Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game

Elements the Game => Brawl Archive => Forum Brawl => Events and Competitions => Brawl #5 Archive => Topic started by: Naesala on December 23, 2015, 09:17:49 am

Title: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Naesala on December 23, 2015, 09:17:49 am
Please post here if you have a question or comments about the functionality of the event and how it might be improved. If you have a question regarding a round or the event rules, please post them in their individual threads instead. We appreciate feedback and will try to interact as much as we can with each person who posts to explain our reasons or listen consult their opinions!
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on January 22, 2016, 12:57:18 pm
Will forum expert role require any knowledge of coding? i remember there was one task last time involving the Elements Forum Home Page hub which i would have been completely lost in.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: CleanOnion on January 22, 2016, 01:10:43 pm
There are no tasks that necessitate a knowledge of coding, however there are a few tasks that you may use coding for if you wish (FE and otherwise).

But to answer your question, no.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Fippe94 on February 27, 2016, 10:20:48 pm
I realise this is like way late, and I fully understand if no changes will be made this Brawl.

I really dislike the current team vote system. It strongly incentivises players to always make one of the votes for their own team, regardless of what they actually think. The reason for this is that most people *will* vote for their own team, because they want to win (which is obvious), because they really think they were best, and/or partly because they "were there" when it was made and because if that believes it is the best work.
In some cases I can imagine the team leader (or anyone else in the team) telling everyone in the team to vote for own team. This means that those that do not vote for their own team will get punished for it, since they will be behind on voting. I also realize that forbidding voting from players will leave the event with very few votes, since most people interested in brawl are in it. My personal solution would be to make team voting  one vote per person, and no voting for own team.
I also understand that this could lead to people not voting if they really want to win, so I propose either mandatory voting (with randomized vote if no vote is cast), or an "automatic vote" for your own team when you vote. Note that the latter solution is basically the same system as we already have, except it removes punishing "honorable" players, and removes a possible conflict among the team members.

As I said, I completely understand if no change will be made this brawl (I am a bit late with this complaint, I know), but I strongly encourage the change to be made, either right now, for the next round, or if not, then at least the next brawl.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on February 27, 2016, 10:27:42 pm
This came up last brawl, and the 2 vote system is actually a way of stopping team-bias.

if we all had one vote, we'd use it on ourselves.
if we had one vote and were not allowed to self-vote, some people would 'forget' to vote, meaning that nobody gets that vote and it leaves you up.
having 2 votes, where you must vote someone else for the 2nd vote, means that you use the 1st vote on yourself (everyone does, so that sets its value to zero) and the 2nd is a genuine vote. If you 'forget' to vote, then you are harming yourself as much as anyone else.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Fippe94 on February 27, 2016, 10:29:50 pm
I do take that issue up and answer it in my post.
I also understand that this could lead to people not voting if they really want to win, so I propose either mandatory voting (with randomized vote if no vote is cast), or an "automatic vote" for your own team when you vote. Note that the latter solution is basically the same system as we already have, except it removes punishing "honorable" players, and removes a possible conflict among the team members.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Naesala on February 29, 2016, 05:25:00 am
I do take that issue up and answer it in my post.
I also understand that this could lead to people not voting if they really want to win, so I propose either mandatory voting (with randomized vote if no vote is cast), or an "automatic vote" for your own team when you vote. Note that the latter solution is basically the same system as we already have, except it removes punishing "honorable" players, and removes a possible conflict among the team members.

I am opposed to randomized votes, that's worse than not voting. That makes the event random and pointless. We've discussed the voting system every brawl and this is the best system. If you'd like to see our points, look at some of the old feedback/preview threds for brawl.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Fippe94 on February 29, 2016, 10:50:29 pm
I agree that random voting is bad. My real suggestion was my second suggestion: One vote per player, canot vote for yourself, whenever you vote an "automatic" extra vote is cast for your own team. Note this is basically the same system as we already have, except it removes punishing "honorable" players, and removes a possible conflict among the team members.

Now for my next thing I just noticed (yay for reading the rules after the event has begun):
I noticed that the team voting is only 1 point for the winner in each role, which is basically nothing compared to the community vote, and is even small compared to the Expert panel vote. This mean the team vote is almost meaningless. The amount of non-brawler votes are usually a lot less than the amount of brawlers, so what is the idea behind this decision. (I also realize that this fact makes my last complaint almost a non.issue anyway, since team votes are pretty meaningless). Unless I have somehow misunderstood the rules, in which case they seem badly written.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: CleanOnion on February 29, 2016, 10:57:59 pm
Seeing as Nae's gone away for a little while, looks like I'm taking over the voting as well.

