Boss | Red Stars | Frostbite | Artist | Red Stars | Meaning of Life | CD & DB | Ragnarok | Red Stars | FE | *** | *** | OT & Writer | *** | *** | BONUS | MoL | Ragnarok | SUPER BONUS | *** | *** | Challenge "A" | *** | n/a |
Incredibly drawn, Stars and Frostbite.
MoL's one was less representative of the previous draw (art) and Ragnarok... I thought everyone was going to understand that it had to be a paper draw.
WHAT - THE- ZANZ MoL and Red Stars!
The only submission I wouldn't have voted for is Ragnarok's one, because the task says "craft" and the other submissions... crafted.
The only reason I didn't vote for Frostbite is because the other 2 ones look more awesome. This includes the Wine Dragon. SUCH an enjoyable task to vote.
CD + DB: MoL's one requires too many elements for just dealing poison, plus the main CC of the deck (poison) is too fragile to better CC.
Ragnarok's one is awesome, involving 3 elements when not including the cost. I don't like much the "again if

because I feel it can make it unbalanced but the idea is neat.
The Chamaleon looks like a nerfed Oty, it needs 3 elements and takes some turns to get some HP. Yes, it can heap itself up to 5 HP, yet...
The Bond has no explanation nor deck.
Red Star's one looks adaptable to many decks where creatures have abilities of other elements, I like that card too. The idea is original, I can't recall seeing it before, and the deck shows a good use of the card.
MoL: Nice! Representative of your name and well produced.
Ragnarok: You made me laugh, you deserve the vote.



symbols together hurt my eyes.
Stars and Gravy... really, the same thing? What happened?
Other votes: On this days.