Once there was an Oracle And he loved a little elemental. And every day the elemental would come
And he would listen to his advice. And use the predictions to make the perfect deck to beat a false god.
He would spin the wheel, and collect the cards, and when he was too tired to keep battling he would log off and watch T.V.
And the elemental loved the Oracle Very much.. And the Oracle was happy.
But time went by, And the elemental grew older. And the Oracle was often alone. Then one day the elemental came
to the Oracle and the Oracle said:
-"Come, elemental, come and spin my wheel and collect a card, and build your arena deck for all of the other elementals to
play against and be "happy"
-"I am too rich to need common cards"said the elemental. "I want to buy upgrades and have fun. I want some nymphs.
Can you give me some nymphs?"
-"I'm sorry" said the Oracle, "but I have no nymphs right now. I have only this artic squid. Take my squid, elemental,
and sell it in the bazaar. Then you will have upgraded cards and you'll be happy"
And so the elemental took the squid and the electrum. And the Oracle was
But the elemental stayed away for a long time and the Oracle was sad.
And then one day the elemental came back and the Oracle shook with joy, and he said:
-"Come, elemental come and spin my wheel and listen to my advice and build arena decks
for people to play against and be "happy"..
-"I am too busy to build arena decks," said the elemental. "I want a fire nymph to warm my creatures," he said. "I want a
water nymph to make other nymphs, and so I need a nymph. Can you give me a nymph?"
-"I have no nymphs today" said the Oracle. I do not battle and they rarely come to me" said the Oracle "but you may spin my wheel, and maybe get a fahrenheit
to burn your opponents with. Then you will be happy"
And so the elemental took the fahrenheit and built a flying fahrenheit deck for the arena.
And he was happy.
But the elemental stayed away for a long time and the Oracle was sad. And when he came back, the Oracle
was so happy he could hardly speak.
-"Come, elemental" he whispered, "Come and spin"
-"I am too old and sad to play. "said the elemental. "I want a nymph that will make the other elementals jealous. Can
you give me a nymph?"
-"Yeah, I have a water nymph for you today said the Oracle.
And the elemental was happy.
And the Oracle was happy.
The end