I assume it's a type when the CD task says "Create a powerful, but balanced creature card for Other," because "It can be a creature, spell or permanent. No new card slots."Am I right?
that occurred earlier in this brawl
I assume it's a typo when the CD task says "Create a powerful, but balanced creature card card for Other," because "It can be a creature, spell or permanent. No new card slots."
So with the writer task, does it mean challenge as in brawl challenge? Or challenge as in hardship?
In the DB task, hero? Cant it be a villain? Also about the term hero. Any guy who is good and is fictional is okay? Also I dont.. Do we have to make a card of the hero and add it there? Or just the deck to describe the hero?
About the Artist Task: Can our submission be more than just a single picture? Can it be a video or something?
For deckbuilder task: Can we also make a deck of a bad guy? Like Bane from Batman for example?