
Offline CrockettRocket

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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136008#msg1136008
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2014, 02:16:35 am »
Spoiler for boss task:
Boss task: DL as first, and DDD as 2nd. Why? It included how the 12 elements came together, something extra. But with that aside, it also had a lot of credits and I liked the format of the resume that only DDD and DL had. For DL it also fit the theme we worked around in every task on every round this brawl: LIGHT! More specifically, crusader if possible, and whichever is convenient. The having to work around the same theme repetively was a foreshadowed challenge I liked and made things even more interesting in the making.

Not DDD(as first): I didn't quite understand the card you picked. With that aside it looked very much like a resume. It also gave a good sense of humor. +rep to who can tell me did the task, I would just give the boss the rep but team mates can and will do tasks for others.

Not Cuckoo's cause the task is a interview with zanz, not human resources. While zanz is a human resource not all human resources are zanz. Also, entropy cloud is done by one of your own members. >.< For tasks you should know the information already about your specified field or acquire the info. For information about a card submitted by one of your own team mates leads me to believe you didn't have to actually try to acquire any information, and I cant be certain you already had known the info. Picking a card from one of your team mates to me is a roundabout way of avoiding the troublesomes of already knowing the info or acquiring it.

Not silver ferns: Your task seemed like something speed built because of no back ground information about the interview. Heh, didn't even know about the card. Anyway +rep to whoever did it, made me laugh.  :P :D but I disapprove of the way you made zanz out to be in the interview.

Not witd: It didn't look resume enough.

Spoiler for Artist Task:
CUCKOO'S NEST BY FAR! And then had a die rolled in blab chat because I want to vote for a 2nd team, but don't have a personal preference between DL and DDD, DDD's layout was too confusing and in the end I know our artist could have done better, both were good but I wanted more from them. I won't talk about why I didn't chose silver ferns, because it'd be something too long. Ill give +rep 3 times to the cuckoo's artist, OH! And my 2nd vote was settled in a die where I called out my teams winning number and DDD's, the result was: DDD. So my vote is: CUCKOO'S NEST and the other guy, DDD.

Spoiler for Card Designer task:
DL and WitD.
I laughed at the name elitism. But the task was build a card thats powerful and other, while I see your card a bit UP witd. I think our task submission is powerful, maybe even a bit OP but seems balanced with the shards right about now.

Definitely not nest or silver ferns : Seriously? A card for 12 quanta, a creature with massive stats? A ruby dragon is 15|2 for 12 or 13? :fire. I understand the ability, and like the description on the side, I even like how surprisingly versatile it is. But I have a personal thing against card ideas exceeding greater then 10 quanta because that's what one second ideas people come up with in kongregate.

Definitely not DDD, a blessing for other is not needed. Are you guys afraid of escaping :death and don't want to be a religious follower of the :light as explain in the OT round 1 task by us?  :P

This was basically a fast and simple process of elimination.

Spoiler for DeckBuilder task:
Divine Light and Cuckoo's nest. I skipped the whole lore thing, but did like seeing Kailua their. If the lore mattered to me I might have put Cuckoo's above my own team. For stability I didn't like how many different pendulums they had in each deck. Honestly if I was to use any one of them, be their kinda plain and simple, I'd use spikes. Good job spike, you -do- know how to build a pretty good deck anyway. I expected more from the other DB's. And for a while I didn't think I was possibly gonna be able to make a 2nd vote, but good job Cuckoo for building a simple yet effective deck.

Spoiler for ForumExpert:
Well, I may be biased here, but I seriously hated all other submissions but my own and TL;DR WitD after the first sentence cause I got a pretty good idea of what the rest of it was gonna be. :P Even TL;DRing WitD I absolutely disagreed with at least one thing other submissions said. I know zanz doesn't update the game enough, but he still created it and I think for that he deserves respect, this whole "annoy zanz" theme ya got going on won't earn my vote for sure. I'm not even zanz and your submissions are just annoying me for the theme. But hey, go all in with a theme in hopes that will get you votes or don't commit to the theme at all. My vote: DL then WitD. And that's only cause I am trying to vote for a 2nd team, especially when my first vote is my own team in terms of let the best team win.

