
Offline CleanOnionTopic starter

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  • CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.
  • once you go spreadsheet, you never go breadsheet
  • Awards: Writing Competition - Yellow JournalismWriting Competition - FractaloreTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeArt Competition - Raise the BannersWriting Competition - The Seven Wonders3rd Place Weekly Challenge Winner: September 2015Weekly Design August 2015 - Silver
Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230271#msg1230271
« on: April 10, 2016, 11:27:11 pm »
Teams, you'll have to wait until tomorrow for your voting threads - or start your own!

Time's up!

Standardized voting will use this table:

Spoiler for code:
Code: [Select]
[td]Community Vote[/td][td]Round 6[/td][td]by [/td]
[td]Boss & CD[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]Artist & DB[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]FE[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]Writer[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]Bonus[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]Super Bonus[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]

[td]Espithel's Frustration[/td][td]FHM or AB[/td]
[td]Espithel's Delirium[/td][td]FHM or AB[/td]
[td]Espithel's Duplicity[/td][td]FHM or AB[/td]
[td]Ulamog, the Ceaseless NearHundred[/td][td]FHM or AB[/td]
[td]Animated Tribute[/td][td]AB or GP[/td]
[td]Mechanical Underdrive[/td][td]AB or TC[/td]
[td]Ascension[/td][td]LoS or TC[/td]
[td]Buy one get one free![/td][td]LoS or TC[/td][/tr]

« Last Edit: April 14, 2016, 04:00:24 pm by Zawadx »

Offline CleanOnionTopic starter

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  • CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.
  • once you go spreadsheet, you never go breadsheet
  • Awards: Writing Competition - Yellow JournalismWriting Competition - FractaloreTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeArt Competition - Raise the BannersWriting Competition - The Seven Wonders3rd Place Weekly Challenge Winner: September 2015Weekly Design August 2015 - Silver
Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230272#msg1230272
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2016, 11:27:49 pm »

Spoiler for BOSS and CARD DESIGN:
Hope you know your team by now...
Make a card for each member of your team, each in a different element. Oh, not hard enough? Build a stall deck with them as well, then. All of them.
Use Nymphs as substitutes for the new cards.

Spoiler for Fiery-Hot Mixtape:

Due to time constraints, we'll finish this submission after time's up!
:fire represent's www3, :gravity represents Meow, :time represents Manuel, :life represents Fabian, :water represents Coffee, :death represents Skotadi, and :entropy represents Espithel.

Here are the effects of each colour.

2 :fire: Deal 2 damage to a creature.
2 :gravity: Create a creature with HP equal to half the HP of all creatures in play. Gravity pull it.
2 :time: Your opponent skips their next draw.
2 :life: Gain 2 life for each creature your opponent's control.
3 :water: Lobotomise target weapon.
4 :death: Set the ATK of a creature to 0.
5 :entropy: Add a chromatic burst to your hand.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 52r 52r 52r 52r 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l8 5l9 5li 5li 5lm 5lm 5lm 5lm 5ls 5ls 5ls 5ls 5ls 5ls 5rl 5rl 5rl 5rl 5ro 5ro 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5up 5up 61q 61q 61q 61q 61q 8pq

Spoiler for The Chaosomes:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5ls 5ls 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6ug 7b0 7e4 7e4 7e4 7ng 7ng 7ng 7qk 7qk 7ti 7ti 7ti 7ti 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 8pu

Cards are represented by nymphs of their element. The idea of the deck is to stall by using UTA to recycle dims and cloaks, as well as avoiding deckout. andre to get more cards, Spy for stallbreak, kinky to have some healing in case something goes wrong, CR as a situational card to delay deckout and Ops as a last resort thing for UTA to rewind.

Spoiler for Cards:

Note: Shard of Bravery for example, will only trigger it once.

Note: "Draw" cuz he's an artist.

Note: Adrenaline works like with scorpions, not every attack triggers it.

Note: He comes and goes.

Note: The upped can do creatures or permanents

Spoiler for Abyss Brawlers:

-If you had played one Purify on one of your creatures and 2 Purifies on yourself, you would have 6 counters and summon 6 Crawlers.


- This is not Devour, hp has no effect, any permanent or creature can be Swallowed.
- Once kirbylover314 damaged, the opponent gets their card back (unless their applicable slots are full), and kirbylover314 gains :air : Swallow again.
- If kirbylover314 swallows a Weapon, it gains its ability, and adds the weapon's damage to its own damage.
- If kirbylover314 swallows a shield, it will work as if you owned the shield. For this reason, it is possible to have more than one shield's effects, but damage reduction would NOT stack. if you had a Diamond Shield and swallowed a Skull Shield, you would still have Damage Reduction of 3, but would have the Skull Shield effect.
- Swallowing anything with a turn counter will cause kirbylover314 to revert it's pre-swallow form at the end of the timer (not die!)
- You can not use a swallowed card's ability on the same turn it is swallowed.
- ANY damage causes release, for this reason poison is quite an effective counter.


- The first time you are damaged, majofa gains a charge. The second time, majofa loses that charge and looses an arrow (2 damage to a random enemy). This process is repeated and can be carried over to the next turn.
- If your opponent has 3 creatures, one weapon, and you have poison counters, that counts as 5 sources. If he hits you with two fire bolts, that counts as two additional sources.



- Why does Krzysiekxd, a light card, steal max health - isn't that more of a darkness thing? Stealing maximum health is only seen as darkness because SoV is the only card which affects it. Essentially Krzy is a healing force, but as a weapon, it chooses to damage the enemy not by killing it, but using manipulation of healing energies to re-distribute strength to the righteous wielder of light!


- the summoned creature is randomized with equal probability from all upgraded AND upgraded creatures.
- The summoned card is counted in the number of 'cards in hand', but the shield itself is not.
- If it added a Golden Dragon (10 cost), and you had 1 card in hand, this would block a total of 80 physical damage.
- If it added a Horned Frog (2 cost), and you had 8 cards in hand, this would block a total of 2 physical damage.

The Great Abyss

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6ug 6ug 6ug 71k 71k 71k 71k 74o 74o 74o 74o 74o 7b0 7b0 7b0 7b0 7b0 7do 7do 7gq 7gq 7gq 7gq 7gq 7gq 7h8 7h8 7k2 7k2 7k6 7k6 7kc 7kc 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 80i 80i 8pl

Deck Objective:

Stall through the deck by whittling down their creatures with multiple majofas, finishing off half damaged ones with Fire Storm. Use kirbylover314s to swallow strategic permanents, especially shields, while Fippe acts as a buffer for damage that does get through. Build maximum health / healing through Silver Emeralds, Krzysiekxds, Sancturies and Purifies, using the max health gained to make use of miracle. Uses of Fippe94 will provide you with creatures to slowly chip away their health (helped by Krzysiekxd), so that you can work out when best to fractal and JonathanCrazyJ to victory. An alternative win condition is through deckout.

Deck Synergies:

-Purify + kirbylover314 : Guards against a poison counter to kirby, while refreshing it from damage taken, keeping it on the field longer.
-Electrum Hourglass + Silver Emerald + Fippe94 + Fractal: Once you get set up, drawing through your deck will boost your max health quickly, especially given the extra cards provided by Fippe94 and fractal.
-Fippe94 + kirbylover314 : Because Fippe94 blocks a certain amount of damage taken, it combos well with any shield swallowed by kirbylover314, as you will get teh full benefit of both shields, allowing you longer to draw and play your majofas, so that when you do start taking damage, you will already have enough health and defense to deal with it.
-Krzysiekxd + Fippe94 + Fractal + Purify + JonathanCrazyJ : The longer the game goes on, the closer you will get to this win condition. Krzysiekxd brings down their Maximum health slowly, as you build purify counters, and Quanta to burst with fractal + an opponent's creature, OR a creature drawn through Fippe94. Protip: hold onto a decent sized creature of Earth, Air or Darkness, as you are likely to build up a good chunk of unused quanta in those elements.

Spoiler for League of Shadows:
    (\__/)             (\__/)            (\__/)            (\__/)             (\__/)            (\__/)
    (='.'=)            (='.'=)            (='.'=)            (='.'=)            (='.'=)           (='.'=)
    (")_(")            (")_(")           ('')_('')           (")_(")           (")_(")           (")_(")
      Aves           Physsion      Khaleesi         Hyroen          Linkcat         Rogerluc

"A team united under darkness..."

Spoiler for Team Cards:
Spoiler for Time Wanderer | Time Traveler:
Time Wanderer
3 :time
3 | 4
If destroyed, gain its cost in quanta and add a copy of Time Wanderer to the top of your deck.
Time Traveler
4 :time
5 | 4
If destroyed, gain its cost in quanta and add a copy of Time Traveler to the top of your deck.


League of Shadows
Inspired by Aves, one of the most persistent members of our team. Whatever we were hit with, Aves is sure to keep coming back.

Spoiler for Subversion | Subversion:
6 :darkness

Shield: When a creature is destroyed, increase your max HP by its. Any creature that attacks becomes  :darkness.
5 :darkness

Shield: When a creature is destroyed, increase your max HP by its. Any creature that attacks becomes  :darkness.


League of Shadows
Inspired by Physsion, the defender of our team. Able to unify and incorporate, a strong leader and mantle for all.

Creatures must 'attack' in order for them to be converted to :darkness. Delayed or frozen creatures are not converted to :darkness while in stasis.

Spoiler for Mindweaver | Mindweaver:
4 :aether
4 | 2
If you draw a creature while Mindweaver is in play, gain 1 quanta of its element.
4 :aether
5 | 2
If you draw a creature while Mindweaver is in play, gain 1 quanta of its element.


League of Shadows
Inspired by Khaleesi. Able bring whatever she draws to life, Mindweaver will surely bring whatever comes to its mind to life as well!

