Elk, I think you mixed up FROGS and PC in your Bard voting.
RoyaltyTentacles had great descriptions of their landscape and their journey in a well put together song. Easy 5 voints. Frogs didn't have anything unique in their landscape except for a mushroom and whatever is behind it. I don't judge heavily on the actual quality of the artwork, but this is pretty badly drawn. Pyrocloaks don't have any actual traveling in their submission and there is nothing unique about mountains. I like S7's choice of showing how their landscape is unique with a large area that has it's own history and climate. The record of their travel is also well done. When compared to the other submissions, I feel comfortable giving the rest of the 5 voints here.
Tentacle's Grip - 5
S7 - 5
F.R.O.G.S. - 0
Pyrocloaks - 0
BardWhile the Frogs submission does look fairly spooky, a boggart splitting into 13 different entities doesn't make much sense. Overall it's a lazy design. Pyrocloaks have a well designed and presented giant spider. I could definitely see this being someone's worst fear. Looking at S7's design, a bloody Medusa Scissorhands Cockroach Queen is pretty f***ing sketchy. While it doesn't count for anything, the person running away is adorable. Although a clown is one of the most cliché things to be scared of, I really can't view the Tentaclown as frightening, let alone the most frightening.
Pyrocloaks - 5
S7 - 4
Tentacle's Grip - 1
F.R.O.G.S. - 0
CrusaderS7 and Frogs did the best job of accounting for the goblins' needs, followed by Tentacles, while the Pyrocloak's strategy is ridiculous. S7 gets a deduction for being too low on Entropy.
F.R.O.G.S. - 4
S7 - 3
Tentacle's Grip - 3
Pyrocloaks - 0
Enchanter/ScribeI'd like to give detailed criticisms on each card and maybe story, but I don't feel like doing that for this many cards right now. I'll go over a specific card if requested. Cards and stories separated by commas. Brawlmasters, 2-3 cards + Writer is too much for one task.
FROGS: Decent, Bad, Decent, Unfinished story. Creatures are just kind of there.
Tentacles: Bad card text, Good, Nice history of the Shaper.
S7: Bad, Good, Meh, story ties in nicely with the spooky forest.
Blackwings.Pyrocloaks: Bad, Meh, Meh, Second story mentions a few dozen men -- that's not really an army, Third story is good. Upgraded Manticore not being Scorpicore makes me sad.
F.R.O.G.S. - 4
Tentacle's Grip - 7
S7 - 7
Pyrocloaks - 2
WizardFrogs: Based entirely on RNG.
S7: A complicated weighted RPS. Ruling out information exchange prevents the game from becoming interesting.
Pyrocloaks: Interesting but would get stale after a while.
Tentacles: Can't be done while walking but has a lot of entertainment and replay value.
Tentacle's Grip - 5
Pyrocloaks - 4
S7 - 1
F.R.O.G.S. - 0
Bonus TaskFrogs: I can't tell what it's supposed to be but the 6 is noticeable and it's not ugly, so it automatically earns 5 voints.
S7: 6 is not noticeable.
Pyrocloaks: Ugly.
Tentacles: Coolest looking and fits the theme. 6 is not as clear as I would have liked but you'll see it since you'll know it's a Brawl trophy.
Tentacle's Grip - 5
F.R.O.G.S. - 5
Pyrocloaks - 0
S7 - 0
TotalTentacle's Grip - 26
S7 - 20
F.R.O.G.S. - 13
Pyrocloaks - 11
Best submission overall: Tentacles Royalty task. One suggestion, replacing "nothing" in the chorus with "nought" would make it flow better.
Props to S7 for tying together their Royalty, Crusader, and Enchanter/Scribe tasks. I feel like this represents the idea of Brawl well. I wish I could give bonus points or something.