Whew. That was tough. Can't say I'm not dissapointed, but I can say that...
Gravy Train I think the competition would have been a far worse place to be without you. Honestly some of your submissions were utterly hilarious, and i think if things hadn't gone so unfortunately for you you would have done much better. I actually think your overall score was deflated a lot by the fact you had fewer team votes. FC, you are awesome. Even more awesome for having lost our avvy wager with grace and decorum
Ragnarok Guys you had spikes of absolute brilliance, and certainly made voting a more interesting process. I hope you guys enjoyed brawl as much as i enjoyed your presence in it - the fact you still produced great work and even made challenges to the last round made the competition more genuine - the 8 points we lost to your wager contributed to our eventual loss of 1st place, but that's the way the game should be played

MoL Early challengers, good late finishers, overall I thought your contribution was the most creative and outside the box. This meant that often you would get hands down triumphs, and sometimes people wouldn't quite get where you were coming from, but it ALWAYS made good voting phases. I got the feeling you were a really tight team and saw you as a threat throughout. And thanks ji for that 1st round wager, made me really concentrate and gave me a baptism of fire in brawl.
Red Stars Worthy, worthy winners. Always made me flinch when I first saw the overall quality and effort of your submissions when voting phases opened. Though I'm gutted to have lost a competition in which I put so much time and effort, and loved the team I was in, I can whole-heartedly say you deserved your victory, and I hope you enjoyed our tussle for the top spot, because I certainly did. Until, you know, we lost

. Congratulations, you must be buzzing.
Lastly, at some point i'll make a post in member's appreciation about
Frostbite Borealis, but in short, you guys are awesome. Made some good friends, had a ball, gg, gg, gg.