Spoiler for Second Wind | Second Wind:
Second Wind
5 :air

Heal HP equal to the total max HP of any of your creatures destroyed this turn, and gain their cost in quanta.
Second Wind
4 :air

Heal HP equal to the total max HP of any of your creatures destroyed this turn, and gain their cost in quanta.


League of Shadows
Inspired by Hyroen. Able to keep giving the team a push, inspire when things were tough and keep things moving along.

'This turn' refers to your opponent's last turn and all of your turn up until the current moment.

Spoiler for Cat | Cat:
3 :life
1 | 7
:life Lifelink:
Cat loses 1 HP. When target creature is destroyed, place it at the bottom of your deck.
3 :life
1 | 9
:life Lifelink:
Cat loses 1 HP. When target creature is destroyed, place it at the bottom of your deck.


League of Shadows
Inspired by Linkcat. Able to give others a life when needed, especially by picking up where others left off. Otherwise, conserving his energy.

'Linked' status represented by a golden :life symbol.

Spoiler for Zealot | Zealot:
5 :light
6 | 4
Gains 1 use of:
:entropy : Holy Light
per other uses of Holy Light via spell or ability.
5 :light
7 | 4
Gains 1 use of:
:entropy : Holy Light
per other uses of Holy Light via spell or ability.


League of Shadows
Inspired by [user]rogerluc/user]. Fan of both :light and :entropy, most effective in the right conditions..

Cannot stack charges of :entropy Holy Light.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5cg 5cg 5ls 5ls 5ls 5p0 5p0 5p0 5s4 5s4 5s4 5v8 5v8 5v8 5v8 62c 62c 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 746 77l 77l 7js 7js 7js 7ta 7ta 7ta 7ta 8pt

Green NymphCat
Light NymphZealot
Blue NymphSecond Wind
Golden NymphTime Traveler
Black NymphSubversion
Turquoise NymphMindweaver

The main premise of this deck is to use Subversion to keep being able to absorb the max HP of creatures using Zealot's :entropy Holy Light initiated by a Holy Flash spell. Cat's are able to protect Zealots and Time Travelers are able to keep the deck from decking out. Mindweavers are able to keep bringing out creatures and work with Time Travelers to make it more likely to have enough quanta to play them, and lastly Second Winds are able to heal the player quite a bit, as long as Zealots are used effectively.

Spoiler for A Toadally Newtral Team:
A Toadally Newtral Team

Spoiler for mathman101:
3 :life
Each time an alchemy double both attack and health of this creature.
4 :life
Each time an alchemy double both attack and health of this creature.

Official Members Pictures Thread
Doubling happens before the alchemy card.
Using a nymph ability does not count as playing an alchemy card.
Alchemy effects from pandemonium and chaos seed do not count as playing alchemy cards.

Spoiler for Timdood3:
3 :air

Each time you deal damage to a creature, also deal 2 damage to it's owner.
4 :air

Each time you deal damage to an opponents creature, also deal 2 damage to it's owner.

Official Members Pictures Thread
Triggers on direct damage dealt.
Will not trigger cumulatively for poisoned creatures each time they lose health (Plague, Aflatoxin, etc).
Will not trigger for creatures damaged by Thorn Carapace and Fire Shield. 


Spoiler for Treldon:
The Foreverness
3 :time
Lives for 4 turns then ceases to exist.
The Foreverness
4 :time
Lives for 4 turns then ceases to exist.

Profile Avatar


Spoiler for ji412jo:
3 :darkness

Add a copy of the next non-permanent card you play to your hand.
2 :darkness

Add a copy of the next non-permanent card you play to your hand.

Official Members Pictures Thread
Triggers on the next no-permanent card that you play on that turn.
This will not transfer between turns if it is the last card you play during your turn.


Spoiler for Arum:
3 :aether
Arrogance: Gains +2|+1 every time a creature is lobotomized
3 :aether
Arrogance: Gains +2|+1 every time a creature is lobotomized

Profile Avatar
Occurs when any creature is lobotomized and loses it's ability.
Will not trigger if a vanilla creature is lobotomized.


Spoiler for Stall Deck:

A Toadally Newtral Stall
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sa 4sn 4sn 4sn 4sr 4sr 4sr 4ss 4st 4st 4st 4st 4su 4su 4su 52p 52p 5c2 5c2 5f6 5f6 5if 5if 5li 5om 5om 5rr 5rr 5rr 5rr 5rr 5up 5up 5up 8pr

We had originally intended to use some of the nymphs in our deck, so each member is represented by the Mark Cards of their respective elements.

Boss/Card Design Task:

Spoiler for Gaia's Pride:
Gaia's Pride Presents...
Gaia's Pride, the card collection!

Spoiler for dawn to dusk:
dawn to dusk
4 :earth

Give your creatures +0|+2. 1: Phase - Dawn is now dusk. Your creatures now gain +2|+0 instead of +0|+2. Reversible.
dawn to dusk
5 :Earth

Give your creatures +1|+2. 1: Phase - Dawn is now dusk. Your creatures now gain +2|+1 instead of +1|+2. Reversible.

... Dawn, and dusk... one becomes the other, right? Dawn to dusk.

Spoiler for rob77dp:
7 :death
May not be played while another 'rob77dp' card in play. While in play, increases Sundial effect for 1 turn.
rob77dp, Master of Death
8 :death
May not be played while another 'rob77dp' card in play. While in play, increases Shard of Sacrifice effect for 1 turn.

- A 'rob77dp' (either of these two cards) anywhere on the table means no other 'rob77dp' can be summoned. Similar to what many card games call "Unique" creature/character.

- The 1-turn effect increases here can take effect whether the related rob77dp card is in play already or played while the affected card is currently in-effect. I.e. - Play SoSa (2 turn effect), next turn summon rob77dp, Master of Death -- SoSa now has 2 more turns of effect remaining (2 - 1 + 1 = 2).

- If the related rob77dp creature is killed before the completion of any "+1" the related Dial/SoSa counter immediately decreases by 1. I.e. - same as previous example, the 'final turn' wherein the +1 is being enacted if opponent Rage Elixirs the rob77dp, MoD then the ensuing opponent attacks THAT TURN will damage and not heal.

Spoiler for Discord:
3 :entropy

Sap 1-3 health from all creatures to increase the max health of respective player by the same amount sapped.
5 :entropy

Sap 1-3 health from your creatures to increase your max health by the same amount sapped.

- As with Stone Skin and Shard of Divinity (and Shard of Void in the inverse case) the increase of max health will also reflect in the current health, that is if you will gain +15 then both max health and current health would increase by the same +15.

- The 'sap' of health cannot take a creature below 0 HP so if a creature has 1 health currently it will only count 1 towards the total.

- Note the differentiation between normal and upgraded related to which creatures and which players are sapped/health-gained.

Spoiler for AD TienzuStorm:
3 :light
Takes 1 less damage from all sources, up to 5 per turn.
3 :light
Takes 1 less damage from all sources, up to 5 per turn.

- "Up to 5 per turn" refers to number of sources limited to 5 in a given turn.

- It will reduce the first five sources of damage.

Spoiler for skyironsword:
4 :life
Cloaked while not under effect of flurry. :air :air : Flurry. Sky attacks twice this turn.
4 :life
Cloaked while not under effect of flurry. :air :air : Flurry. Sky attacks thrice this turn.

- There is synergy here within Life --> Adrenaline.

- There is synergy here within Air --> Sky Blitz.

Gaia's Pride Presents...
Gaia's Pride, the stall deck!

Gaia's Pride, Stalling for Brawl
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
500 500 500 500 534 534 534 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 5rp 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 74d 74d 77s 77s 7b0 7b0 7b0 7b0 7kc 7kc 7kc 8pn

Sadly, we are unable to make test plays with this deck. Take our word that it would successfully and use cards representative of our team members! :D

Offline CleanOnionTopic starter

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  • Reputation Power: 33
  • CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.
  • once you go spreadsheet, you never go breadsheet
  • Awards: Writing Competition - Yellow JournalismWriting Competition - FractaloreTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeArt Competition - Raise the BannersWriting Competition - The Seven Wonders3rd Place Weekly Challenge Winner: September 2015Weekly Design August 2015 - Silver
Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230273#msg1230273
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2016, 11:28:03 pm »

How fix Honk
Design two Duo decks where both elements are opposite (eg  :gravity & :water VS  :entropy & :fire) that have about a 50-50 winrate against each other. Then, depict them battling in a medium of your choice!

Spoiler for The Chaosomes:
Instead of going the lazy path and just doing a mirror match, this is what I came up with:

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 4ve 4vg 4vg 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6u7 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 747 747 747 747 747 747 8pl


Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rk 6rk 6rk 6rk 6rk 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 778 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 77g 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 7n2 8ps

I'm assuming here that both players are aware of  what the opponent's strategy is (which makes sense in a Bo5 war match, for example). In the first, blind match, AM kills quickly the offense of the grabboid deck, but on subsequent matches the grabboid player would switch strategy to keep grabboids unevolved, play one sword and keep the other swords and AW in hand, attempting to win by bursting damage, with shriekers and flown swords. The AM player would need now to outrush the slowed down deck. On his optimal strategy, the AMs are dead cards, but their threat must keep looming, so he must ensure he always has the quanta to play them. This means he needs to delay his damage a bit in the beggining to contain the much stronger damage of the grabboid deck. It ends up being then a race where the grabboids are causing damage more slowly but only need to cause ~60 damage to win, while the other deck deals damage faster but needs the full 100. With this new strategy, if it weren't for the dissipation shield, the scales would tip a bit in favour of the grabboid deck, however the shields make this matchup much more even.

I tested the decks playing 30 games against myself in Cygnia and got a 16-14 result, which is good enough for a 50-50 for me

For the depiction of the battle, since media was free I decided to make a paper and pencil drawing, since I hadn't touched that this Brawl (click to enlarge or go here for the full resolution image)

Small story: After their scouts reported that the entropy army and their mercenaries were bringing antimaters, the generals of the earth-air alliance opted for using guerilla tactics taking advantage of some nearby ruins, wearing down the opponents with hit and run attacks using graboids. Finally it comes the time for the final attack which entropy's antimatters were powerless to stop, as shriekers stormed them and swords rained from the sky.

