21 people entered the poll! Of those, 14 gave their username.
18 were Brawlers, 1 did not participate, 1 was a Community Voter, and 1 was a Brawlmaster.
8 people rated Brawl 7/8.
2 people r8ed Brawl at a gr8 8/8, m8.
1 person rated it a 0. However, they didn't offer any opinions in the "type whatever you want" places, so I'm unsure why.
Card Design was the most popular type of task with 6 votes. This was followed by Artist and Writer with 3 votes each. Super Bonus and Brawl #4's Forum Expert were least popular with no votes.
"Do/make a thing according to the following criteria" was the most popular type of task with 9 votes. "Do anything" was least popular with 1 vote, as was expected.
The word question! In order of most-voted to least-voted, here are the words from the selection:
creative (19 votes), fun (17), teamwork (15), challenge (11), silly (6), social (6), winning (4), difficult (1)
The endgame meta question received mixed responses in roughly equal proportions across the board. One custom response involved the main role for a task acting as an advisory, and having someone else in the team do it.
Ah, our first written question: What one rule would you change?
What else would you change?
Spoiler for Hidden:
not much ok
Variable team sizes -> Static team sizes Yes
Introduce a voting panel instead, and still allowing non-participants to vote. Also make sure all rules are clear and specific at the start of the event. Also make double
tasks actually reward double points
Find some mostly agreeable way to utilize an expert panel for main voting purposes augmented or backed up by public opinion voting (if required participant voting can be mixed in here).
Voting definitely needs an overhaul. Not sure how-- no specifics besides what's on the feedback thread.
More Variety in the boss tasks. with 5 teammate roles and 6 rounds, the boss should be able to do each role once plus a second of one role (maybe a favorite?). I feel that there was too much writing/singing for bosses this brawl in my opinion. Oh, I can agree that Boss tasks weren't ideal. Apologies.
Separate the voting for combo tasks. Implement an actual expert panel so that we don't need to rely mostly on Brawler votes. Make the event 5 rounds long with the 2 last ones being longer (likewise, we'd have 2 bonuses and one super bonus). Move back to fixed size teams, but keeping the flexible roles. I'd rebalance the way scoring scales with the rounds (Brawl 4 was a sweet spot for that). Guarantee that we have substitutes since the auction (locking sign ups when we get the exact number of players prevents that).
Voting overhaul, but not at the expense of participation.
Preparing substitutes ahead of time, not having so many teams (only about 4-5 teams) This definitely makes sense.
All voting is done by a separate expert panel. Brawlmasters are not allowed to overestimate interest. The number of teams is set so that they can all fill every role. Teams are not required to fill every role.
[REDACTED] because this response is literally what I was planning on doing for Brawl 6. You know who you are. Tell no one.
More post-Brawl awards! ^^ ...oh, and if you can locate enough concepts and get Council to okay it, maybe 7 or 8 weeks instead of 6? It's just...it's been a really good experience, and I doubt I'm the only person out there whose heart isn't particularly in PvP. This I can agree with, and Rounds 5 and 6 were already extended this year. However, this Brawl in particular was rather stressful for certain players/teams and after a long period of time, interest can wane.
Have a Brawlassistant Isn't that my job already?
Any type of machine or code that you can use for your task is banned. Task must be your work.
What was the biggest issue this Brawl?
12 players voted inactivity, and both of the custom responses mentioned it, too. One of the customs also mentioned ambiguous rule wording, which was my fault.
Should plagiarism be tolerated?
10 players voted "No! Never." There were 7 custom responses and I'll list them below.
Spoiler for Hidden:

Put a note in submission, and let other teams decide
There always should be a clear reference to the art used.
People shouldn't copy/paste for an artist task. Brawl is about originality and creativity.
Allow an offending team, if judged by BM's to be an error and not maliciously enacted, to provide valid crediting to original source and if not possible then to replace with something else and give reduced point reward.
On a case by case basis. Example; GP art in R1 was ok due to many teams using similar taken ASCII art, but their art in R6 should not have been used as they never edited nor gave credit for it.
That depends on the role. For art and writer, definetly no. For others like the OT part of FE, that's normal. Other roles fall in grey areas imo.
yes, but ONLY if it is clear in the submission that it is not your work
How would you deal with inactivity?
9 people and a custom response said "Hire substitutes". Fair enough.
Anything you'd like to add?
Almost all of the comments here were for appreciation.... thank you very much everyone!
Spoiler for Hidden:
The options for inactivity were... not good. You shouldn't penalize a team because one person decided they were going to go inactive. I have since added a Custom option to that question in the poll.
I loved to be the part of Brawl.
CO (and later rounds Zawadx as well) -- thank you so much for your effort to put on an event wherein it is likely you derived much less fun, if any at all, from your responsibility in it. All complaints aside, the overall operation of the event was acceptable and in my opinion better than my prior experiences. "you derived much less fun" - keep dreaming sunshine
Awesome work Onion, I look forward to many improvements towards the next Brawl!
onions have layers
This brawl was fun and amazing, don't feel bad, you did a good job Onion ♥ -Disco
Props to Onion for all the work you put in and carrying on after Nae had to step out. <3
Thank you very, very much, and see you next Brawl! (And after that, I've got my sights on Boss or BM for Brawl 7 if I can.)
The team should've been named Sky's Strawberry Shortcake Specialty, or SSSS, or 4S, or 4Kids, or PG-13 for short.
Non. C'est bien.