In mafia terms, each team has 6 "Voting Power". Members of each team vote on who they want to vote for. If only one person in a team votes (or all the voters in that team are unanimous), it's like they voted 6 times.

If two team members vote, and they both vote completely differently, it's like both voters get 3 voting power, and so count for 3 community votes each. If all 6 members vote completely differently, they each get 1 voting power, the same as a community vote.

When you get things like 5 members voting, with 3 voting on one thing and the other two going for other things, you start getting into decimal votes which is a lot more complicated. Decimal votes will be rounded to the nearest integer.

If this is all too complicated, take away this: Each team counts for 6 community votes. No matter how many members that team actually has. Team voting is like an internal democracy to determine how many votes go where.

6 teams with 6 voting power each is equivalent to 36 community votes (18 if you discount self votes). I'd call that substantial.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: andretimpa on February 29, 2016, 11:05:38 pm
Wasn't the scoring from community and team votes separate? Or am I mixing something?
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Aves on February 29, 2016, 11:22:51 pm
Each team has its own voting thread in its secret section. MMC and I just happened to make our votes public as well as in the private threads.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: andretimpa on February 29, 2016, 11:25:21 pm
I meant this (from the rules thread)

Do team votes affect the placing in each round or do they have a separate scoring?
Team votes have their own placing and scoring separate from the public placing.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: CleanOnion on February 29, 2016, 11:26:32 pm
Copied across from the updated Rules:

Scoring -> 2. Team Vote
The team vote will occur much the same as the community votes, using the same table but posting within their secret sections. At least one vote per task must not be made on a fellow teammate (So, you can have a single vote for another team, or two votes, one for your team and one for another team). Each team has 6 Voting Power per role, and the team votes determine where this voting power is allocated eg 3 votes to one team, 2 to another, 1 to a third. These are added to the Community Votes.

This may not be the method that Nae was intending to use. However, with her absence, this is my method.

Hopefully this and a combination of the information in this thread makes things clearer.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Calambar on March 21, 2016, 06:32:42 am
Would it be possible to extend at least for 2-3 days the time for round 5 due to Easter?
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: mathman101 on March 21, 2016, 06:36:54 am
Would it be possible to extend at least for 2-3 days the time for round 5 due to Easter?
+1 for this
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: rob77dp on March 21, 2016, 08:13:12 am
Would it be possible to extend at least for 2-3 days the time for round 5 due to Easter?
+1 for this
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Silver Emerald on March 21, 2016, 06:23:18 pm
Would it be possible to extend at least for 2-3 days the time for round 5 due to Easter?
+1 for this
Also agreed.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Espithel on March 21, 2016, 06:25:48 pm
Would it be possible to extend at least for 2-3 days the time for round 5 due to Easter?
+1 for this
Also agreed.

It'd mean 2 girls 1 brawl'd have enough time to finish their tasks properly.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: RootRanger on March 21, 2016, 11:11:33 pm
I'm a little late to the party on this, but have we considered simply having a few non-participant judges decide everything?
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: andretimpa on March 22, 2016, 12:40:07 pm
Would it be possible to extend at least for 2-3 days the time for round 5 due to Easter?
+1 for this
Also agreed.

It'd mean 2 girls 1 brawl'd have enough time to finish their tasks properly.
I'm totally in favor of this too.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Arum on March 22, 2016, 08:27:47 pm
Would it be possible to extend at least for 2-3 days the time for round 5 due to Easter?
+1 for this
Also agreed.

It'd mean 2 girls 1 brawl'd have enough time to finish their tasks properly.
I'm totally in favor of this too.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Zawadx on March 23, 2016, 07:28:12 am
We're discussing the easter extension. 3 days would be enough, right?

I'm a little late to the party on this, but have we considered simply having a few non-participant judges decide everything?

The trouble is, how many people can you find to be active and have enough expertise to judge a topic? Even if you did, there's the concern of styles. I like reading stories which are fleshed out and somewhat deep, but as a judge that'd be a detriment to the writers who like to have short and humorous pieces. And there are tasks which the judges might be clueless with, which limits what you can have in Brawl.

Having a mass vote can be hard and it disadvantages less active teams a bit (or a lot in earlier brawls), but it's the most fair system imo. Although I would like to implement some form of alternative voting, where you can vote for whom you like while still ensuring your team isn't disadvantaged (STV-esque, perhaps?).
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Calambar on March 23, 2016, 08:02:51 am
Yeah, 3 days should be enough, thanks for the extension!
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: OldTrees on March 23, 2016, 11:50:43 am
I'm a little late to the party on this, but have we considered simply having a few non-participant judges decide everything?