Spoiler for Gaia's Pride:
Gaia's Pride Presents...
Fixing Honk with 50-50 duo Decks!

Presenting two duo decks with a theoretical 50/50 winning chance head-to-head.

Entropy is Opposite Gravity
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 4vf 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 8pj

GP is Life. Life is Opposite Death
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52h 52h 52h 52h 52h 52h 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 8pk

Here you can see two Duo Decks that win by damage in a definitively 50/50 tossup head-to-head!  Huzzah!

[Image data summarizes 14,000 Simulated Matches with XenoSim in 1,000 compiled increments.]

And now...
Gaia's Pride Depicts...
the Related Battle Royale!

-Removed for plagiarism-

Spoiler for Abyss Brawlers:

Hero King: Anubis
Queen: Golden Nymph
Weapon & Shield: Eternity & Turtle Shield
Allies: Pharaoh
Deck: Uses the power of Life Force and the ancient kings to wage war against the evil (the other deck).

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7am 7am 7am 7am 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7bu 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q3 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q7 7q8 7qc 7qc 7qc 7qc 7qc 7qk 7qu 7qu 7qu 8ps

Villain King: Immortal
Queen: Death Nymph
Weapon & Shield: Electrocutor & Skull Buckler
Army: Skeleton Horde
Deck: Calls forth the dead from another dimension to do his bidding.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
710 710 710 710 715 716 716 716 716 716 716 718 718 718 718 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 80c 80e 80e 80i 80i 80i 80i 816 816 8pu

Movie trailer of the decks battle: HERE!
Make sure to have your speakers on!

Script and references in the youtube video description. Enjoy ^^

Spoiler for Bonus:
Spoiler for A fancy loop footage from the video:

Spoiler for A Toadally Newtral Team:
Deep within the Forest 2 mighty Warrior tribes battle it out to see who is the most deadly!

Speedy Spiders
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52i 52i 52i 52j 52j 52j 52j 52j 52j 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c2 5c2 5c5 5c5 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 8pk


Powerful Poisons
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
52i 52i 52o 52o 52o 52o 52o 52p 52p 52q 52q 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c2 5c2 5c7 5c7 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5c8 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 8pk

Based on the simulator the "Powerful Poisons" deck had a win rate of 51% - 49%

Spoiler for Fiery-Hot Mixtape:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 713 713 713 713 713 713 718 718 718 718 718 718 71a 72i 72i 7t9 7t9 7th 7th 7th 7th 7th 8pt
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5lk 5lk 5lk 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ac 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7k2 8pn

the winrate is about 50/50, who draw the combo in the initial hand wins most of times (i did 30 tests in the trainer)

Spoiler for art:

Spoiler for League of Shadows:
Click to expand
[img width=800px][/img]

"Wait for it... wait for it... there. Gotcha."
"Nothing outruns lightning."
"Ew. Ew. Sand! Get it off! GET IT OFF!"
Patient Lightningby League of Shadows
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7hi 7hi 7hi 7hi 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 809 809 809 809 809 809 80a 80a 80a 80a 80a 80a 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 80i 8pp

"Get ready! Go! Go! Go! Come on you brave gals, faster! We needed to be there five minutes ago!"
"I've seen the future. You're not in it."
"Oh my God. They zapped Kenny! You bastards!"
Golden Blazeby League of Shadows
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7ee 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qb 7qk 7qk 7qk 7qk 7qk 7qk 7qu 7qu 7qu 7qu 7qu 7qu 8po

« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 06:36:09 pm by CleanOnion »

Offline CleanOnionTopic starter

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  • CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.
  • once you go spreadsheet, you never go breadsheet
  • Awards: Writing Competition - Yellow JournalismWriting Competition - FractaloreTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeArt Competition - Raise the BannersWriting Competition - The Seven Wonders3rd Place Weekly Challenge Winner: September 2015Weekly Design August 2015 - Silver
Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230274#msg1230274
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2016, 11:28:19 pm »

Spoiler for FORUM EXPERT:
Write a guide to the game that not only gives in-game assistance, but explains the forums as they are currently!

Spoiler for The Chaosomes:
First thing is that the game can't be played on mobile. On you're computer or laptop I highly reccomend you bookmark these two websites:

Before you even start the game at it's official website, go to the trainer first, as it'll save you a lot of frustration. Play 10-25 games with each element on the trainer by clicking which element you want on the left hand side after loading the trainer. The good thing with having so many elements is that elements allows for many different playstyles. In a nutshell, the elements and their personalities are:

  • :entropy Entropy is the element of randomness, ideal for players that like to gamble with their luck or that love decks that never play the same way twice.
  • :gravity Gravity on the other hand has a theme of order and controlling what your opponent can do and ensuring that you always has the upper hand.
  • :aether Aether takes a detached stance, with cards that center around avoiding any interaction with the opponent, hiding from their attacks and shielding your hitters from them.
  • :time Time is all about being in control of the flow of the game, making it either extremelly fast paced or grinding it to a halt depending on the strategy you are following.
  • :water Water is about overcoming difficulties. It interacts well with all other elements and allows you to freeze your opponent while your own hitters take their time to build up damage.
  • :fire Fire on the other hand is about destruction and destroying whatever comes on its way, at the expense of it being easier to extinguish as well. This is great for player that like to trade off sturdiness for raw damage.
  • :air Air is about causing sudden bursts of damage to your opponent, sporting some of the best aggro decks in the game. It also excells at killing the opponent hitters, if that's your thing too.
  • :earth Earth is all about sturdiness. Earth decks can petrify their opponents and grow larger and larger becoming each time harder to kill, to make up for the lower damage of its hitters.
  • :light Light specializes on healing, having numerous ways to recover their health points. They take an approach similar to earth on this respect, but with a theme of recovering instead.
  • :darkness Darkness is an extremely flexible element, being able to support very different playstyles by itself. It's signature though is denying the opponent of the means to actually play their cards.
  • :life Life focuses a lot in aggro decks, having some of the fastest rush decks in the game, but it has no protection against the opponent interfering in its plans as a trade off.
  • :death Death grows stronger as hitters die. As such it also is an element great at killing things. It's signature mechanics is poison that is one of the few foirms of unavoidable damage in the game.

The best thing about Elements though is the community, that is extremelly friendly and keeps players coming back long before they got bored with the game itself. Both the staff and regular players are very helpful and will get out of their way to help a newcomer. The community is centered around the forum:


and the chat (where you don't need to make an account to participate, but you'll get a new name each time you log in if you don't):


On the forum itself, there are 3 things you can do basically:

  • PvP: All the top pvp events are hosted and sponsored by the forum. There are many things you can try, like weekly tournaments, longer events, as well as team events like Three Man PvP and war, where you can get to know some people better.
  • Card Design: Have you ever wanted to get a card in the game? Now that the game doesn't update anymore, this is an unachievable dream. However there are some fan made versions of the game that are still being updated, like Cygnia and the extremelly controversial oEtG project. By posting interesting cards into the forum card management system, there is a chance that your card gets coded into Cygnia and goes live!
  • Forum Games: There are a great variety of forum games that can be played, from silly casual things like 'Vending Machine' to much more involved games like 'Mafia' and 'Witch Game'.

If you have any questions that aren't immediately obvious, please contant UTAlan at http://elementscommunity.org/forum/pm/?sa=send;u=4 .

Spoiler for Abyss Brawlers:
So, You're New around all this Elemental kind of stuff, huh?

 :entropy :death :gravity :earth :life :fire :water :light :air :time :darkness :aether

Well, newbs like you should probably get shown around before you kill yourself wandering into Chaos Lord or stumbling hap-haphazardly into Espithel.

First lemme show you where you're staying for the next year or so.

This is the Arena. Sound's pretty epic, right? WRONG. Make a Grabbow (i'll give you a link later, it's genius, you basically spam everything that's in your hand until your opponent hates you for your obvious creativity) or Mono-Dark (similar effect), and spend the next year of your life playing against the same 10 basic deck types until you have enough rare cards and money to make Brave Freedom, then go to silver arena and do the same thing until you have all the rares. Takes about 8 months to get everything except one single Shard of Integrity, which takes you through the next 4.

By this point you have two of all the other rares, so you might as well upgrade them. For this, you'll need money. Welcome to Platinum Arena. Do you like playing  :death and  :light decks with some :time thrown in? Cool, cause it's called PDials, and will consume your life for the next 2 years.

At this point I should probably mention the Oracle, cause you need to log in EVERY SINGLE DAY OF YOUR LIFE to get free stuff, and he'll tell you what False God you can play first that day. It's important, because False Gods need to be taught a lesson once a day, to stop them from getting all cocky or something.

Oh, you don't know what the False Gods are by their name?

Come on down to the forum!

Basically it's where noobs like you annoy pros like me until we tell you what you want to know. Maybe if you are nice one of us won't ban you on sight, and you can join some events.
-You could play Leagues, but make sure you use the same decks everyone else does, because non-conformity is frowned upon.
-If you play Trials make sure you pick the trial with the least number of players, so you might stand a chance at getting a colored forum name which everyone will tell you you don't deserve behind your back.
-If you play War, make sure you get the hell out of the vet on your team's way. If you don't show up for your matches everyone will hate you, If you are sporting to your opponent and lose because you didn't contest something your team will hate you but won't say it. Actually, if you are sporting, you might as well bugger off to play some game where people don't care enough to bitch at eachother.
-If you play Brawl.. actually just don't.

Other sections include:
- Card Design, which is where we fan-fic Elements and have a shared delusion our thoughts matter.
- Competitions, where you badger other noobs to vote for your stuff, especially if they don't look at the other submissions.
- Forum Games, this is great, you play games you can find in tonnes of other places on the internet, only here, you get to play them with people who have a unique understanding of the word 'deadline', and a perfect understanding of the word 'fun'. Protip: arguments are fun.

