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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1132300#msg1132300
« Reply #48 on: April 07, 2014, 01:14:08 pm »
I quoted it I swear, I simply dunno that rule i apologize...

I think it's not FORBIDDEN to vote here anyway? I find BMs just created it for our, brawlers, convenience?
It was created in order to avoid grudges between teams and any kind of vengeful voting in future rounds. I mean, many teams are probably going to think "Aha! Cucko's Nest vote for themselves with one vote and another team with the other one. Let us vote for ourselves too!" or "Tom didn't vote for my submission, I am definitely NOT going to vote for his submission again!" etc.
Maybe wait for the brawlmasters to say, eh?

The secret sections were made for a number of reasons. One was to avoid strategic voting on all teams, something we think diminishes the fun of the event. Vengeful voting was something we neither prepared for nor expected, though I suppose it's an added benefit. Another reason we did it was because converting from polls to text ballots, it's a lot easier if it's divided by teams so we can more easily handle the influx.

We would appreciate it if you did -not- directly put your votes here unless you are a non-brawler (then by all means vote). This does not mean it's illegal to do so, but we would really rather you didn't. We highly encourage brawlers to discuss who they may have voted for and why, but to all teams and everyone, no Brawlers votes here are official or necessarily true, so I discourage actively posting a list. Rather, if you want to express who you voted for, give us a nice little description of who and why that isn't directly voting.
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1132302#msg1132302
« Reply #49 on: April 07, 2014, 02:33:01 pm »
Boss / Writer: Divine Light -- lots of creative work with high quality
Artist: Death Dost Dominate -- very neat, gets the point across very well
Card Designer: Divine Light -- an interesting new mechanic that fits the  :light element theme
Deckbuilder: Divine Light -- looks like a good SN-bow fitting all the team-characters and still maintaining  :light dominance in the deck
Forum Expert: Death Dost Dominate -- that short essay have sure convinced me that this team is awesome!
Off Topicker: Death Dost Dominate -- very well chosen commandments

Some constructive criticism about the off-topicker  (religion) submissions:

The Cuckoo's Nest: Contradiction between first sentence and first commandment. It is an interesting idea to promote selfishness, a trait usually looked down upon by moral codes, but it is pushed a little too much with nothing else to support it, making the whole "religion" rather shallow and 1-trick-pony.

Divine Light: Overall cool religion, but maybe a bit too much of overall coolness  :P  The whole thing sounds a bit too much like Mormon copy-cat.

Silver Ferns: Fernalism sounds like a basic morality code, be a good and selfless person, which is nice but not quite enough to define it as a religion IMHO.

Death Dost Dominate: The commandments are good, but it would have been nice to see some other description of the religion as well, i.e. rituals, leadership structure etc.

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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1132335#msg1132335
« Reply #50 on: April 07, 2014, 07:47:13 pm »
For Deckbuilder my first place is the Cuckoo's Nest, as that was the only deck which was not a bow, the second is Death Dost Dominate, because they used a non-nymph unupgraded card. The rules nowhere said that it has to be upgraded. :D

For Artist, my first place goes for the Cuckoo's Nest again, and second is Whispers in the Dark, because of the basic concept behind the arts.

And for Writer, my favorite task yet, my obvious winner is the Cuckoo's Nest again, because of this (references and plot twists for the win!):


and that awesome reference to Kakerlake's application post. :D (42)
My second place for Writer goes to Team Divine Light, because that had some references too that I liked very much! ^^

I haven't decided on the rest though...
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1132478#msg1132478
« Reply #51 on: April 09, 2014, 08:57:29 pm »
And my votes go for:

Boss/Writer task: 1. Whispers in the Dark, 2. Divine Light - just found both to be a little bit ahead of others
Artist task: 1. Divine Light, 2. Death Dost Dominate - closest to the task - avatar, representing team
Card designer task: 1. Death Dost Dominate, 2. The Cuckoo's Nest - these 2 could bring some life into elements. Hmm wait, they're both death.. :)
Deckbuilder task: 1. Death Dost dominate, 2. Divine Light - liked poison theme in first and quite amusing sanct/sn bow in 2nd
Forum expert task: 1. Death Dost Dominate, man, you're awesome!:) 2. Silver Ferns, yes you're awesome too:) I found other teams were a bit too lazy to even try..
Off-topicker task - wasn't convinced by any team.

