Brawl 2 had lots of combo tasks. Like 4 roles to one task. More like that would reduce the tedium of voting, which I agree is an issue. The biggest way to deal with that is unfortunately out of our control. It seems that not many people other than brawlers are voting. If we had significantly more voters than brawlers, we could just rely only on them. Another possibility that works with the relatively small scale of the event is this: Bring back the expert panel, with a twist: No voting. After each round, there is a shortish (few days) period of discussion in the "voting" thread between brawlers and spectators alike, where we all compliment or criticize each other's work. After that, the brawlmasters and expert panel choose the winners of the round. This would decrease the impact of a brawler not participating in the vote as well as completely eliminate the issue of brawlers just voting for their team and one other.