Oh, and if you make enough posts and aren't a total noob, you can become a staff member, or a council member. Hell, you could probably become an administrator if you pay enough to keep this wonderful place running. Are you rich? srsly, here's the link to the forum hosting page...

Wait, where are you going?
What's a Hearthstone?

Spoiler for A Toadally Newtral Team:
You suck at this game, but don't worry.  We can fix that!  This guide will be divied into four broad categories:  Mechanics, Elements, Decks, and then the Cards themselves.  But that's just giving you the blocks to play with, little one, from there it's up to you to build with them.

Part One:  Mechanics!
There are a few major mechanics that differ from other CCGs like elements.  The first is Quanta.  Quanta is the resource used to casr spells.  Each of the 12 elements (we'll get into those in the next segment) has its own quanta pool, which can go up to 75.  A certain type of quanta can only be used to play the corresping element's cards.  For example, you can cast a :fire spell with :air.  That's just silly.

Quanta comes mostly, but not exclusively, from Pillars and Pendulums.  There is a Pillar and Pendulum for every element in the game, and each will generate one quanta per turn of it's element with one exception of Quantum Pillar, which generates 3 quanta randomly distributed among your 12 pools.  Sometimes, you may see creatures which generate quanta, such as Firefly, or the spell Nova, which costs nothing and generates one quanta of every element.

Now that you have an understanding a Quanta, we'll move to the types of cards; there are three of them:  Permanents, Creatures, and Spells.  Permanents are cards you play and usually have a static effects, an effect at the end of your turn, or an ability.
Spoiler for Hidden:
Creatures have stats and deal damage to your opponent.  More on the specifics of that below, but for now we just know that some creatures have abilities and some don't.  Some abilities are passive, some active.  Passive skills cannot be removed by the :aether rare weapon Lobotomizer, while active ones can.
Spoiler for Hidden:
is a huge help against decks with active abilities such as
, whose ability is to double it's attack until the end of your turn.
however, cannot be lobotomized, because it's ability is passive and cannot be removed.
And then there's poor with no ability at all, but is very cost efficient in stats.

The next big mechanical step is that creatures attack at the end of every turn.  There are exceptions with being frozen or delayed.  It'd be more accurate to say that a creatured actions are processed at the end of every turn, then the player's permanents.  Usually in Elements, the order of resolution doesn't really matter.  But sometimes it does.  But right now it doesn't.  By the time it matters, you'll be well experienced and prepared to deal with it.

Ok, we understand this?  Perfect.

Part Two:  Elements!
There are 12 Elements in Elements, and each Element has different elements give it tis strengths and weaknesses against other Elements.  Still with me?  No? ...Oh.
There are 12 Elements, and each is stronger and weaker against certain other elements.  Better?  Too bad.

The elements are divided into 3 quartets, and from there, 6 pairs.
The Quartets also have cool names.
The Material elements:  Water, Fire, Earth and Air.
The ones that everybody knows.  The pairs are :water & :fire and :earth & :air.
-Water has great versatility, but is weak on its own.
-Fire has great offensive ability and is good at keeping enemy creatures is check, but is fragile.
-Earth has creatures that are very hard to kill.  They're beefy and do considerable damage, but are expensive which gives you time to deal with them, or ignore them entirely and go for the jugular, as they say.
-Air is the best element, no question.  What I mean to say is that Air's creatures are not too expensive, and have good damage.  On top of that, Air also has the best shields in the game Air has good defensive potential to slow the opponent down.

The next Quartet is the Spiritual elements:  Life, Death, Light and Darkness.
You may have noticed the big "Reigned by Darkness" banner at the top of the forums by now.  I'll get into that in a bit.  Elements first.
The pairs of this quartet are, obviously, :life & :death and :light & :darkness.
-Life has two uses:  Killing its opponent quickly or dying very slowly.  Yep.
-Death is much the same, in that it can kill its opponent quickly, but can also play a slower game with poison to kill slowly but inevitably.
-Light is almost strictly a defensive element on its own.  It takes another element to make it agressive, but don't take that to mean it's weak.  If we were to take a look at the greatest stall decks of all time, I guarantee you they'd have :light in them.
-Darkness is a bit of this, and a bit of that.  It's got some damage, some healing, some control.  A very well rounded element.

The Final Quartet is the duos and Entropy & Gravity and Time & Aether.
"But, Tim, those aren't elements!"  Shoosh yourself, yes they are.
-Entropy is based mostly in chaos and randomess, with card effects being unpredictable.
-Gravity is a more contant thing.  High health creatures, plenty of control and the ability to bypass shields with Momentum.
-Time is a great supporting element, which can be offensive or defensive depending on the elements you use it with.
-Aether is a concept you may not be familiar with.  Think of Aether as the plane between planes, shifting in and out of reality.  Most of it's creatures are untargetable, and half the time, the player is too, thanks to Dimension Shield OP OP!.It has great rushing power and stall potential in the same element, put both together and you've got yourself a strong mono.  Lame.

Ok.  We've covered the elements.  Remember that "Reigned by Darkness" banner?  Well it from a big event called War.  In the Elements community there is whats known as the Major  Event Cycle consisting of three events:  Trials, War and Brawl.
In Trials, each element holds a competition pitting the defending Master against challengers, trying to grab the title of Master.
    The Master of the element then leads a team they draft in War, and goes against the other 11 Masters to see which element is the greatest.  Darkness won the last War, so they reign the forums.  It's just bragging rights and a fancy and a fancy forum banner.
    Brawl is less of an in-game pvp events and more to let members of the community let their creative juices flow.  More details of each events can be found on the forums!
Spoiler for League of Shadows:
Welcome to the

About us
Greetings, traveler of the interwebs! You have found the humble home of the Official Elements Forums! What does that mean, you ask? It means you have found the home of the Elements Community! What else could it mean? Wait, you're asking what the Official Elements Forums is? Ah, well, okay. If you really need to ask, let's look at a couple of definitionsfrom Wiktionary.org!

    Official: Approved by authority. In this case, the authority is Zanzarino!

    Elements: Short for ElementsTheGame!

    Forums(internet): An Internet message board where users can post messages regarding one or more topics of discussion. Also what you are currently looking at!

    Community(internet): A group of people interacting by electronic means for social, professional, educational or other purposes. This first bit is the most important part!

In other words, you have found the internet community that plays ElementsTheGame. We're all here because we enjoy playing the game, so much so that we have decided to *gasp* socialize over it! There is a lot of organization at work here, and it can be a lot to take in, but we'll help break it into bite-size pieces below.
So you want to play elements...
How does one begin playing elements? Easy! Just go to www.elementsthegame.com or http://www.kongregate.com/games/zanzarino/elements. Once there, register an account, and jump in!

Getting Started
  • The community has created many guides over the years, and it is recommended that you begin looking through tutorials after your first couple of games!
  • Still need help with your deck? Check out the Deck help section!
  • Many community members are also eager to help! Check out the Mentor System, or simply pop up in chat with questions!
The Forums
By now you may be thinking, Alright, so that's a nifty game, and there's some good beginner's guides. Got anything else to do here? I'm not going to be a noob forever! I'm glad you asked! There are many, many different activities going on here!

Staff Positions and the Council
The Council is the group of players that help forum administrators manage the forums. They are voted upon by members of the community, and their terms as council members last for approximately half a year. The most common task that Council members undertake is the appointment of Staff Members. Staff members are community members who manage certain subsections of the forums. This usually means hosting various events and competitions for community; examples of Staff members are Card Curators for Card Ideas and Art and Tournament Organizers for PvP Tournaments. More on those will be found below. Staff members generally hold their positions until they decide to resign or go inactive; the most common way to gain a position is to apply for it when the Council announces an opening.  A full list of current staff members can be found here.

Articles, Tutorials, Farming studies
Which deck is the best at killing False Gods or the Arena? What is the most efficient way to earn and spend :electrum? What is the best way to measure quantum balance in a deck? What's the fastest way to start from scratch and end up with a fully upped deck? Do any of those questions catch your interest? Then help us find the answers! Participate in a farming study and collect statistics about decks! Make a tutorial on how best to beat a certain part of the game! Write theories about your favorite in-game aspect, and spread your views in an article!

Card Ideas&Art
Got an idea for a card? Maybe you're a decent artist, and would like to make some card-art? Interested in the theory of balancing card ideas? Then the Central Intelligence Agency Card Ideas and Art section is for you!

The bulk of the CI&A is dedicated to card ideas. Ideas go through three major stages: the crucible, forge, and armory. To enter the crucible, a Card Curator makes sure a card idea's thread meets all the formatting and standardized requirements for entry. Afterwards, cards are voted upon in biweekly rounds, seeing which cards are the most innovative, balanced, and well-designed. The cards that are chosen move on to the forge, while those that do not receive enough votes go to the crucible archive. This process is repeated in the Forge, determining which cards go to the Armory. Cards that enter the game are moved from the Armory to a special section, the Reliquary. Only a few cards have ever made it into the game. 

Card creators can also choose to manage their card ideas by stringing them together in a series or by creating a portfolio thread.

Finally, there exists a tool to test prospective card ideas! Cygnia is a project made by a group of community members and Card Curators to test potential cards in an actual-game environment. If you would like to be involved in programming Cygnia, or just want to check it out, go to the link!

Events and Competitions
In addition to studies about the game and designing cards, the community routinely hosts a wide variety of events! Competition Organizers host competitions frequently, and in addition, there a host of artistic and pvp events that cycle regularly throughout the year.

Pvp is one of the largest sections of the forums! Below are the most popular/common pvp events. In addition, other pvp events may be held at any point in time.

