In my previous post, no complains intended; i just wanted to underline the non-sense voting system of this nice event, and the non-sense votes expressed by Zso-Zso in last two rounds.
In round 2 he votes us just because our name remind to

(bringing harm to other teams), in round 3 didn't vote for us just because the mess he did in the former round (bringing harm to us).
Now, if this crappy things can happen, then the voting system isn't so...balanced? Fair? Use the word you want.
Let's make an example: what doth hinder me to send some PM's to other players asking to be voted?
What doth hinder me to vote someone in a team just because is more friendly to me than other players?
Or again, what doth hinder me to vote...randomly?
The game is game and i know it very well, and this event (that i like very much) is for fun; but as i already wrote, all brawlers spend a part of their time in brawl tasks, and this voting system has so many "leaks" that each round each work submitted may not receive the just judgment.
I'll wrote my suggestion for next brawl voting system in the dedicated thread.
Again, no complains/flame/trolling intended. Maybe a little bit of frustration at seeing our (brawlers) efforts/works often judged beyond their actual value.