4 7n4 7n5 7q0 7q5 7q8 7qb 7ti 809 80b 80h 80h 80i 80i 80j 80l 80m 816 8pu
The most powerful, advanced, and well stocked ship in the galaxy.
Elite Queen - The owner and captain of the ship.
Graviton Guard x2 - Employed by the Elite Queen to protect the Elite Queen.
Psion - It was hired for it's psychic abilities.
Graviton Salvager/Phase Salvager - Crew members who, you know, salvage things.
Graviton Mercenary x3 - Soldiers
Steel Golem x2 - Machines programmed to keep order and serve the Elite Queen.
Offensive (and defensive) Weaponry:
Lightning - Exactly what it sounds like. Simple and effective.
Lightning Storm - Like lightning only when you need more of it.
Ball Lightning - Like lightning but concentrated into a deadly ball that's fired out of a cannon.
Fire Lance - Melts and explodes things as you would expect from a fire lance. This ship is built to produce a lot of heat when needed so fire lance is it's primary weapon.
Fire Storm - Like Fire Lance only bigger.
Explosion - Like Fire Lance but bigger and more concentrated.
Black Hole - If needed this ship can produce a black hole as a last resort.
Defensive Technology:
Dimensional Shield - Primary form of defense. Turning this ship into a TARDIS which as said in the name has it's own dimension so outside forces can't touch it.
Lobotomizer - Just in case you need to lobotomize something.
Diamond Shield - This ship's hull is obviously made from the toughest stuff around.
Heavy Armor x6 - For the the crew to wear when needed for protection.
Eternity - I don't know if anyone here has seen the movie Edge of Tomorrow but it's what the aliens do in that movie. If something goes wrong they can restart the day.
Cloak: Keeps the ship hidden even more hidden (though it's already in it's own private dimension) from outside forces.
Precognition - Lets the crew see into the future.
Mindgate - Second device for seeing into the future.
Survival and Power Source:
Cockatrice - Food.
Elite Firefly x3 - Heat farm.
Mitosis - For growing more food, elite fireflies, and some crew members.
Fractal x2 - For creating a large quantity and soldiers, resources, whatever you need.
Quantum Tower - Technology for converting energy into whatever they need.
Supernova - This ship harnesses the energy from a supernova.
Antimatter - This ship also harnesses the power of antimatter in combination with a supernova for all it's energy needs. (Don't get upset about if my science is inconceivable I'm not a scientist and don't know how this stuff works this is just fiction.)
Gravity Tower - Creates the artificial gravity.
Water Tower - Creates water.
Steam Machine - Various machines around the ship.
Time Tower - For Creating the time energy they need to do certain things.
Electrum Hourglass - Machine for time manipulation.
Twin Universe - For getting extra resources from another universe.
Medical Equipment:
Heal - When you need to heal something.
Epinephrine - Medical thing for wounded soldiers. You may not need it but the ship should be as prepared as possible.
Purify - For any poisons or diseases.
Holy Flash - Another form of healing.
Improved Blessing - To keep the crew at top condition.
Quintessence x2 - Their most powerful medical thing. One for the Elite Queen and one for emergencies.
Acceleration - Representing the ship accelerating.
Unstoppable - Representing the ship's unstoppability.
Gravity Force Representing the ship's artificial gravity.
Shard of Wisdom - A relic the crew found that contains vast wisdom.