PvP Tournaments are held weekly every Saturday, and hosted by Tournament Organizers! The timezones rotate so that players in each timezone have a relatively fair distribution of available tournaments. In addition, tournaments often have special rulesets that change or limit the metagame to make it more interesting. Most tournaments are unupgraded, so most players can join in! Upgraded tournaments happen once a month. Winners get special reward codes that can be used in game, as well as a special award icon! Tournaments have their own special chatroom.

PvP Leagues are held in seasons and managed by League Organizers. Each season lasts 3 months, and there are usually three seasons running in a year. Leagues are divided into Battle League, which is unupped, and Champion's League, which has no such restriction. League matches can happen at any time, and are open to all participants, barring those who were not active in the last season of Leagues. The top 6 players in each league season also get reward codes that can be used in the game and special award icons.

Major Events
In addition to the above, the community has three major events!

War is a massive months-long pvp event based around the elements! Managed by the Warmasters, Each team is led by an elemental Master(See trials, below), or by a General appointed by said master. The rules have varied over the years, but War has consistently been about proving whose element is the best! The Winners of War get special reward icons and codes that can be used in game. In addition, the Forums become Reigned by the winning Team, until the end of the next War. Finally, the Master of the winning Team gains the ability to challenge the current reigning GrandMaster for the title.

Brawl is a 6 week long event based around creativity! Hosted by the Brawlmasters, teams create art, music, and stories around various elements themes and the community! Brawl is a chance to relax from the constant pressures of PVP competitions and express creativity!

Trials are the event where the Master of each element is chosen. Hosted by the Trials Organizers, each element has its own separate Trials, where applicants provide their credentials for being Master. Then, they duke it out with the other contestants in a massive pvp battle royale! Afterwards, the community votes on who they think would make the best master in each element, and then the two most promising applicants face each other in a final match to determine the winner, with the more popular applicant having an advantage in deckbuilding.

Off Topic/Forum Games
Finally, we're all people with a host of interests outside of just elements! Whether it's Forum Games or Philosophy or Italian, you can bet on there being a subsection for it!

So, excited to participate yet? Go register a forums account and introduce yourself! And again, Welcome!
Fiery-Hot Mixtape, Gaia's Pride: No submission

Offline CleanOnionTopic starter

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  • Reputation Power: 33
  • CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.
  • once you go spreadsheet, you never go breadsheet
  • Awards: Writing Competition - Yellow JournalismWriting Competition - FractaloreTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeArt Competition - Raise the BannersWriting Competition - The Seven Wonders3rd Place Weekly Challenge Winner: September 2015Weekly Design August 2015 - Silver
Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230275#msg1230275
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2016, 11:28:32 pm »

Spoiler for WRITER:
Elements Opening Crawl
Write or narrate an opening story for elements, that would play before the game began to establish a mood and setting!
Winner will have their story displayed in a Star Wars-like opening crawl.

Spoiler for A Toadally Newtral Team:
A perhaps short time ago, in a forum we always browse...

by zanzarino


It is a period of unrest between the Elementals. Darkness factions, striking from a Cloaked base, have won their first victory against the evil Reign of Fire.

During the match, Darkness managed to Steal secret plans to the Reign's ultimate deck, the FIRESTALL, an impossibly powerful stall with enough power to destroy the forums.

Running from the Reign of Fire's master agent, RootRanger, Princess Khaleesi and Physsion race home under cover of Nightfall as custodians of the stolen plans that can save all Elementals and restore freedom to the forums...

Spoiler for League of Shadows:
Elements The Game

The Gods have been overthrown. False Gods! Deities unworthy of worship. False Gods! Deceitful traitors, enemies to the common elemental. False Gods! Hateful hoarders of power. Never before has the world of Elements seen such disarray. Never before has there been such uncertainty in the Elements. Change is coming, and the wheel of Fate spins in anticipation.

However, the Gods are not broken yet. Their creatures are still stronger, superior. Their spells-- faster, more versatile. Their artifacts are improved, more efficient. Who dares to oppose the Gods? Any who protest face their children, the 132 Half Bloods. For many, it is their last act. As a result, many elder elementals have rallied in support of the Gods, fearful of the consequences of refusal-- fearful of alternatives to the status quo. It has become increasingly clear that the Gods will not go down without a fight.

Against this assembly of power stands the Oracle, mustering his rag-tag army of new elementals. He guides them onto their first assignments, urging them to take up the mark. He rallies the strong, and directs aid to those in need. He establishes an Arena to train these unseasoned troops, and watches as those under his sway gain power and influence of their own...

Spoiler for Abyss Brawlers:
Welcome to Elements

Time began with a darkened land beneath windswept waves. Then light, first of many more forces, was created from the chaos. With the sun came heat and more light, shining on the drying ground. It, and the moon marked the passage of time as space expanded. Before long the world was filled with living things, transient though they were, which adhered to the physical laws governing the world.

Then were the elementals. Granted higher sentience than the rest of the creatures, they were tasked with the care of their world and the balance of the twelve major forces, the elements, which weaved though the fabric of reality.

But with any stability comes the necessary struggle to retain it. Small disagreements, cracks between leaders of the people, grew into factional divisions, the greatest of which was the fracturing of the elements.

Despite this conflict the race of elementals spread across the realm. Broken as a nation, but each faction united by ideology.

The role of political leaders slowly subsided as wars frequently crossed the land; such officials were replaced by faction generals, called the Masters. Some elementals who sought ever-greater power proclaimed themselves as divine successors, relentless against those who would dare defy their abilities. In peace as well, competition remained ever-present, whether between the land's artisans or in the tense circles of the Arena. A fighting spirit indeed exists in each member of this world.

This realm is where your path has led, traveler.
Whichever allegiance you choose, to one faction or several, represent it well.
Seek your fortunes among the great. Defeat the enemies before you until only dust and the thrum of your own power remains.

Welcome to...
(Title screen)

:time :entropy :earth :darkness :air :water :light :fire :aether :life :death :gravity

Presenting narration thanks to JCJ: Welcome to Elements

Spoiler for The Chaosomes:
Before the first being came to life.
Before the world was created in the first place.
Even before time itself had started to flow, there existed 6 spheres of pure energy.
These  spheres existed in a place beyond existance, trapped in a single instant and forever motionless, as there was no space in which they could travel or time to flow.

But this instant, impossibly long  and short, came to an end, which caused one of the spheres to crack and separate in two halfs, called Chronos and Aetheric. From the mere  presence of these entities space took a shape and time started to flow,  which caused the other 5 spheres to also separate in halfs.

The  second sphere brought Lumiel and Shadow and from their presence light  and darkness spread out in the newly created space, along all  directions.

The third sphere divided into Pirofuze and Aquarius.  Heat and cold came to be and spread without any order along the energies  that were being created.

The fourth sphere contained Terra and Aries and from them a thick dust emerged, that moved freely everywhere.

The  two halfs of the fifth sphere were Vital and Mortis. Around Vital  everything seemed to move more vividly and the energies the other beings  were emanating seemed to multiply themselves, while around Mortis the  energies floating around seemed to turn static and slowly disappear.

From  the last sphere came Massa and Discord and their presence imparted  intrincate and complex patterns in all of the newly created energies.

These  12 beings, older than existence itself are who we call gods and the  manifestations of their powers are what we call elements. In order to  give shape to the elements, first the four gods that are now know as the  Material gods created all the places that exist in our world. Terra  created the ground and the mountains from its dust, that settled and  hardened when away from the influence of Aries. In turn, Aries creted  the clouds, wind and thunder to manifest its power, from the gentlest  breeze to the mightiest hurricane. Aquarius filled the world with water  and ice, creating the rivers, lakes and oceans of our world. Pirofuze  created the deserts and volcanos  that we know, as well as fire, which  is the purest manifestation of its power.

After that, the four  gods known as the Cardinal gods created the rules by which the newly  created world would operate. Aetheric defined the distances between the  different places and the limits of the world. Chronos regulated the days  and the speed with which things would age, as well as creating four  seasons from the sheer power the Material gods had imparted to the  world. Terra's power was used for creating Autumn, Aries' for creating  Spring, Aquarius' for creating Winter and  Pirofuze's for creating  Summer. Even though they had shape and rules to guide them, the material  elements, fire, water, earth and air were still completely separated.  Discord spread its influence over the world and this allowed for the  elements to truly interact with each other for the first time. Discord  also made sure that even though the world had rules, it could never be  fully predictable. Finaly Massa created the forces and the rules with  which the material elements would interact, which gave shape to the  mixtures that Discord had created: steam, rain, sandstorms, mud, smoke  and much more all came to existence. Massa also made it so that  everything would fall to ground and made things either heavy or light,  sturdy or brittle.

Lastly, the remaining gods, known as the  Spiritual ones, gave their contribution. Lumiel and Shadow created the  Sun and the Moon, putting them in the sky. Lumiel made the day bright,  while Shadow made the night dark. Lumiel made the open spaces and the  fire bright and spread stars in the sky. Shadow made closed, hidden  places dark, as well as the caves and the depths of the sea. Vital  looked at the work the other gods had made and decided to create  something completely different. It started to create plants and animals  to populate the world, the first living beings. Vital made these beings  such that they could never die, however Mortis didn't agreed that this  was a good idea. Mortis felt that life should always be renovated and so  removed the immortality granted by Vital to its creations and instead  made it so that life would always create new life, forever rising back  from its inevitable death, which Vital agreed with in the end.

Impressed  with their own work and intrigued at this concept of life, the gods  decided to make one final experiment. They left tiny pieces of their  powers in the world, shaped as beings made of pure elements and animated  them. They called these beings the elementals and decided to see what  would happen if they stopped interfering for a while.

As time passed, some elementals got incredibly strong and some even dared to call themselves gods, forsaking their own creators. As a punishment for their blasphemy they were cursed with immortality and locked into caves where only the strongest elementals can enter. Once the proudest warriors of the land of elements, now they were known only as false gods, a constant reminder of their treachery against the creators of their world.