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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1132479#msg1132479
« Reply #52 on: April 09, 2014, 09:02:36 pm »
Boss / Writer: Divine Light -- lots of creative work with high quality
Artist: Death Dost Dominate -- very neat, gets the point across very well
Card Designer: Divine Light -- an interesting new mechanic that fits the  :light element theme
Deckbuilder: Divine Light -- looks like a good SN-bow fitting all the team-characters and still maintaining  :light dominance in the deck
Forum Expert: Death Dost Dominate -- that short essay have sure convinced me that this team is awesome!
Off Topicker: Death Dost Dominate -- very well chosen commandments

Some constructive criticism about the off-topicker  (religion) submissions:

The Cuckoo's Nest: Contradiction between first sentence and first commandment. It is an interesting idea to promote selfishness, a trait usually looked down upon by moral codes, but it is pushed a little too much with nothing else to support it, making the whole "religion" rather shallow and 1-trick-pony.

Divine Light: Overall cool religion, but maybe a bit too much of overall coolness  :P  The whole thing sounds a bit too much like Mormon copy-cat.

Silver Ferns: Fernalism sounds like a basic morality code, be a good and selfless person, which is nice but not quite enough to define it as a religion IMHO.

Death Dost Dominate: The commandments are good, but it would have been nice to see some other description of the religion as well, i.e. rituals, leadership structure etc.
Ironic seeing as how I really have no understanding of Mormonism
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1132502#msg1132502
« Reply #53 on: April 10, 2014, 12:44:14 am »
My personal opinions about the submissions. I'm not going to mention Divine Light's ones as I'm totally biased there:

Boss/Writer (My forte!)

DDD: Lol whut? Seriously, the comic has nothing along the lines of good content. It just shows pictures of the team and moves on. No fun at all. :/
Cuckoos: I liked the various references and the fact that you made it a fun parody. But the readability of the comic was pretty low. It was difficult to see which character was whom on the forums (at least for me). The dialogue could've used some work as well.
Whispers: It was fun. I personally would've preferred a bit more content on some of the members though.
Ferns: Had some content, but nothing really funny enough. Meh.

Artist (Yep, I dunno much about art)

DDD: Looks nice.
Cuckoo's: Neat drawing, representing the team.
Ferns: A bit too brushy for an avatar.
Whispers: Hmm, nice I guess.

Card Designer

Cuckoo's: It does represent the team well, and is a pretty nice card.
DDD: Neighbor mechanics are good. And the card is balanced methinks.
Ferns: Great idea for a shield. Though might be a bit off in Light.
Whispers: Seems OP. Like really OP, at least to me.


I personally can't find much to comment on.

Forum Expert

Cuckoos: I'm convinced that you guys are more than Awesome.
Whispers: Fun, and I'm also convinced here.
DDD: Nope, you guys are just mildly awesome.
Neat, but not awesome :P


Cuckoos: Nice, but too weird here.
Ferns: Seems too standard, nothing exceptional
DDD: Neat formatting, but could've done with more content.
Whispers: Hmm, I like it.

Yeah, my opinions are too opinion-ish. Hope somebody gets something good out of it.
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1132504#msg1132504
« Reply #54 on: April 10, 2014, 12:59:28 am »
Boss/Writer task: 1. Whispers in the Dark, 2. Divine Light
Artist task: 1. Cuckoo's Nest, 2. Silver Ferns
Card designer task: 1. Silver Ferns, 2. The Cuckoo's Nest
Deckbuilder task: 1. Death Dost dominate, 2. Divine Light
Forum expert task: 1. Death Dost Dominate, 2. Silver Ferns
Off-topicker task - 1. Silver Ferns, 2. Divine Light

