So, are you going to add the LoS challenges? 
To my knowledge, they haven't been either accepted or declined as per the clause stated in that PM.
We hadn't made the decision yet. They waited till the last minute (later) to send, we're gonna wait till the last minute to accept or decline.
The point of that deadline was just to put a limit on how late you could possibly respond. I expected a reply fairly immediately.
For everyone to see, here's the PM sent:
The only reason I allowed this after the deadline was because I had been discussing the challenges with Aves a few hours/days before the challenging deadline, so I know there was no abuse involved, only a simple error.
I'm not going to change anything, the rules written in the PM still stand, but y'know.... just adding a little pressure xD
I'm going to add the challenges to the thread now, whether russian ends up accepting them or not. Have fun y'all!