Since then, as aeons went by, the gods slowly faded from the memory of most elementals and became just a legend. We currently live a time of peace, but war looms over. In each of the 12 factions, devoted to one the elements, preparations take place. As a young elemental, you must make your choice. On each side will fight, if any? Will you forsake these political intrigues and build a carrier in the arena, a gladiator to entertain the masses? Or would you dwell in the forbidden caves, searching for the arcane knowledge and power the false gods possess?

Spoiler for Gaia's Pride:
Ever since the dawn of time, the twelve elements have been in an everlasting battle. Your choice could make a difference, and this test will help you on your journey to becoming a strong warrior. Choose the element you wish to fight with, and train. You may begin now...

Fiery-Hot Mixtape: No submission

Offline CleanOnionTopic starter

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  • Awards: Writing Competition - Yellow JournalismWriting Competition - FractaloreTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeArt Competition - Raise the BannersWriting Competition - The Seven Wonders3rd Place Weekly Challenge Winner: September 2015Weekly Design August 2015 - Silver
Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230276#msg1230276
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2016, 11:28:45 pm »

Spoiler for BONUS:
Make a tribute to your team!

Spoiler for Gaia's Pride:
A Tribute to Gaia's Pride...
Our team -- a proud COLLECTION!

Spoiler for League of Shadows:
    (\__/)             (\__/)            (\__/)            (\__/)             (\__/)            (\__/)
    (='.'=)            (='.'=)            (='.'=)            (='.'=)            (='.'=)           (='.'=)
    (")_(")            (")_(")           ('')_('')           (")_(")           (")_(")           (")_(")
     Aves            Physsion      Khaleesi         Hyroen          Linkcat         Rogerluc

"A team united under darkness..."

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5cg 5cg 5ls 5ls 5ls 5p0 5p0 5p0 5s4 5s4 5s4 5v8 5v8 5v8 5v8 62c 62c 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 746 77l 77l 7js 7js 7js 7ta 7ta 7ta 7ta 8pt

Green NymphCat
Light NymphZealot
Blue NymphSecond Wind
Golden NymphTime Traveler
Black NymphSubversion
Turquoise NymphMindweaver

Spoiler for Team Cards:
Spoiler for Time Wanderer | Time Traveler:
Time Wanderer
3 :time
3 | 4
If destroyed, gain its cost in quanta and add a copy of Time Wanderer to the top of your deck.
Time Traveler
4 :time
5 | 4
If destroyed, gain its cost in quanta and add a copy of Time Traveler to the top of your deck.


League of Shadows
Inspired by Aves, one of the most persistent members of our team. Whatever we were hit with, Aves is sure to keep coming back.

Spoiler for Subversion | Subversion:
6 :darkness

Shield: When a creature is destroyed, increase your max HP by its. Any creature that attacks becomes  :darkness.
5 :darkness

Shield: When a creature is destroyed, increase your max HP by its. Any creature that attacks becomes  :darkness.


League of Shadows
Inspired by Physsion, the defender of our team. Able to unify and incorporate, a strong leader and mantle for all.

Creatures must 'attack' in order for them to be converted to :darkness. Delayed or frozen creatures are not converted to :darkness while in stasis.

Spoiler for Mindweaver | Mindweaver:
4 :aether
4 | 2
If you draw a creature while Mindweaver is in play, gain 1 quanta of its element.
4 :aether
5 | 2
If you draw a creature while Mindweaver is in play, gain 1 quanta of its element.


League of Shadows
Inspired by Khaleesi. Able bring whatever she draws to life, Mindweaver will surely bring whatever comes to its mind to life as well!

Spoiler for Second Wind | Second Wind:
Second Wind
5 :air

Heal HP equal to the total max HP of any of your creatures destroyed this turn, and gain their cost in quanta.
Second Wind
4 :air

Heal HP equal to the total max HP of any of your creatures destroyed this turn, and gain their cost in quanta.


League of Shadows
Inspired by Hyroen. Able to keep giving the team a push, inspire when things were tough and keep things moving along.

'This turn' refers to your opponent's last turn and all of your turn up until the current moment.

Spoiler for Cat | Cat:
3 :life
1 | 7
:life Lifelink:
Cat loses 1 HP. When target creature is destroyed, place it at the bottom of your deck.
3 :life
1 | 9
:life Lifelink:
Cat loses 1 HP. When target creature is destroyed, place it at the bottom of your deck.


League of Shadows
Inspired by Linkcat. Able to give others a life when needed, especially by picking up where others left off. Otherwise, conserving his energy.

'Linked' status represented by a golden :life symbol.

Spoiler for Zealot | Zealot:
5 :light
6 | 4
Gains 1 use of:
:entropy : Holy Light
per other uses of Holy Light via spell or ability.
5 :light
7 | 4
Gains 1 use of:
:entropy : Holy Light
per other uses of Holy Light via spell or ability.


League of Shadows
Inspired by [user]rogerluc/user]. Fan of both :light and :entropy, most effective in the right conditions..

Cannot stack charges of :entropy Holy Light.

The main premise of this deck is to use Subversion to keep being able to absorb the max HP of creatures using Zealot's :entropy Holy Light initiated by a Holy Flash spell. Cat's are able to protect Zealots and Time Travelers are able to keep the deck from decking out. Mindweavers are able to keep bringing out creatures and work with Time Travelers to make it more likely to have enough quanta to play them, and lastly Second Winds are able to heal the player quite a bit, as long as Zealots are used effectively.

Spoiler for Abyss Brawlers:

Spoiler for team close up:

Spoiler for The Chaosomes:
This is our Chaosome Song:


A Toadally Newtral Team, Fiery-Hot Mixtape: No submission

« Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 08:29:46 am by CleanOnion »

Offline CleanOnionTopic starter

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  • Awards: Writing Competition - Yellow JournalismWriting Competition - FractaloreTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeArt Competition - Raise the BannersWriting Competition - The Seven Wonders3rd Place Weekly Challenge Winner: September 2015Weekly Design August 2015 - Silver
Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230277#msg1230277
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2016, 11:28:57 pm »
Spoiler for SUPER BONUS:
Create an Elements-themed comic book by co-operating with your fellow Brawlers!

Spoiler for The Chaosomes:
These get funnier if you imagine Spy with the voice of heavy from TF2  :P

Spoiler for Fiery-Hot Mixtape:
ok i think about a short story:

Spoiler for Hidden:
scan 1: mmc found espi half dead because he has too many challenge in this round

Spoiler for Hidden:
scan 2: espi says something about the evilness of dirtyonion and other reference to other brawl teams

Spoiler for Hidden:
scan 3: me and fabian tells to mmc and espi that the deadline for the last round is near, and dirtyonion is coming for taking the tasks

Spoiler for Hidden:
scan 4: dirtyonion comes for announcing that the round isn't finished, and there are 10 other tasks

aaaand the end: in the next scans a guy is cutted in half; all the scans comes from tokyo ghoul: http://mangafox.me/manga/tokyo_ghoul/v14/c141/5.html

i can't add dialogues cuz my english is bad, but should't take so much time writing them with paint

album with all the scans on imgur: http://imgur.com/a/cuE8q

Spoiler for Abyss Brawlers:
Abyss Brawlers' manga comic in the spoiler below! Enjoy!

Spoiler for Abyss Brawlers presents: Manga comic - JCJ CI&A Master:

Spoiler for references:

Spoiler for League of Shadows:
Click to expand

Gaia's Pride, A Toadally Newtral Team: No submission

« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 11:31:27 pm by CleanOnion »

Offline CleanOnionTopic starter

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  • CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.CleanOnion is a Ghost, obsessed with their Elemental pursuits.
  • once you go spreadsheet, you never go breadsheet
  • Awards: Writing Competition - Yellow JournalismWriting Competition - FractaloreTeam Competition - The Spy Who EMed MeArt Competition - Raise the BannersWriting Competition - The Seven Wonders3rd Place Weekly Challenge Winner: September 2015Weekly Design August 2015 - Silver
Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230278#msg1230278
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2016, 11:29:17 pm »

Spoiler for Fiery Hot Mixtape VS Abyss Brawlers:
Espithel's Frustration
Artist task.
Design an elements-themed fantasy sword with 0 unrealistic traits. The sword can't resemble a sword already in the game.
(Elements themed refers to looking like it could belong in the game, or bearing good inspiration to part of the game's art.)
(Fantasy sword refers to stylishness, beauty, and coolness.)
(0 unrealistic traits means that the sword must be completely practical to use in a real life fight. This means no unnecessary bulk, no over-the-top weight, no pointless spikes, etc. You may want to research what proper swords look like and how they're used.)
(0 unrealistic traits means that the sword must have no out of place traits. I don't wanna see swept hilts on your kopeshes, or bronze on your spadroons!)
(What type of sword you design is up to you. Two-handed, one-handed, ancient, new, curved, straight, cupped hilt, crossguard. As long as it has historical basis, it's fine!)
(I sound like a kekking nerd. I feel sad.)
Spoiler for FHM:
When the masters of the terrestrial allied with the worshippers of the interdimensional, trade, travel, and economy prospered.

The old gods, the false ones, saw issue with this. Although true gods at this time, the most spiteful one of them all, Anacalagon, pledged to destroy this newfound prosperity... This threat.

Worshipped by aether, hated by earth, the alliance managed to destroy Anacalagon - the first mortal deicide done in history - but at the cost of many destroyed lands and friendships. Should Anacalagon's dark weapon be found again, many more would sever.

This is a tacticool take on a typical arming sword. With shards of aether pillars in its guard, the sword is designed to dealt with unarmoured peasants, with the occasional armoured bastard should the need arise.

The most interesting part of the blade is the teal-coloured blade, which gets nearly invisible at the tip. This pinnacle of aether weaponry is a hybrid between glass and steel; It is slightly less durable and slightly heavier than typical spring steel, but the added glass makes it sharper than any steel could ever hope to accomplish.

