First timer's insight
Though it was probably suggested before, I will mention it: giving 2 votes for people for tasks and adding the explanation requirement isn't a good long term solution. Unless a task happens to have 2 super-duper awesome submissions not sent by one's team, people will almost always give one of their votes to their own team. And unless they truly have something to add - in which case they will do anyway - the explanation requirement is only a chore.
Therefore I would propose giving people - or at least participants - only one vote, and making the explanations optional.
Furthermore, if non-participants had 2 votes compared to participants' single ones, it would give the 'crowd' more power and more reason to vote.
As for the tasks, I enjoyed them. If at all possible dropping roles should be avoided at all cost - not having Artist would have made the competition that much flatter.
I would also like to see combined tasks for more than 2 roles, and/or perhaps more disconnected roles. For example a CD-Writer task would be interesting (Design a card fitting into - but not yet present - in one of the ancient mythologies and write its epos featuring at least 2 other characters of the same mythology).
It would also be interesting to mix up roles and tasks, so that people would have to create submissions in types they are less used to (for example Artist would have to write poems, FE would draw, OT sculpt, etc), but still connected to their area. A sculpture depictinga PvP event would really be something