One of the earliest Brawls had this system in addition to the popular vote. The Expert vote included the Brawlmasters and a couple judges. Over the course of the brawl the judges and some other non-participants discusses the merits and flaws of the "Expert vote". Being able to take advantage of Vrt's expertise on art was valuable (expert in their field) but even Vrt admitted they were not an expert in all the other roles. Experts not on the expert panel voted in the popular vote, there they were permitted to avoid voting on a task if they did not feel qualified to judge. (Ex: I would frequently give a through review/vote on card design but avoid voting on art where I am a bad judge) As a result of the discussion, each expert on the panel meaning 1 less non brawler popular vote, and the difficulty finding people active and willing for the panel, the expert panel was removed.

Then the discussions about voting systems made everyone forget to reexamine the expert concept in more detail later.

Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: CleanOnion on March 23, 2016, 04:59:23 pm
I've pushed the timers for this round back two or three days already, I just forgot to mention. Sorry!

I completely understand your Expert Panel point. Writer, Artist and most Forum Expert tasks I feel capable of judging - Card Design and Deckbuilding less so. Luckily I have Zawadx to help me with this.

Community Vote is currently what we have, and those suggesting the expert panel should probably be active in that. However, I think the issue of the expert panel detracting from the community vote can be averted if the experts are still allowed to place votes, though that's just my opinion

Having done some maths I worked some things out.

On a round with 6 tasks and nothing else, each community voter can place 12 votes, two on each task. So let's say they have a voting power of 12, or 2 per task. Each team has 6 votes to allocate to each task. Because team voters have to vote for at least 2 submissions per task, each team can allocate a maximum of three points to a submission. Each team always has 6 votes per task, aka three times the voting power of a single community voter. There are six teams, and usually about five community voters. Therefore team votes currently account for about 70% of all votes ( (6*3-5)/6*3 = 72.22% ).

Ought this be adjusted such that community votes weigh more? And where would the expert panel for into this?
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: RootRanger on March 27, 2016, 06:41:52 pm
It's not even about "experts." I wouldn't care if they were completely inexperienced in the fields they're judging, as long as they are unbiased and read all of the submissions thoroughly. Personally I'm skeptical of the idea that some people are objectively better at making subjective decisions. But this is beside the point. Experts or judges, it makes no difference to me. We just need to implement this sort of system.

See, the real concern with letting team members vote is that the best strategy for winning the event is strategic voting. For instance, if your team is #2, you wouldn't want to vote for the #1 team if you're trying to win, regardless of how much you liked their submission. The system we have right now punished teams that are actually honest with their votes, and rewards the ones who vote strategically. Is this what we want? You might say that none of the teams are voting strategically (which I'd doubt), but even then, you would need to have a system that will still work in future Brawls.

There is the option of simply not letting participants vote, of course, but you run into the issue of not having enough voters. There's established psychology behind this - the idea that you don't feel the need to do something important if you expect somebody else to.

Thus, I'd have everything be decided by judges, which solves both of the aforementioned problems.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Fippe94 on March 27, 2016, 08:14:10 pm
That is a good idea. Never really been a fan of teams voting. Judge voting has its own problem though imo, too few judges and it's not much of a good competition, it's just "what does the judge like?". I mean, sure, that is kinda what it *is*, but you need a somewhat sizeable judge to deal with this, say at least 5-6. It essentially becomes like public voting is now, except that you decide who to vote in advance, and "forces" them to vote every turn. Or did you have anything else in mind that sets it further apart from the public voting?
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: andretimpa on March 27, 2016, 09:52:12 pm
A pure judge vote creates the problem of allienating the rest of the community, maybe the best solution is to not allow participants to vote, have a certain number of people (the judges) commited to vote every round and still allow for the rest of the community to vote.

The main argument against this kind of thing has always been that the best judges are the most skilled in the roles, but these are also the best participants. But as Root pointed out not having a bias is more important than having skill. I also don't think it would be difficult finding people that are willing to commit a vote every round while at the same time not being interested in joining the event.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Solaris on March 27, 2016, 09:56:35 pm
Please, don't have teams that can have variable teamsizes again. Manpower is HUGE in Brawl. If we're having issues with participation, either drop the fixed team size, or, dare I say it, change the event entirely. Controversial opinion, but feedback is feedback.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on April 12, 2016, 11:43:35 am
Challenges Feedback:

Once you issue a Challenge, you should have no say on whether it is accepted or rejected.

