A competition for noobs who are supposed to be trained to be better forum members with the help of a mentor.
Dear Vetarans who have strong will to help others. Don't hide your Light, now it's an event for you! Like a good deity, illuminate newbies with your profound knowledge about card mechanics, deckbuilding and, above all, help them become active members of our community.
Dear newbies, don't be shy, finally it's an event for you! Your task will be to create a card with a help of mentor. Let your creativity shine with the luminescent brilliance of a dying star! If you're willing to join the ranks of respected community members like ddevans96 and OldTrees then you'll have to be active. Don't let that daunt you, you'll have an opportunity to become friends with great people like them.
RULES: Separate rules, one for our wonderful newbies and the other for our lovely veterans.
For newbies: To qualify as a newbie you must have under one hundred forum posts and be younger than three months on the forum. And don't even think about trying to lie about your forum age, this is the internet, we don't do that here. Now for event rules, You will be responsible for most of the work when it comes to card and deck building. Your mentor is just suppose to help you, not do the work. You've got to come up with the idea and mechanic. Your mentor will help balance and iron it out.
For veterans: You have to be at least 8 months old on the forum and at least a hero member. DO NOT do the work for your newbie, only help with balancing and stuff they aren't really familiar with yet. And encourage them to go and learn. You're a teacher, so teach.
The reason we participate in these competitions, Rewards: (I'm open to suggestions, preferably something that won't make the newbie's all feel like they are done and can just drop off all activity)
I don't know any other reward for forum event than a forum icon. And if we expect voting there must be some kind of competition and in competition there are winners and losers. No idea for non-invasive rewards... |
Tasks: The things that make events not just a bunch of people standing around
Task 1: Card design, make a card, any card, any element any type with any mechanic, so long as it is original and will be debated. It must be submitted to the crucible once there has been enough debate.
Veteran's task here would be to instruct a newbie how to create a card following CI&A format, teaching him/her how to balance card, etc. |
Task 2: Deck building, Build a deck, any deck, upped or unupped, Requirements: it has to be somewhat original but given as how there are so many decks posted we won't require it be completely 100% original, that's damn near impossible. It has to be able to at least farm ai 3 with regular wins.
It would be good here veterans show trainer to those noobs who have never heard about it, as some of them may not have many cards yet. Short Description explaining the mechanic of a deck as well as why these cards and not others were chosen is required. |
Task 3: Things get interesting here. You have to make a thread in off one of the off topic boards. This thread must reach the status of "Very hot Topic" meaning it needs to get over fifty posts in the duration of the task.
I don't personally like this fifty posts requirements. What about jusy vets must supervise noob so as he should keep his topic alive, replying to others. |
Task 4: Post at least 10 reasonable replies in any topics. Vets will have to judge if replies are reasonable enough. |
(more tasks to come)
This part i waiting for more suggestions! |
Voting: Ah voting, the thing that makes events winnable. We'll have it. Voting goes down like this, once our wonderful newbies finishes a task they will post a link to their thread in the voting thread, at the end of the round we'll make a pretty poll and you guys can vote on your favorites. winner gets points, points add up, most points wins.
I suggest like 10 days for each task. Then 7 days poll. |
Rough ideas, I'm open to feedback. To cut off questions, this event ties in with our name because light is all about helping stuff, and this event will, in theory, help the community get stronger.
That's all what I could do for this task I'm afraid. That's unlikely I will be here before deadline like last time Please all of you, form anything from that and post to BMs! Thanks! |
PS. Big thanks for Skota for creating this draft from our titan brainstorm. Ps 2. CR WANTED! Dead or alive ;] |