Spoiler for Beauty Shots:

The entire weapon in all of its glory.

The pommel has a protrusion at the end, designed to allow for the bashing of armour. The guard bulges on the flats for both added protection and the ability to remove weight from the sword without ruining its durability. You can even see the pillars in the hilt.

The guard tapers to a point at both ends, and on the bulges, to allow for easier murderstroking. The raised white on the hilt is there to make the blade more comfortable to wield, as well as allowing the user to more accurately determine where the blades align.

The blade starts thin, and only gets even thinner. Due to the strange properties of the blade, you can't see where the point, even though it's staring you in the face.

Spoiler for AB:
4 :water : Captain's Blade | 3 :water : Buccaneer's Blade

A reasonable Sword to be added to the game, specifically in the element of Water, is a Cutlass. These were made famous, though were not exclusively used by seafarers.

The Handle: Leather bound for ease of grip and dexterity.
The Hilt: Consists of a half-basket (or cupped) guard, typical of cutlasses, with four jewels (Aquamarine) set into the metal. These do not affect the function of the guard. It is designed to protect your fingers, but also sweeps up behind the blade, so as to catch a enemies blade before it sweeps down your wrist.
The Edge: It is a single edged sword, with a straight blade, tapering on the edge side. This makes it ideal for slashing and chopping in skirmishes.
The Rain Guard: Has two rubies set into it, one on either side of the blade.
The Scabbard: Simple, wooden with metal Locket and Chape. The Locket has four jewels set into it.

We also made a model, a prototype - NOT realistic in any way, simply a manifestation of the concept. The video is a little blurry, but you should be able to get the idea!

Prototyping a Pirate's Sword

So, without further adieu, here is our sword!

Espithel's Delirium
CD task.
Create a card that, in turn, creates three new ingame cards.
The upgraded version of the card has create three different new ingame cards.
Each card submitted this way, in-game or otherwise, must be a different element.
(An ingame card is one that you can't add into your deck. Examples include ash, singularity, malignant cell, and shield slot.)
(The card doesn't have to make new ingames immediately; One ingame could spawn the next, for example.)
(Hey, at least it's better than what I did last brawl. BS card challenges are best card challenges!)

Spoiler for FHM:
Spoiler for Limb Alterations:

Spoiler for AB:
Guardian of Peace
9 :light
3 | 7
:light :light :light: Create a Guardian Disciple.                                                               
Destroyer of Peace
8 :darkness
3 | 7
:darkness :darkness : Create Destroyer Disciple.                                                               

Guardian Disciple
5 :life
1 | 3
Heal the owner by 5 hp each turn.Turn into Fallen Guardian on death. :aether : Turn into Etherial Guardian.
Destroyer Disciple
5 :death
3 | 2
Deal 2 damage to an enemy each turn. Turn into Scorched Destroyer on death. :death : Turn into Temporal Destroyer.

Etherial Guardian
6 :aether
4 | 5
:aether :aether :aether : Make a random creature or permanent on your side of the field immortal.
Temporal Destroyer
7 :time
5 | 5
:time :time : Destroy the top card on the opponent's deck

Fallen Guardian
4 :entropy
3 | 5
If a spell is played, cancel the spell and kill this creature.
Scorched Destroyer
3 :fire
6 | 2
Deal 3 damage to the owner each turn.                                                     

Espithel's Masochism
CD/FE task.
Find the two worst pieces of music you can find on youtube.
Make a card where the unupped represents one piece whilst the upped represents the other.
("Bad" means music that is outright just bad, not music that you personally don't like.)
("Representation" specifically means that the card has to refer to that track specifically, so no cards relating to just "bad music" in general.)

Spoiler for AB:
Are you ready so assail your ears with mind-numbing optimism and vomit-inducing joy?

Too Happy Volume 1: Skip Skip Slide by Three Beat Slide. Watch those who are happy to the point of insanity.
Too Happy Volume 2: Elevator Music 1 Hour Happily listen until you are insane.

Walk, Walk, Skip, Skip
4 :time

:air : Tickle, Yeah! : Target Creature is affected by delay effects for an extra turn.
Dum Dum Doo Doo
4 :time

:air : Please Wait : Target Creature is affected by delay effects for twice as long.


Abyss Brawlers
The effects do not stack.
The effect is passive (does not Lobotomize).
Delay is caused by: Procrastination / Turtle Shield, Wardens, Basilisk Blood.

FHM have forfeited 5 points.

Espithel's Duplicity
CD/Boss task.
Create a R6 CD/Boss submission that would be valid for a team that is not your own.
(For reference, the R6/Boss task is:
Make a card for each member of your team, each in a different element. Oh, not hard enough? Build a stall deck with them as well, then. All of them. Use Nymphs as substitutes for the new cards.)

Spoiler for FHM:
UNFINISHED SUBMISSION; we'll be finishing this SOONtm!
And we actually mean it this time.

Discord flails in strange ideas and motives, but is always there to help - or be- her friends and champion.

I can hear you ask already; What's an aspect?
An astute question. Would you like to dig deeper?
Dawn rises, falls, hides in pointlessness (That health buff is muy silly)... But he buffs his champion.

Rob77dp would fool you into thinking he is isn't smart or good. He is, I'll assure you. But he doesn't compare to the champion.

Tienzu. Smart, cunning, gives his friends tons of ideas.
Fuels his champion.

And then, there is Sky.
God when she wants to be.
Idol when she doesn't.

Spoiler for AB:
The Cards and Team


Why? Fiery for Mixtape, and relies on the other 'cards' in the deck! :P


Why? Pseudoquanta makes no sense, why should Espithel's quanta cost? it seems only fitting, too, to introduce a mechanic that does not exist in the game yet, similar to a Sanctuary or Singularity warning, but affecting both players until a condition is met.


Why? Sheer unadulterated productivity.
Notes: 1st creates 2. 2nd creates 4. 3rd creates 6. 4th creates 8. 5th creates 10. 6th creates 12.

Skotadi Phobos

Why? When you are around, your enemies quail. When you aren't around, your team quails. Everybody quails!


Why? Pops up to be brilliant, then disappears.

The Deck

This is the kind of 'stall' deck that stalls just long enough to get its winning combo on the field.

Play Sundials and Hourglasses to stall your opponent and draw through your deck.
Play MeowMeowCats until you have 23. Requires 5 cats to fill board.
Play Skotadi Phobos giving all cats -2 attack.
Play Espithel turn before combo.
Play Silence turn before combo.

Play Chimera giving -46.
Play Antimatter giving 46.
Use Espithel ability doubling next spell damage.
Play fabian771 dealing 92 spell damage, destroying chimera.
Play Coffeeditto dealing at least 8 damage. = 100

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u7 74g 7b0 7e4 7kc 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 7to 80k 80s 80s 80s 80s 80s 8pj

Espithel's Despair
Writer task.
Write a letter about how much you hate Espithel and his constant whining about how unfair life and brawl is despite being pandered to by 0nion practically this entire time.
(It's funny because it's true.)

Spoiler for AB:
Dear Espithel,

Please take a moment out of your busy schedule of self indulgence and bitterness to consider this, my sincere correspondence. I know it is difficult reading with a head so large and brain so small, but give it a go. You might even find that reading something (other than the photo-captions in gentlemen's magazines) is enlightening.
Assuming you are still reading, and haven't yet wandered off to your sex-dungeon to feed MeowMeowCat battery acid, I'll crack on with my point, shall I?
You suck.
Seriously, I hate you so much, with your arrogant, passive aggressive moaning about how unfortunate you are to be in a two person Brawl team. That's the big problem. I don't actually mind you sending us six challenges in one round, knowing full well that we'll get others from other teams too. I totally see your point that our not-even-full-points-wager against you in round 2 'nearly broke' your team. Obviously we were out of line, playing the game and all.
And it's our fault that everyone who wasn't already chained up in your basement left the team. Can't have had anything to do with getting the hell away from you now, could it?
I'll say one thing for you, though. THIS is a really well thought out task. It's great. Tonnes of ideas.

All the worst,
Team Abyss Brawlers

P.S. I hate your face.
FHM have forfeited. Understandably, you narcissistic little poops

Ulamog, the Ceaseless NearHundred
CD task.
Create a card with converted quanta cost 94. The card can't cost chroma or pseudoquanta.
(It's tradition to name a task after an Eldrazi.)
(Yes, the quanta cap is 75.)

Spoiler for FHM:
The cost can't be below 0; The minimum cost for the unupped is 4 and 3 for the upped.
Why 94?
90 - 10 = 9 turns of being hard to play.
90 - 13 = 7 turns of being hard to play.

94 just gives both versions a justifiable cost after you've took a kekton of mana out. And being able to cast it earlier if you have a kekton of mana is a bit more interesting than just "You can't cast it until turn 9 | 7 herp a derp"

It's designed to be a fancy win-condition in slower, stallier decks. It doesn't even start hitting the opponent before at least turn 7, making it pointless in aggro decks. (Although still fun with fractal if you're prepared to do nothing for the first few turns)

Reading simply means undelaying/unfreezing it.

Spoiler for AB:
Ceaseless NearHundred
94 :gravity

Attacking destroys all enemy creatures. Cost is lowered by 1 for each creature and permanent stack in play.
94 :gravity

Attacking destroys all enemy creatures. Cost is lowered by 1 for each creature and permanent stack in play.



To play this at 75 Quanta, there would need to be 19 permanents and / or creatures on the field. If you survive to this point in the game (similar to Fire Bolt spam) you would win, unless countered by Antimatter, heavy CC, Dim shield, massive healing etc.
Gravity, because the more there is on the field, the greater the gravitational pull, and Ulamog is attracted by notable force.

Spoiler for The Chaosomes VS Abyss Brawlers:
"Elite Dragonfly the Science Guy"
Make a science/math video to explain a mechanic in EtG

Spoiler for TC:
Deja-vus are weird:


I know this is kinda deep and you may want to watch it again to get how it really works. But if after that you still don't understand, these guys explain it better than me:
AB have forfeited.