The rules state:

"The challenged team may decline the challenge, in which case they forfeit 5 points."
NOWHERE does it say the challenging team can reject

"If the challengee does not make a submission, they will have been considered as declining."
again, JUST the chalengee

However, it is not specifically prohibited. It should be. If you issue a challenge, and are dumb enough to not do the task, and your opponent does, it should count as an accepted challenge that you lose.

If, in medieval times, you stood before a castle, and issued a challenge to the king. the king can accept or decline.
If the king comes down and you say "actually, err, no thanks" I'm pretty sure you get hung, or at least pelted with turnips.

It's not fair that we concentrated our time on two tasks that we get NOTHING for, when they were the sole reason we declined Chaosomes challenge for lack of time.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: majofa on April 12, 2016, 01:09:48 pm
(..continuing from JCJ's statement)

Otherwise a team that's way behind could overload another team with a bunch of time-consuming challenges and then just not do any of them and then what?
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Solaris on April 12, 2016, 06:18:40 pm
Hi, FHM representative here. I'd be fine with forfeiting the 8 points on each challenge submission that ceases to exist, and potentially having AB win the challenges that we didn't submit on. Allowing us to submit late should not be acceptable.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Calambar on April 14, 2016, 04:32:37 am
I have a suggestion, Brawlmasters, don't you think voting phase for this HUGE round should be extended by 2 days to give people weekend for voting? There's only one community vote so far which sucks IMO.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on April 14, 2016, 11:12:38 am
Aye i agree voting phase should be extended, there's so many things to vote on
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: rob77dp on April 14, 2016, 03:52:05 pm
Aye i agree voting phase should be extended, there's so many things to vote on

+1 from GP's DB here
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Zawadx on April 14, 2016, 03:59:14 pm
I have a suggestion, Brawlmasters, don't you think voting phase for this HUGE round should be extended by 2 days to give people weekend for voting? There's only one community vote so far which sucks IMO.

Good idea.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Zawadx on April 18, 2016, 03:12:47 am
Rules right now have nothing to prevent lazy copying votes by team members. The Team Votes section should be updated to require each player to give reasons for vote.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: andretimpa on April 18, 2016, 03:15:52 am
Not really, Brawl voting should be updated so that it doesn't depend on Brawler votes.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Aves on April 18, 2016, 03:39:22 am
Rules right now have nothing to prevent lazy copying votes by team members. The Team Votes section should be updated to require each player to give reasons for vote.
Not really, Brawl voting should be updated so that it doesn't depend on Brawler votes.

There are what, 2-3 community voters per round? That feels absurdly low. What makes it worse is that my singular vote is worth any three community votes put together, because I'm the only one in my team that voted. Voting definitely needs an overhaul, and I do agree that giving valid reasons is important-- but I think it any changes should go in the opposite direction-- make it easier to vote. Or at least incentivize it, rather than dis-incentivizing it. Ideally, we'd be able to have votes without Brawlers, but given the inactivity even from Brawlers, that doesn't seem quite feasible.

One option is a small modification to the current system-- only allow votes for other teams, but give some sort of advantage or statistic for those votes. E.g I vote for GP in 5 tasks and AB in one, and that gives LoS +6 Brawl Reputation, 1 per each task voted on per player. The Team with the most reputation in a given round gets a small bonus or something. Or heck, it could even be +1 point per full set of votes, forget who had the most. Does that give teams with more active players an advantage? Alright, then cap it to the smallest team's maximum voting potential or something. Another option could even have teams specify who is active and inactive, and base the system around that.

Just throwing ideas out. 
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: andretimpa on April 18, 2016, 04:00:25 am
Rules right now have nothing to prevent lazy copying votes by team members. The Team Votes section should be updated to require each player to give reasons for vote.
Not really, Brawl voting should be updated so that it doesn't depend on Brawler votes.

There are what, 2-3 community voters per round? That feels absurdly low. What makes it worse is that my singular vote is worth any three community votes put together, because I'm the only one in my team that voted. Voting definitely needs an overhaul, and I do agree that giving valid reasons is important-- but I think it any changes should go in the opposite direction-- make it easier to vote. Or at least incentivize it, rather than dis-incentivizing it. Ideally, we'd be able to have votes without Brawlers, but given the inactivity even from Brawlers, that doesn't seem quite feasible.