Spoiler for Off-Topicker:
I'm reading the submissions because I'm dumb and if you explain anything as hard science, I'll probably fall for it. So I'll quote where the submissions lose my faith in what they have to say. DL, I can't argue against it, but I laugh at it cause I doubt it so much. At least they chose an undisputable topic I also surely can't dispute it because I've heard of antimatter once before, and wasn't able to dispute the submission at all to that point, thus not knowing antimatter very well anything next to come I really can't dispute. +Rep And cuckoo's nest, having a guy voice it and draw it out seems pretty legit to me. +Rep.

Not WitD: "Of course, this isn't simply glass; it is a material of such tensile strength that the particle has no effect outside of the bottle." You never went onto explaining how you knew it was a material of "such tensile strength" if you know it's a material of a high tensile strength why can't you tell me exactly how much tensile strength it has? This hard science seems like something I would come up with, and thus is faulty. (I'm really bad at hard science. :P)

Not DDD: you spoke over my head first sentence. I don't even want to try to read that, if I can't possibly understand at least a majority of it I won't vote for it.

Not silver ferns: theirs an air symbol that flies upward when you cast animate or flying weapon. If you explained that the robots could fly and went into excessive wording then I would have considered your task more.

Spoiler for writer:
Cuckoos nest by far. Then DL.  +repx3 to the cuckoo's person who wrote it, I'd read more about it in an actual free read.
Not WitD, for this, I'll use a quote: "...dim fog appears and soon it's cloaks the whole Arena." Reading that I can't even visualize what a dim fog would be. Was rather hesitant on liking/disliking your submission until that point. You guys are admittedly a good team, thus I expect more from you. This was disappointing to me, I might have been more lientent if it was a different team I consider to be trying their best, but when you guys have produced such good things I can't think you were trying your best. Im sorry.

Not DDD: You guys show great work, and cuckoo's got the tone just right. I expected the same from you, but it just sounded more narrated then an enthusiastic announcer. Yes an announcer is a narrator, but I look at a narrator as something like in background in movies just before the movie starts so you have a bit of background info, or books, while an announcer is like something you're watching in a video.

Why DL over the other two: Our writer used a dialogue format no one else was really willing to use, except cuckoo's made it feel that way but never included the "" marks. I wasn't a real fan of any of them but cuckoos, and still want a team to vote 2nd on. I do truly believe DL did a better job in the writing task then WitD and DDD.

I am largely disappointed in what WitD and DDD brought this round, you "powerhouse" teams in my mind didn't live up to my expectectations of you. So much so, I was actually kind of betting WitD to win FB#3. I think honestly most of you just didn't put in as much time as before, and thus just didn't come out as good.

I am actually VERY very surprised at my own teams work. I know I voted for them in almost every task, but at least I shared my thoughts on why. I encourage you guys to also put a "why you didn't vote for each other team in each task." and what you based your voting on.. I swear I was being fair, I honestly was surprised to find myself voting for spikes deck and for DL so much. My team made me proud to say Im a follow of the divine light. But you gotta admit, no matter how hard you don't want to admit it, his deck is the most effective of them all. Thats what I based it on. I always took the deck builder tasks serious.

Spoiler for bonus task:
DIVINE LIGHT BY FAR. EXTREMLY FAR. 2 of them I just didnt deem "easily lisentable" like the task asked then a serious submission vs that ol' mono toned video of cuckoos. DL vs Cuckoos here, and I think, judging simply on what each team has there, DL wins. Do we give a 2nd vote for bonus tasks? If so, then cuckoos.

« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 02:26:06 am by CrockettRocket »
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:

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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136013#msg1136013
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2014, 02:50:25 am »
Sorry for double post, just dont want to include this with the voting post. I made some typo's in the FE task for DL. Im sincerly sorry about this.

