Boss task: DL as first, and DDD as 2nd. Why? It included how the 12 elements came together, something
extra. But with that aside, it also had a lot of credits and I liked the format of the resume that only DDD and DL had. For DL it also fit the theme we worked around in every task on every round this brawl: LIGHT! More specifically, crusader if possible, and whichever is convenient. The having to work around the same theme repetively was a foreshadowed challenge I liked and made things even more interesting in the making.
Not DDD(as first): I didn't quite understand the card you picked. With that aside it looked very much like a resume. It also gave a good sense of humor. +rep to who can tell me did the task, I would just give the boss the rep but team mates can and will do tasks for others.
Not Cuckoo's cause the task is a interview with zanz, not human resources. While zanz is a human resource not all human resources are zanz. Also, entropy cloud is done by one of your own members. >.< For tasks you should know the information already about your specified field or acquire the info. For information about a card submitted by one of your own team mates leads me to believe you didn't have to actually try to acquire any information, and I cant be certain you already had known the info. Picking a card from one of your team mates to me is a roundabout way of avoiding the troublesomes of already knowing the info or acquiring it.
Not silver ferns: Your task seemed like something speed built because of no back ground information about the interview. Heh, didn't even know about the card. Anyway +rep to whoever did it, made me laugh.

but I disapprove of the way you made zanz out to be in the interview.
Not witd: It didn't look resume enough.