One option is a small modification to the current system-- only allow votes for other teams, but give some sort of advantage or statistic for those votes. E.g I vote for GP in 5 tasks and AB in one, and that gives LoS +6 Brawl Reputation, 1 per each task voted on per player. The Team with the most reputation in a given round gets a small bonus or something. Or heck, it could even be +1 point per full set of votes, forget who had the most. Does that give teams with more active players an advantage? Alright, then cap it to the smallest team's maximum voting potential or something. Another option could even have teams specify who is active and inactive, and base the system around that.

Just throwing ideas out. 

Have an expert panel that actually works (6-7 people) + allowing community members to vote if they want to.

Brawler votes should only be called in the emergency that so few of the experts and of community have voted that more is needed. And even then the current system of Brawler votes isn't ideal (what I'd change is reducing the relative weight of a vote in your own team compared to a vote in a different team, but I'd still keep the normalization we used this Brawl so that team size doesn't matter).
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: russianspy1234 on April 18, 2016, 04:09:20 am
One idea: Incentivize voting.  The best voter (or best 3) as determined by Brawlmasters gains... I dunno, an icon?
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Linkcat on April 18, 2016, 05:42:52 am
I support a separate expert panel for the next Brawl, and I would be willing to be a part of one if I'm still around.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: CleanOnion on April 22, 2016, 02:41:49 pm
Can I join????
Brawl 6 will happen after War #10, which will probably start in a few months (after Trials). It's a long wait (trust me, I hate the wait just as much as you) but you're more than welcome to join then!
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: ARTHANASIOS on July 12, 2016, 06:03:35 pm
I support a separate expert panel for the next Brawl, and I would be willing to be a part of one if I'm still around.

Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Naesala on July 13, 2016, 08:56:52 am
I'm not truely a Brawlmaster anymore, but I'll still express that my concern with the expert panel has been and always will be that the event can hardly get players as is. And it gets thinner every year. If this plan is pursued, I recommend caution
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: andretimpa on July 13, 2016, 12:38:18 pm
It's not that hard to find 5-6 people that wouldn't want to participate because of the workload but would be fine with voting regularly.

As Root said
unbiased > skilled in the role
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: JonathanCrazyJ on July 13, 2016, 12:42:45 pm
Another problem with expert panel, is anger.
When everyone votes (or is allowed a vote) you can't really argue with the results.
If the expert panel goes against a team, who are CONVINCED that their creative, off the wall twist on the task makes it stand out best, and they don't win, they have specific people to argue with / against.
I predict lots of moaning with an expert panel.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: andretimpa on July 13, 2016, 02:02:50 pm
When I hear "expert" panel I'm thinking "group of people that take the obligation on themselves to vote every round". The community should still vote, but we should have sufficient votes so that we don't need to turn to the most biased voters possible (brawlers)

I don't expect extra drama with this setup.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: Fippe94 on July 14, 2016, 05:13:17 pm
Yes, what andretimpa says is basically what I had in mind too. The "expert" panel will in practice be nothing more than people who have to vote each round.

There is still a *looong* way until next Brawl, but I will say now that at least current plan (which might very well change of course) is to not have any team voting at all, instead voting will solely be from non-participants.
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: rob77dp on July 14, 2016, 06:30:47 pm
Yes, what andretimpa says is basically what I had in mind too. The "expert" panel will in practice be nothing more than people who have to vote each round.

There is still a *looong* way until next Brawl, but I will say now that at least current plan (which might very well change of course) is to not have any team voting at all, instead voting will solely be from non-participants.

If that stays that way you likely have one Brawl boss right here.
/me raises hand
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: CleanOnion on July 14, 2016, 06:33:10 pm
Yes, what andretimpa says is basically what I had in mind too. The "expert" panel will in practice be nothing more than people who have to vote each round.

There is still a *looong* way until next Brawl, but I will say now that at least current plan (which might very well change of course) is to not have any team voting at all, instead voting will solely be from non-participants.

If that stays that way you likely have one Brawl boss right here.
/me raises hand
How are you going to boss Meaning Of Life V3 as Master of Death?
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: rob77dp on July 14, 2016, 06:35:17 pm
Yes, what andretimpa says is basically what I had in mind too. The "expert" panel will in practice be nothing more than people who have to vote each round.

There is still a *looong* way until next Brawl, but I will say now that at least current plan (which might very well change of course) is to not have any team voting at all, instead voting will solely be from non-participants.

If that stays that way you likely have one Brawl boss right here.
/me raises hand
How are you going to boss Meaning Of Life V3 as Master of Death?

Fippe stated best... long way to Brawl - I'll wait until a week before to figure out small details like this, CleO! ;D
Title: Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Suggestions and Feedback
Post by: andretimpa on July 14, 2016, 07:19:43 pm
This time rob will teach us the meaning of death.