Increase of 50 HP means 5* more reward. Not 50!  :-[
The number of marks up to five will increase your reward by 5 for each above 1 up to 5.
The number of cards drawn per turn will increase your reward by 10 for each above 1, up to 5 cards drawn per turn max.
Upgraded or unupped is half of your total reward after factoring in all those rewards+half of it.

If this changes your mind in voting, please change your vote. Im very sorry for this, cause the reward system is absurd as is.
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:

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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136031#msg1136031
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2014, 07:25:52 am »

WRITER: Divine Light & Silver Ferns (Both of these tasks made me laugh, but I am probably ultra-biased here, since I am between the protagonists.)

Yes, protagonist.. that's why you're a benevolent dictator, banishing your subjects instead of killing them ;)

Writer: Divine Light gets this one, you (not so) sneaky reference-ers you.

 8) Hehe. BTW those who don't get the reference, that story is (almost entirely) based off of the Avatar The Last Airbender episode "Sozen's Comet: Into the Inferno" (The scenes involving Azula)

And am I the only one to notice that Sko wrote stuff about Vampires sparkling?  :P
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136037#msg1136037
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2014, 08:04:45 am »
And am I the only one to notice that Sko wrote stuff about Vampires sparkling?  :P

He would know best ;)
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136038#msg1136038
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2014, 08:06:16 am »
In response to Crockett's spoilered question: Voting on Bonus tasks is the same rules as voting on other tasks.
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136040#msg1136040
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2014, 08:10:51 am »
@CrockettRocket: Annele is the one who did the Boss task, you can +rep her if you wish. ;)
 About the Off-topicker, it clearly states that the nanomachines (those really tiny Armagios) have anti-gravitational abilities (gravity push), which use to push the animated weapon upwars and keep it floating in the air.

@Zawadx: Why? An anti-hero or a villian is a protagonist too, isn't he? :P
 I also noticed (and voted) the sparkling vampires, though I would prefer if those sparkling vampires were created via lobotomization & luciferin combo. ;D
Brawl #1 team :time, Brawl #2 team :fire, Brawl #3 team Silver Ferns, Brawl #4,7,8 Brawlmaster
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136048#msg1136048
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2014, 10:41:40 am »
Yeah but anti-gravitational is gravity, or "evil gravity" while air is flying. I make a distinct difference because thats me. :P It's splitting hairs yes, but that's what I had to do in order to keep my sanity over brawl.  ;) 8)
A world war? Am I invited?
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136050#msg1136050
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2014, 10:43:46 am »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for boss task:
Boss task: DL as first, and DDD as 2nd. Why? It included how the 12 elements came together, something extra. But with that aside, it also had a lot of credits and I liked the format of the resume that only DDD and DL had. For DL it also fit the theme we worked around in every task on every round this brawl: LIGHT! More specifically, crusader if possible, and whichever is convenient. The having to work around the same theme repetively was a foreshadowed challenge I liked and made things even more interesting in the making.

Not DDD(as first): I didn't quite understand the card you picked. With that aside it looked very much like a resume. It also gave a good sense of humor. +rep to who can tell me did the task, I would just give the boss the rep but team mates can and will do tasks for others.

Not Cuckoo's cause the task is a interview with zanz, not human resources. While zanz is a human resource not all human resources are zanz. Also, entropy cloud is done by one of your own members. >.< For tasks you should know the information already about your specified field or acquire the info. For information about a card submitted by one of your own team mates leads me to believe you didn't have to actually try to acquire any information, and I cant be certain you already had known the info. Picking a card from one of your team mates to me is a roundabout way of avoiding the troublesomes of already knowing the info or acquiring it.

Not silver ferns: Your task seemed like something speed built because of no back ground information about the interview. Heh, didn't even know about the card. Anyway +rep to whoever did it, made me laugh.  :P :D but I disapprove of the way you made zanz out to be in the interview.

Not witd: It didn't look resume enough.

