I'll be honest here, I'm disliking the artist tasks that have people use a certain style of art - Cubism, Abstract, etc.
It's fair to say that different card designers have different styles, and that different writers have different styles, and so do artists. But artists feel uniquely restricted in this regard.
In fact, no, this extends to all the tasks - I'm disliking all tasks where I'm told the method I'm supposed to conjure the task. Example - round 1 and 3 artist tasks.
But I feel that all the tasks for card designers and writers (for the most part, I'll admit I'm struggling a bit with round3's task) accommodate for this by allowing people to tackle them in multiple different directions.
You want to make a 0 HP creature? You can make a 0 HP creature that dies under a condition. You can make a 0 HP creature that dies weirdly. You can make a 0 HP creature that dies over and over and over.
You want to make a writing on Zanz's being awayness? You can make an almost erotic fanfiction creepy horror story, a greek tragedy, a cheerful and upbeat story, etc.
Make cubism.
... Gee, will it involve cubes?
Make abstract art.
... Gee, will it involve using brush strokes to create a pretty pattern that might as well just be a fractal?
... These artist tasks really do seem to be focussing more on the method by which the art is created, not the art itself. And I dislike that - I find that really limiting. I'm not even an artist, and I feel it's limiting me.