Spoiler for Abyss Brawlers VS Gaia's Pride:
"Animated Tribute"
Make an animated tribute to your team! Like the bonus task, only animated! You may have it related to your bonus task submission, or create something separate!

Spoiler for AB:
Animation Submission (Click the name!):

We All Live in a Blue Submarine

Spoiler for GP:
An ANIMATED Tribute to Gaia's Pride...
Our team -- a proud COLLECTION!

Spoiler for Abyss Brawlers VS The Chaosomes:
"Mechanical Underdrive"

Abyss Brawlers would like to challenge Chaosomes to a CD task!

"Design a card that uses the mechanic that the other team submitted for the Round 4 CD task"

Good luck!

Spoiler for TC:
Cursed Shard

When a player plays a Shard, deal damage to them equal to its cost.
Cursed Shard

When a player plays a Shard, deal damage to them equal to its cost.



So I deviate from the format a little bit, but nothing in the description of the mechanic said it couldn't affect both players, so as part of the balance this card affects you too.  The damage from playing a shard (including from playing this initially) happens before the effect of the played shard (so this hurts rather than helps Shard of Sacrifice).

Spoiler for AB:
Imagining the 'Feedback' (Passive ability which triggers when a spell or ability targets the card) mechanic has been adopted by Elements, and that there are several cards already in the game with the mechanic, here is our submission:

Mirror Blade
3 :light
Permanent - Weapon

Weapon: Deal 1 damage.
:darkness : Generate 1 quanta of the element of target card.
Feedback: Gain +2 atk
3 :light
Permanent - Weapon

Weapon: Deal 3 damage.
:darkness : Generate 1 quanta of the element of target card.
Feedback: Gain +2 atk

While including art in this kind of submission is not usually the done thing, the ideal art for this card would be a short dagger with a larger than normal hilt and crossguard, with a mirror attached.

  • Can self-target.
  • As this task was about using a mechanic, the idea is that this would be a card created alongside several other cards using the Feedback mechanic. It can be used as a growth weapon, OR as a means to trigger Feedback on other cards.

Spoiler for League of Shadows VS The Chaosomes:
The League of Shadows challenges the Chaosomes to six additional tasks this round!
(four of these were rejected at no penalty to TC owing to late challenge submission)

Create a False God which uses at least 18(36 doubled) copies of cards you have submitted in Rounds 1-5 of Brawl

Spoiler for LoS:
Graviton Waves
Abyss Crawler
Giant Frog
Golden Bird
Desert Fox
Nymphs replaced by above cards.
Menagerieby League Of Shadows
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u6 6u6 6u6 74o 74o 74o 74o 7ae 7ae 7ae 7ae 7am 7am 7am 7am 7ap 7ap 7ap 7ap 7b0 7b0 7b0 7b0 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7ng 7ng 7ng 7ng 7qk 7qk 7qk 7qk 7to 7to 7to 7to 8pn

Spoiler for TC:
Amenadiel (the not quite pure angel)
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rj 6rj 6rj 6rj 6rj 6rk 6rk 6rk 6rk 6rk 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dm 7dm 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7f2 7ju 7ju 7ju 7jv 7jv 7jv 7q9 7q9 7q9 7q9 8pq

+ 6 Uncontrolled flame
+ 6 Demonic Smith
+ 6 Chorus Angel

Spoiler for Reminder of the cards:

The deck exploits using multiple weapons with demonic smith, archangels targeting chorus angels (as them being bless targets) and dials and uncontrolled flame to have a fast rush.

Buy one get one free!
Design an advertisement for Elements!

Spoiler for LoS:

Zoom in:
Spoiler for Hidden:

Spoiler for TC:

The challenge said nothing about the ad being feasible  ;D

« Last Edit: April 10, 2016, 11:34:52 pm by CleanOnion »

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Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230279#msg1230279
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2016, 11:29:51 pm »
Get voting! It's all still to play for!

If I've missed any tasks or messed up any spoilers, that will have to wait until the morning...

Offline Aves

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Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230280#msg1230280
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2016, 11:43:55 pm »
Get voting! It's all still to play for!

If I've missed any tasks or messed up any spoilers, that will have to wait until the morning...

Hehe, thanks for everything CO! This'll be an interesting round to vote for.

Team VoteRound 6by Aves
Boss & CDLeague of Shadows: Cards are thematic, balanced, and unique. Cards form a good stall. Check. And check. Well done by Hyro! Oh look! A Physsion swoops down and stares you in the eye. You will vote for this submission! You nod your head in agreement. This is not mind control! This is satisfaction.The Chaosomes: Excellent cards. Very thematic-- you could clearly determine why each card had the effect it did, and a good stall to boot. You guys earned this vote. AB, you also had a very good submission, but the cards seemed a little off somehow-- just slightly off-polish. Still good, but not quite enough. For the rest, you all have good cards, but you don't relate them to your team members besides in the name/pictures. The connections are not immediately obvious.
Artist & DBLeague of Shadows:Who doesn't want to see a sea of lightning face off against six brave, precognitive nymphs in a battle royale? Wait, we were supposed to provide art for this? Uhh... hey look! Their battle happened so fast that we couldn't take a picture of it! Yeah! Those nymphs sure were fast! And how do you expect me to record lightning after it happens, huh? Well. From the lack of evidence, I'm going to have to presume that the lightning spent itself in frying everything to nothingness. Yeah. That's what happened.Abyss Brawlers: The art by everybody was amazing, so I used the decks as the deciders. Well done all! As for the decks: Fractal Elite Skeletons. Yes. YES. The pharoah deck is meh, but the skeles alone carry this one. TC and FHM were also close thirds, but TC's cool deck(flying swords with graboids) was a bit overquantaed, and while the NM Recluse Poison and the MitoHope were lovely, it seemed like the MitoHope should beat the Recluse Poison in the case that both get their combos up. Yes, I know that nightmare is great because of the draw denial and that would help boost the rush's chances, but with relatively equal orders, the mithope feels like it should stabilize it.
FELeague of Shadows:For this task, we knew we probably couldn't beat any of the existing in-game tutorials out there-- at best, we'd match them in parity. No need to re-invent the wheel, after all. We can't re-create the entirety of the community's in-game support! However, there exists no guide to the actual forums themselves! I think our submission provides a good template for what an introduction to the forums could entail. It's not quite polished, but I think it serves its purpose well enough.The Chaosomes: I generally don't like it when guides explicitly tell you, "Do this, then that, then this so you can build this," without explaining the reasons behind those steps or encouraging them to go and explore why, but TC has a solid submission; it introduces the game, the elements, and the forums, and I could see it being helpful to newbs, thus filling all requirements for the task. ATNT's guide had the most potential, but it seems unfinished; a clear winner if it was, but sadly not. AB is funny, but a lot of it is insider forum jokes-- not actually meant for consumption by newbs.
WriterLeague of Shadows: The goal here was to write an introductory crawl a la Star Wars to the game; in other words, create introductory lore for EtG! As this is to be played before the game loads, we looked at what tools and options were available to a new player (the Oracle), and who the hardest opponents were-- (FGs, Ai4, Arena) and then we put them together into a short narrative introducing each of the main AIs and giving a reason for the Oracle's help. Overall, I think our submission does well in providing a short backstory to the game.Abyss Brawlers: Toss-up between TC and AB. Both are very good at introducing a workable theme and lore; AB's voiceover gives it a slight edge, and TC's length both helps and hurts it. This vote may change; mostly undecided atm, but definitely one of those two. ATNT is also a solid submision, but I feel like it goes too much into forum-knowledge and events for something to be put into the actual game. Even as one of the participants in said event :P
BonusLeague of Shadows:A lovely team drawing by Khaleesi! And some well-designed thematic team-cards!Gaia's Pride: A very polished image! I don't know why, but the way those cards are arranged just speaks to me. Well done by GP. AB and TC, also very nice-- just not quite as pretty.
Super BonusLeague of Shadows: So... uh... GM battle Hype? Yeah, we may have stacked a little too much work on Khaleesi D: This is not the finished product.Abyss Brawlers: Kryszie's still got it. Well done! TC also had a great submission.

Espithel's DuplicityAB: Not sure if an OTK is considered a stall, though stalls ARE a part of OTKs. Regardless, has a deck. Has sheer unadulterated productivity. (SoP MMC? :o). Well played, AB.
Mechanical UnderdriveAB: Feedback is such a nice mechanic. Also, Cursed Shard... really won't see much use. It's situational, and it would only do 2 damage per shard played per cursed shard besides. Sure, you can stack it, but even then, the only point where it would be useful is against shard golems.
AscensionLoS: Who wouldn't want to get stomped by a colorful menagerie of creatures and mutants united under feral bonds? Those poor ascetic zookeepers keep getting mutated though! D:
Buy one get one free!LoS: The most realistic submission! Haven't you ever wanted to see an EtG ad on facebook? Also, where would you get the funds to advertise the forums of all places? We can barely keep it hosted! :P
« Last Edit: April 15, 2016, 05:21:13 pm by Aves »
:darkness War # 4, 9, 10
:darkness League of Shadows :darkness Brawl # 5

The Tentacle's Grip Brawl # 6

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Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230282#msg1230282
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2016, 11:47:56 pm »
As you may have noticed, FHM has quite a few undone challenges. This will be rectified by tomorrow.

Oh, and I actually mean it this time.

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Re: Forum Brawl #5 - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61762.msg1230283#msg1230283
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2016, 11:58:00 pm »
Just want to say for voters that 'Espithel's Frustration' is an artist task not a Card Design task, if it had been in the task description or even labled "Artist/CD" we obviously would have made the card :)
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blarg: Aves,Physsion,Khaleesi,Hyroen,Linkcat,League of Shadows,Zanzarino,League Of Shadows