Spoiler for Artist Task:
CUCKOO'S NEST BY FAR! And then had a die rolled in blab chat because I want to vote for a 2nd team, but don't have a personal preference between DL and DDD, DDD's layout was too confusing and in the end I know our artist could have done better, both were good but I wanted more from them. I won't talk about why I didn't chose silver ferns, because it'd be something too long. Ill give +rep 3 times to the cuckoo's artist, OH! And my 2nd vote was settled in a die where I called out my teams winning number and DDD's, the result was: DDD. So my vote is: CUCKOO'S NEST and the other guy, DDD.

Spoiler for Card Designer task:
DL and WitD.
I laughed at the name elitism. But the task was build a card thats powerful and other, while I see your card a bit UP witd. I think our task submission is powerful, maybe even a bit OP but seems balanced with the shards right about now.

Definitely not nest or silver ferns : Seriously? A card for 12 quanta, a creature with massive stats? A ruby dragon is 15|2 for 12 or 13? :fire. I understand the ability, and like the description on the side, I even like how surprisingly versatile it is. But I have a personal thing against card ideas exceeding greater then 10 quanta because that's what one second ideas people come up with in kongregate.

Definitely not DDD, a blessing for other is not needed. Are you guys afraid of escaping :death and don't want to be a religious follower of the :light as explain in the OT round 1 task by us?  :P

This was basically a fast and simple process of elimination.

Spoiler for DeckBuilder task:
Divine Light and Cuckoo's nest. I skipped the whole lore thing, but did like seeing Kailua their. If the lore mattered to me I might have put Cuckoo's above my own team. For stability I didn't like how many different pendulums they had in each deck. Honestly if I was to use any one of them, be their kinda plain and simple, I'd use spikes. Good job spike, you -do- know how to build a pretty good deck anyway. I expected more from the other DB's. And for a while I didn't think I was possibly gonna be able to make a 2nd vote, but good job Cuckoo for building a simple yet effective deck.

Spoiler for ForumExpert:
Well, I may be biased here, but I seriously hated all other submissions but my own and TL;DR WitD after the first sentence cause I got a pretty good idea of what the rest of it was gonna be. :P Even TL;DRing WitD I absolutely disagreed with at least one thing other submissions said. I know zanz doesn't update the game enough, but he still created it and I think for that he deserves respect, this whole "annoy zanz" theme ya got going on won't earn my vote for sure. I'm not even zanz and your submissions are just annoying me for the theme. But hey, go all in with a theme in hopes that will get you votes or don't commit to the theme at all. My vote: DL then WitD. And that's only cause I am trying to vote for a 2nd team, especially when my first vote is my own team in terms of let the best team win.

Spoiler for Off-Topicker:
I'm reading the submissions because I'm dumb and if you explain anything as hard science, I'll probably fall for it. So I'll quote where the submissions lose my faith in what they have to say. DL, I can't argue against it, but I laugh at it cause I doubt it so much. At least they chose an undisputable topic I also surely can't dispute it because I've heard of antimatter once before, and wasn't able to dispute the submission at all to that point, thus not knowing antimatter very well anything next to come I really can't dispute. +Rep And cuckoo's nest, having a guy voice it and draw it out seems pretty legit to me. +Rep.

Not WitD: "Of course, this isn't simply glass; it is a material of such tensile strength that the particle has no effect outside of the bottle." You never went onto explaining how you knew it was a material of "such tensile strength" if you know it's a material of a high tensile strength why can't you tell me exactly how much tensile strength it has? This hard science seems like something I would come up with, and thus is faulty. (I'm really bad at hard science. :P)

Not DDD: you spoke over my head first sentence. I don't even want to try to read that, if I can't possibly understand at least a majority of it I won't vote for it.

Not silver ferns: theirs an air symbol that flies upward when you cast animate or flying weapon. If you explained that the robots could fly and went into excessive wording then I would have considered your task more.

