Bonus Task 3 (Round 5&6): Team Tribute! Make a tribute to your team! Make a tribute to your team! It can be absolutely anything.
No more guidelines for this task. Enjoy the open-endedness!
All teams who submit will receive 5 points. Winner will receive 5 points!
Deadline: Round #6 deadline.
SUPER BONUS TASK (Round 1-6): Team Manga! Create an Elements-themed comic book by co-operating with your fellow Brawlers! Super Bonus Tasks are an additional type of bonus task. There will be only one this Brawl, and it starts and ends with the event.
It is supposed to be a co-operative task between every Role and teammate. Your task is to produce an Elements-themed manga, comic book or graphic novel.
The Boss can coordinate and help out, the Forum Expert can supply their expertise to help the team, the Writer can produce an interesting plot with captivating dialogue, the Artist can generate stunning graphics to carry the story forward. If you're going for a Yu-Gi-Oh! style comic, the Deckbuilder could make decks for the character and the Card Designer could make a card to be featured in it... but what you produce and how you distribute your workload is up to you!
All teams who submit their Super Bonus Task will receive 10 points. Winner will receive 15 points!
Deadline: Round #6 deadline.

Spoiler for Fiery Hot Mixtape VS Abyss Brawlers: Greetings and salutations, abyss brawlers! You sent FHM a wager on round 2 that nearly broke the entire team and made us all quit. Now. You will know my pain. HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA *Cough.* After a good discussion with Meow, and 0nion on round 3, I've decided to get you back with not one, not two, not three... But SIX different challenges, which I will all send in this one PM. Brawlmaster note: The contents of the following spoiler counts as 6 individual challengesSpoiler for Hidden: Espithel's Frustration Artist task. Design an elements-themed fantasy sword with 0 unrealistic traits. The sword can't resemble a sword already in the game.
(Elements themed refers to looking like it could belong in the game, or bearing good inspiration to part of the game's art.) (Fantasy sword refers to stylishness, beauty, and coolness.) (0 unrealistic traits means that the sword must be completely practical to use in a real life fight. This means no unnecessary bulk, no over-the-top weight, no pointless spikes, etc. You may want to research what proper swords look like and how they're used.) (0 unrealistic traits means that the sword must have no out of place traits. I don't wanna see swept hilts on your kopeshes, or bronze on your spadroons!) (What type of sword you design is up to you. Two-handed, one-handed, ancient, new, curved, straight, cupped hilt, crossguard. As long as it has historical basis, it's fine!) (I sound like a kekking nerd. I feel sad.)
Espithel's Delirium CD task. Create a card that, in turn, creates three new ingame cards. The upgraded version of the card has create three different new ingame cards. Each card submitted this way, in-game or otherwise, must be a different element.
(An ingame card is one that you can't add into your deck. Examples include ash, singularity, malignant cell, and shield slot.) (The card doesn't have to make new ingames immediately; One ingame could spawn the next, for example.) (Hey, at least it's better than what I did last brawl. BS card challenges are best card challenges!)
Espithel's Masochism CD/FE task. Find the two worst pieces of music you can find on youtube. Make a card where the unupped represents one piece whilst the upped represents the other.
("Bad" means music that is outright just bad, not music that you personally don't like.) ("Representation" specifically means that the card has to refer to that track specifically, so no cards relating to just "bad music" in general.)
Espithel's Duplicity CD/Boss task. Create a R6 CD/Boss submission that would be valid for a team that is not your own.
(For reference, the R6/Boss task is: Make a card for each member of your team, each in a different element. Oh, not hard enough? Build a stall deck with them as well, then. All of them. Use Nymphs as substitutes for the new cards.)
Espithel's Despair Writer task. Write a letter about how much you hate Espithel and his constant whining about how unfair life and brawl is despite being pandered to by 0nion practically this entire time.
(It's funny because it's true.)
Ulamog, the Ceaseless NearHundred CD task. Create a card with converted quanta cost 94. The card can't cost chroma or pseudoquanta.
(It's tradition to name a task after an Eldrazi.) (Yes, the quanta cap is 75.) So er, yeah. Suffer profusely. (And yes, I've already checked with 0nion/Meow that this is okay)
Spoiler for The Chaosomes VS Abyss Brawlers: " Elite Dragonfly the Science Guy" Hello, I'd like to send the following challenge to Abyss Brawlers. I think it is a Forum Expert challenge (it's actually an Off-Topicker task, but that was merged into it), but correct it if you see it fit. Make a science/math video to explain a mechanic in EtG |
Spoiler for League of Shadows VS The Chaosomes: The League of Shadows challenges the Chaosomes to six additional tasks this round! Brawlmaster note: The contents of the following spoiler counts as 6 challengesTasks marked REJECTED have been rejected at no penalty to TC As per the Event Card: FHM earns 18 points, TC earns 3 points, LoS earns 18 points, and AB earns 6 points. Please PM the Brawlmasters if we've missed any.
Challenges named "like this" were named by a Brawlmaster