Build a deck using cards in-game and of at least crucible level that matches your team name's theme.
at least? one? or do I suck at english? 
Any amount of cards that are in the crucible, forge, armory, or their respective archives.
Any? meaning at least one? ahh I think I got it, 1 kind of card that is in forge armory or crucible that matches the team name right?
It meant either
Build a deck using cards in-game and at least one card, of at least crucible level, that matches your team name's theme
Build a deck, using cards in-game and at least one card (of at least crucible level), that matches your team name's theme
So you must include at least 1 forum made card idea but the forum made card ideas you use must be of crucible grade or higher.
While this task treats an archive as equal grade with the poll, I have a question
Question: In general when we say "at least crucible/forge grade", do we count the archive as equal grade or slightly lower?
Equal grade argument: Cards pass certain requirements to reach a poll level.
Slightly lower argument: Cards that were archived were less popular that cards still in the polls.