Spoiler for writer:
Cuckoos nest by far. Then DL.  +repx3 to the cuckoo's person who wrote it, I'd read more about it in an actual free read.
Not WitD, for this, I'll use a quote: "...dim fog appears and soon it's cloaks the whole Arena." Reading that I can't even visualize what a dim fog would be. Was rather hesitant on liking/disliking your submission until that point. You guys are admittedly a good team, thus I expect more from you. This was disappointing to me, I might have been more lientent if it was a different team I consider to be trying their best, but when you guys have produced such good things I can't think you were trying your best. Im sorry.

Not DDD: You guys show great work, and cuckoo's got the tone just right. I expected the same from you, but it just sounded more narrated then an enthusiastic announcer. Yes an announcer is a narrator, but I look at a narrator as something like in background in movies just before the movie starts so you have a bit of background info, or books, while an announcer is like something you're watching in a video.

Why DL over the other two: Our writer used a dialogue format no one else was really willing to use, except cuckoo's made it feel that way but never included the "" marks. I wasn't a real fan of any of them but cuckoos, and still want a team to vote 2nd on. I do truly believe DL did a better job in the writing task then WitD and DDD.

I am largely disappointed in what WitD and DDD brought this round, you "powerhouse" teams in my mind didn't live up to my expectectations of you. So much so, I was actually kind of betting WitD to win FB#3. I think honestly most of you just didn't put in as much time as before, and thus just didn't come out as good.

I am actually VERY very surprised at my own teams work. I know I voted for them in almost every task, but at least I shared my thoughts on why. I encourage you guys to also put a "why you didn't vote for each other team in each task." and what you based your voting on.. I swear I was being fair, I honestly was surprised to find myself voting for spikes deck and for DL so much. My team made me proud to say Im a follow of the divine light. But you gotta admit, no matter how hard you don't want to admit it, his deck is the most effective of them all. Thats what I based it on. I always took the deck builder tasks serious.

Spoiler for bonus task:
DIVINE LIGHT BY FAR. EXTREMLY FAR. 2 of them I just didnt deem "easily lisentable" like the task asked then a serious submission vs that ol' mono toned video of cuckoos. DL vs Cuckoos here, and I think, judging simply on what each team has there, DL wins. Do we give a 2nd vote for bonus tasks? If so, then cuckoos.

This post shows me that you have no idea of what you are talking.
Example Deck Builder Task: You voted for a DECK just because it was based on a hero you like. Just what? Did you even understand how I built that Thor deck? Did you see the screenshots? Three gold arena wins in a row!
Another example Offtopicker: If you have no idea of science, why do you vote?
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136052#msg1136052
« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2014, 10:47:12 am »
I voted for 2 decks NOT BASED ON LORE! And I did my best to vote for the hard science one, and did it based on my stupidity xD
A world war? Am I invited?
Thanks to skotadi for saying this in chat. Made me laugh pretty hard, and fits with me not getting drafted. :silly:

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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136054#msg1136054
« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2014, 10:59:19 am »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Spoiler for boss task:
Boss task: DL as first, and DDD as 2nd. Why? It included how the 12 elements came together, something extra. But with that aside, it also had a lot of credits and I liked the format of the resume that only DDD and DL had. For DL it also fit the theme we worked around in every task on every round this brawl: LIGHT! More specifically, crusader if possible, and whichever is convenient. The having to work around the same theme repetively was a foreshadowed challenge I liked and made things even more interesting in the making.

Not DDD(as first): I didn't quite understand the card you picked. With that aside it looked very much like a resume. It also gave a good sense of humor. +rep to who can tell me did the task, I would just give the boss the rep but team mates can and will do tasks for others.

Not Cuckoo's cause the task is a interview with zanz, not human resources. While zanz is a human resource not all human resources are zanz. Also, entropy cloud is done by one of your own members. >.< For tasks you should know the information already about your specified field or acquire the info. For information about a card submitted by one of your own team mates leads me to believe you didn't have to actually try to acquire any information, and I cant be certain you already had known the info. Picking a card from one of your team mates to me is a roundabout way of avoiding the troublesomes of already knowing the info or acquiring it.

Not silver ferns: Your task seemed like something speed built because of no back ground information about the interview. Heh, didn't even know about the card. Anyway +rep to whoever did it, made me laugh.  :P :D but I disapprove of the way you made zanz out to be in the interview.

