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Re: Brawl #6 - Round 2 - Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=64071.msg1256807#msg1256807
« Reply #60 on: February 08, 2017, 01:38:27 pm »
About FROGS' Wizard Task, it is interesting to see how people are pissed off RNG so much. The very same people who have no problem to play EtG (an 99% RNG-based card game).

A lot of randomness in card games are hidden; you don't immediately notice the randomness, or you don't feel it. This is because randomness has such a stink to it.  Symbols of randomness, such as Flipping coins, rolling dice, tons of if conditions, and percentages, automatically make a game/card ugly because randomness has such a stink to it.

Cards such as Fog Shield and Dusk Mantle are even more annoying than they would be because they explicitly state randomness. If it hid the randomness under text like "Shield: creatures attacking you sometimes miss", it would've felt a lot kinder.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2017, 01:50:29 pm by Espithel »

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Re: Brawl #6 - Round 2 - Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=64071.msg1257119#msg1257119
« Reply #61 on: February 13, 2017, 10:14:08 pm »

What i was looking here was a detailed image of characters/description of characters. But what i got was more of landscape and not much character. So points went evenly (nearly), and hence i see no point discussing this.


SSSSSSSSSSSSS: I quite like the idea. But perhaps its a bit much on funny side and not scary enough. That bug thing should be more scary...perhaps a choice of different colours would have helped here.

FROGS: As much as i liked it, it was a bit bland. Next art task, i want to see a bit more detail and a lot more happening in the image.

TTG: I really liked it. Ticked all the things. Well done. (deja vu?)

Pyro: Pixel is not really my thing (deja vu?), though i appreciate the art and the idea.

One thing i wanna say - No point testing fully upped decks against ai3. Every upped deck will beat ai3.

FROGS: idk if i buy too much into the bribery thing. Good deck, but not very creative.

SSSSSSSSSS: I really liked it. Especially how fitting the descriptions were. Nicely done.

Pyro: Could have been more creative again.

TTG: Well explained, decent deck. Though i wonder what happens if goblins attack the squids and kill them?


One idea for teams is to have a sample deck with your cards too. Just a brief idea is sufficient too. Shows that you have put thought into how card can work with other cards in the game.

Pyro: I liked the spider, thought the manticore seemed OP. Masked crab seemed a bit UP, also not very original.

FROGS: Shapeshifter was a decent card. Balanced, but idk if i like the idea of a card summoning another card here :/ Pelican should have more hp, but apart from that, a nice way to give life cc (might have heard about a similar idea to this before though). Familiar - idk how it would work out. Too OP or not much use, not sure. Seems a little too simple though

SSSSSSSSSS: Hmm, i liked the mud lurker a lot and that boosted your points. Leaf flick seems a bit too strong, with lobo on stick costing 0 quanta. Stalkwing needs more hp to acc survive and be useful.

TTG: Good cards, good mechanic, like it.


SSSSSSSSS: Eh, don't know if i like the idea of 1 para per creature.

TTG: I dont really like long stories. Though, thankfully, this one had a lot of dialogues and character interaction, so it was acc good, and got top marks.

Pyro: Dont know if i liked the idea of 3 seperate stories. Seemed a lot descriptive but a bit dull.

FROGS: Contrary to CO, i acc liked the fight scene. Though interesting to see how the team escapes now. Also, it was just the right length.


SSSSSSSSSS: Simple and good. I would enjoy playing it. Though could have involved a bit more strategy.

Frogs: Seems too complicated and time consuming to set up. Not sure if possible to acc play in the situation.

TTG: I really liked the idea. Seems to be pretty fun too.

Pyro: I originally did like the idea and it was well written. Though, not much of a game. Perhaps involving someone to act out using the object with someone being a dragon and giving points to the best one, or just giving points to the most funny one (similar to CAH? ) would make it better.


TTG: Best submission. Though, i was only able to see it completely after zooming in. It didnt look like fire from a dragons mouth originally. May need a bit of tweeking.

Pyro: simple and easy to understand. I liked it however i can't see it as an icon. Bit too simple/bland for that.

SSSSSSSSS: The 6 is hard to see, need a stronger colour of blue. Also, i first thought that was sand, not gold XD

Frogs: the 6 is squashed up and i got no idea what the two things next to it are, pincer?

no one noticed my big typo here....do people even read these? XD
First player to become master of 3 different elements.
WC 2016 - #2. WC 2015 - #3 Devil's gate, Trinity, War #10, 12 lives - #2.
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