May I suggest that the disclaimer saying "Brawl Round #2 has started" should be replaced by "Vote now for the submissions of Brawl Round #1"? I'm pretty sure everyone that should know that round 2 started is already aware of it, while the people that you want voting in this thread aren't aware they should be voting.
Comments on some of the art submissions I liked from the other teams:
-Whispers in the Dark: The overall anatomy and specially the hands impressed me and gained my vote. Kudos to you MegroN.
-Divine Light: Simple but effective. I really liked it (but I like my drawing better, so sorry).
Other teams:
-Death dost dominate: The avatar represents the team well. One thing that put me off was that extra white after the contour on the grave (which is only okay if you know the background where you are placing your avatar is white). A tip to get rid of this kind of thing: Select the transparent part, grow the selection as few pixels as needed, delete everything in it, grow 1 pixel and use a gaussian blur (blurring outside the grave). It ends up looking like this

recovering the contour from here is possible but a bit more tricky.