Not witd: It didn't look resume enough.

Spoiler for Artist Task:
CUCKOO'S NEST BY FAR! And then had a die rolled in blab chat because I want to vote for a 2nd team, but don't have a personal preference between DL and DDD, DDD's layout was too confusing and in the end I know our artist could have done better, both were good but I wanted more from them. I won't talk about why I didn't chose silver ferns, because it'd be something too long. Ill give +rep 3 times to the cuckoo's artist, OH! And my 2nd vote was settled in a die where I called out my teams winning number and DDD's, the result was: DDD. So my vote is: CUCKOO'S NEST and the other guy, DDD.

Spoiler for Card Designer task:
DL and WitD.
I laughed at the name elitism. But the task was build a card thats powerful and other, while I see your card a bit UP witd. I think our task submission is powerful, maybe even a bit OP but seems balanced with the shards right about now.

Definitely not nest or silver ferns : Seriously? A card for 12 quanta, a creature with massive stats? A ruby dragon is 15|2 for 12 or 13? :fire. I understand the ability, and like the description on the side, I even like how surprisingly versatile it is. But I have a personal thing against card ideas exceeding greater then 10 quanta because that's what one second ideas people come up with in kongregate.

Definitely not DDD, a blessing for other is not needed. Are you guys afraid of escaping :death and don't want to be a religious follower of the :light as explain in the OT round 1 task by us?  :P

This was basically a fast and simple process of elimination.

Spoiler for DeckBuilder task:
Divine Light and Cuckoo's nest. I skipped the whole lore thing, but did like seeing Kailua their. If the lore mattered to me I might have put Cuckoo's above my own team. For stability I didn't like how many different pendulums they had in each deck. Honestly if I was to use any one of them, be their kinda plain and simple, I'd use spikes. Good job spike, you -do- know how to build a pretty good deck anyway. I expected more from the other DB's. And for a while I didn't think I was possibly gonna be able to make a 2nd vote, but good job Cuckoo for building a simple yet effective deck.

Spoiler for ForumExpert:
Well, I may be biased here, but I seriously hated all other submissions but my own and TL;DR WitD after the first sentence cause I got a pretty good idea of what the rest of it was gonna be. :P Even TL;DRing WitD I absolutely disagreed with at least one thing other submissions said. I know zanz doesn't update the game enough, but he still created it and I think for that he deserves respect, this whole "annoy zanz" theme ya got going on won't earn my vote for sure. I'm not even zanz and your submissions are just annoying me for the theme. But hey, go all in with a theme in hopes that will get you votes or don't commit to the theme at all. My vote: DL then WitD. And that's only cause I am trying to vote for a 2nd team, especially when my first vote is my own team in terms of let the best team win.

Spoiler for Off-Topicker:
I'm reading the submissions because I'm dumb and if you explain anything as hard science, I'll probably fall for it. So I'll quote where the submissions lose my faith in what they have to say. DL, I can't argue against it, but I laugh at it cause I doubt it so much. At least they chose an undisputable topic I also surely can't dispute it because I've heard of antimatter once before, and wasn't able to dispute the submission at all to that point, thus not knowing antimatter very well anything next to come I really can't dispute. +Rep And cuckoo's nest, having a guy voice it and draw it out seems pretty legit to me. +Rep.

Not WitD: "Of course, this isn't simply glass; it is a material of such tensile strength that the particle has no effect outside of the bottle." You never went onto explaining how you knew it was a material of "such tensile strength" if you know it's a material of a high tensile strength why can't you tell me exactly how much tensile strength it has? This hard science seems like something I would come up with, and thus is faulty. (I'm really bad at hard science. :P)

Not DDD: you spoke over my head first sentence. I don't even want to try to read that, if I can't possibly understand at least a majority of it I won't vote for it.

Not silver ferns: theirs an air symbol that flies upward when you cast animate or flying weapon. If you explained that the robots could fly and went into excessive wording then I would have considered your task more.

