Random snippet for chorus/repeated part of the song
Let us go craaaaazy, for the light
Our vision might be haaaaaazy, in the night
We might lose this fight, but it'll be all right
Cause we've come into the light
Cause we've come into the light
Another part:
To the whispers in the dark
Though they be cold and stark
To them we'll never haaaaaaaaaaark
And though Death might dominate (for a moment)
At times of great unrest 9and unpaid rent)
In the end they'll be sent back to luuuuuurk
Cause Light will make it's mark
Cause Light will make it's mark
Yeah, deiated from yar tune. And the lyrics kinda suck. But we need something. Could you, asy, or anyone do the vocals and come up with a tune for this please? I'm sorry disappointing y'all.