Bosses and Writers:TC: ... no background story to their debate?

(And even the Great Zanzarino have a start and an end)
AB: At least Hermes doesn't have a no-brainer counter (I'm glaring at you, Serket~) :p
LoS: Damnit. I swear I don't know deuce personally (never mind knowing him IRL), but I always found him speaking the Master of Aether's lines in my head! XD
Artists:AB's entry is so HILARIOUS BEYOND WORDS that they certainly deserve an honorable mention here

Card DesignersGP: I don't think I'm going to like Augmentation mechanics, especially if they're also in-element relative to one of the three elements with 'incremental-bolt' (Fire, Water, and Darkness).
TC: Interesting. Regarding Uncontrolled Flame, I assume that (1) you'll be damaged when you
buff UF, and (2) whoever buffs UF takes damage. Are they right?
ATNT: As much as I don't really like Augmentation mechanics, I think I'm going to like Corruption mechanics even less, especially in conjunction with hand-denial tactics like Nightmare, SoBrav, or Silence. Sorry ><
FHM: Personally, I don't think your entry and TC's the exact same. TC have explicitly declared that their mechanic is a passive ability (meaning, no overwriting/Lobotomizing it). Since there were nothing said about whether your mechanics is a passive or an active one, I'm inclined to assume that your mechanic is an active ability.
Deckbuilders:TC's entry doesn't look like it can even treat its symptoms, considering how few pillars they have compared to the deck size. ><
AB: Eh? Napalm was a female? (I'm not their contemporary, and I've always assumed that Napalm was a male)
ATNT: There are times when your wisdom can be used
against yourself. Is that aspect intentionally added into the deck?
Forum Experts:TBH, this time my vote is composed of 'one best new alphabet system' and 'one best alphabet-book'.
If I have to disregard alphabet-books style entries and have to choose ones where new writing systems are depicted, I'm seriously considering to choose
FHM at the second place (the second, since the first is certainly still ATNT's).
No, this is not a joke. As someone who's aware of multiple kinds of scripts -- Javanese abugida, Greek alphabet, Cherokee syllabary, and Japanese syllabaries (yep,
syllabaries; Japanese is actually written with a mixture of one ideography system (kanji, which is pretty much borrowed from Chinese hanzi) and two syllabary systems (hiragana, katakana)), for example -- I take a great deal of fuss about alphabet simplicity.
That being said, TC's entry is easily vying against FHM's very bizzare entry for the second place among the 'alphabetic' systems (even with my assumption that they're going abugida with this script); despite their rather complicated consonants (which was a rather big turnoff for me), tons of thought have certainly went into this. However, IMO, AB's entry fares better as a ideographic system than a syllabary or abugida one, nevermind an alphabetic system.
Bonus IIGP: to a SW-blind me, I don't really think it's really Star-Wars-ish.
And don't give Gravity players ideas to run Grav Salv/SoVo decks! 
TC: Simple, elegant. To help matters to your cause, Zaw is
actually a BM (a temporary one, admittedly, but I digress). XP
LoS: Being Reigned by Darkness isn't necessarily being reigned by the Dark Side of the Force, though

ATNT: Another simple entry, but~ is Tim cosplaying as Yoda? XD