Spoiler for writer:
Cuckoos nest by far. Then DL.  +repx3 to the cuckoo's person who wrote it, I'd read more about it in an actual free read.
Not WitD, for this, I'll use a quote: "...dim fog appears and soon it's cloaks the whole Arena." Reading that I can't even visualize what a dim fog would be. Was rather hesitant on liking/disliking your submission until that point. You guys are admittedly a good team, thus I expect more from you. This was disappointing to me, I might have been more lientent if it was a different team I consider to be trying their best, but when you guys have produced such good things I can't think you were trying your best. Im sorry.

Not DDD: You guys show great work, and cuckoo's got the tone just right. I expected the same from you, but it just sounded more narrated then an enthusiastic announcer. Yes an announcer is a narrator, but I look at a narrator as something like in background in movies just before the movie starts so you have a bit of background info, or books, while an announcer is like something you're watching in a video.

Why DL over the other two: Our writer used a dialogue format no one else was really willing to use, except cuckoo's made it feel that way but never included the "" marks. I wasn't a real fan of any of them but cuckoos, and still want a team to vote 2nd on. I do truly believe DL did a better job in the writing task then WitD and DDD.

I am largely disappointed in what WitD and DDD brought this round, you "powerhouse" teams in my mind didn't live up to my expectectations of you. So much so, I was actually kind of betting WitD to win FB#3. I think honestly most of you just didn't put in as much time as before, and thus just didn't come out as good.

I am actually VERY very surprised at my own teams work. I know I voted for them in almost every task, but at least I shared my thoughts on why. I encourage you guys to also put a "why you didn't vote for each other team in each task." and what you based your voting on.. I swear I was being fair, I honestly was surprised to find myself voting for spikes deck and for DL so much. My team made me proud to say Im a follow of the divine light. But you gotta admit, no matter how hard you don't want to admit it, his deck is the most effective of them all. Thats what I based it on. I always took the deck builder tasks serious.

Spoiler for bonus task:
DIVINE LIGHT BY FAR. EXTREMLY FAR. 2 of them I just didnt deem "easily lisentable" like the task asked then a serious submission vs that ol' mono toned video of cuckoos. DL vs Cuckoos here, and I think, judging simply on what each team has there, DL wins. Do we give a 2nd vote for bonus tasks? If so, then cuckoos.

This post shows me that you have no idea of what you are talking.
Example Deck Builder Task: You voted for a DECK just because it was based on a hero you like. Just what? Did you even understand how I built that Thor deck? Did you see the screenshots? Three gold arena wins in a row!
Another example Offtopicker: If you have no idea of science, why do you vote?
^ also i have 3 wins in a row in screenies in my submission and got an upped arsenic:p. Also branden, you said about unbiased voting above... just. Dont.
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136061#msg1136061
« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2014, 11:49:18 am »
While unbiased voting really isn't possible while one's taking part in Brawl, I'm gonna say that CR really did try his best to be honest (more than I myself will perhaps be, TBH, cause i want to win). For example, he didn't vote DL for Artist task; if he were biased he could've just voted for DL instead of going so far to randomize.

@Zawadx: Why? An anti-hero or a villian is a protagonist too, isn't he? :P
 I also noticed (and voted) the sparkling vampires, though I would prefer if those sparkling vampires were created via lobotomization & luciferin combo. ;D

Umm, no? Villains are called antagonists, which are the opposite of protagonist.

We though Vamp + lobo + Luci combo was OP, so we avoided it :P
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 6 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54503.msg1136067#msg1136067
« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2014, 12:35:14 pm »
@Zawadx: Why? An anti-hero or a villian is a protagonist too, isn't he? :P
 I also noticed (and voted) the sparkling vampires, though I would prefer if those sparkling vampires were created via lobotomization & luciferin combo. ;D

Umm, no? Villains are called antagonists, which are the opposite of protagonist.
The main character is the protagonist. Thus the protagonist can be a villian. Deathnote is an example of a story with a villian as the protagonist.
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