While I completely understand the sentiment behind that, I'm not really sure it should stand...
All teams worked very hard on the Round 1-2 Bonus task. The prize for winning it was the honor of having your design be the award icon. Gravy Train designed a lovely icon, they won. They won the privilege of having their icon be the winner's icon.
Sort of ruins the integrity of the task / reward to throw it out the door.
Just my 2
, but I loved the idea of the award icon organically coming out of an actual brawl task.
EDIT: I feel I'm being a bit too diplomatic here - This REALLY should not stand. You can't say one thing and do another.
For your information I also worked hard on this icon or you think it was easy?
The fact that I can not send it in R1 was because the icon was strange and bad and then the andretimpa did a icon more basic and fast.
and integrity of the event remains the same,
"It is a well-kept tradition to have Brawlers creating Their Own icon award! Size must be 32 x 32 pixels." Red Stars did their own icon award.
so if I do a basic icon in R1, Then I can't do better even if the organizers approve? and you feel aggrieved and I 'm a destroyer of integrated. you blame me just because I did a better icon for my team?
I understand your interpretation of bonus 1 task (even my teammates had that interpretation) but only was the task for points otherwise Nae and Arthan not would grant.
If we should use the gravy co icon, well...
Besides the 12-lives that said Arthanasios, also the Gravy Co is actually a icon based on another icon of andretimpa
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/competitions/design-an-award-icon-competition!-(wc-edition)-(finished)/msg1056171/#msg1056171However no be so original as well.
Frankly this complaints of icons is not anything like people who are concerned with event integrity, but other types of feelings that taking an unpleasant and awkward situation at the cost of nothing.(ie no one will profiting from it)
I'm really disappointed with their attitudes, just already rather not receive any icon, just to make some people happy.
Nae and Arthan really thanks anyway to be generous
but can remove my icon and do happy some peoples.