Note: Please vote in your secret section, votes for Brawlers only count when posted there. You may publicly reveal your votes but they do not matter otherwise.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 04:26:02 am by Naesala »
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1132506#msg1132506
« Reply #55 on: April 10, 2014, 01:30:31 am »
Time's up, votes are being counted!
Round 3 will start tomorrow night, a bit after 00:01 GMT
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Offline NaesalaTopic starter

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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1132520#msg1132520
« Reply #56 on: April 10, 2014, 04:36:10 am »
Round 1 Results

1. Whispers in the Dark
2. Death Dost Dominate
3. Divine Light Naesala's PickChapuz's Pick
4. Cuckoo's Nest
5. Silver Ferns

1. Divine Light
2. Cuckoo's Nest Naesala's Pick Chapuz's Pick
3. Whispers in the Dark
4. Silver Ferns
5. Death Dost Dominate

Card Design
1. Whispers in the Dark
2. Cuckoo's Nest
3. Divine Light Naesala's Pick Chapuz's Pick
4. Silver Ferns
5. Death Dost Dominate

1. Cuckoo's Nest
2. Divine Light Chapuz's Pick
3. Death dost Dominate TIED WITH
Also 3.Whispers in the Dark Naesala's Pick
5. Silver Ferns

Forum Expert
1. Cuckoo's Nest
2. Death Dost Dominate Naesala's Pick
3. Silver Ferns Chapuz's Pick
4. Whispers in the Dark
5. Divine Light

1. Death Dost Dominate
2. Divine Light
3. Whispers in the Dark Chapuz's Pick
4. Cuckoo's Nest
5. Silver Ferns. Naesala's Pick
« Last Edit: April 15, 2014, 02:30:06 am by Naesala »
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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1132537#msg1132537
« Reply #57 on: April 10, 2014, 10:37:20 am »
Time to explain the boss task. Not many people would remember or think to consider it but: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/propaganda-archive/death-31922/ I'll just throw it here for now. Our thing was a continuation like thing of that.


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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1132673#msg1132673
« Reply #58 on: April 11, 2014, 02:56:11 pm »
Maybe wait for the brawlmasters to say, eh?

I apologize for rushing to answer back then. Anyway, since I have some leisure time right now, I would like to explain my voting and to mention the possitives and negatives of FBrawl#3 so far. Here we go...


Divine Light:
 In my most honest opinion, the rightful absolute winner of this task. Good and original story, good and original artwork.
Death Dost Dominate:
 Probably the mostly underrated task of this round. Truth is, while its art was not of great quality, I indeed enjoyed the way each team member was represented (simple yet effective; the golden background was a pretty neat idea) as well as the Arsenic that was drawn out of the stone (the Excalibur of Death!). Its simplicity was actually its strength imho. But I admit it gained my vote after fighting in my brain toe to toe with Cucko's Nest and Whispers in the Dark comics.
Whispers In the Dark:
 Quite a few funny moments, but its art was half-finished with no proper removal of Pest's pic background and the text bubbles were usually small with even smaller text in them, making it a really difficult task to read. Quite a pity actually, since a comic must be easy-to-read.
Cucko's Nest:
 Truly neat and original artwork, but both the story and text felt like something was lacking. Text bubbles would be much moer suitable for a comic rather than plain text and the story could be enhanced with some tweaks here and there. An extremely solid submission no matter what and I am sure it was the 1st pick for many, though it wasn't for me.


Cucko's Nest:
My first pick! Original, colourful, sharp and, most of all, with a very strong connection to the name of the team, let alone it has the power of the friendship all around it!
Divine Light:
In the beginning, I was probably going for WITD's submission, since TDL's submission gave me the impression the image was copy/pasted and slightly edited by somewhere else. However, the phrase of "Divine Light" inside the pic, the image's animation and the existence of a black n' white large version of the same picture at the beginning of TDL's comic had strongly convienced me it was an original artwork. The fact they bothered to change its size to the normal forum's avatar size was another huge plus of this submission. Well done!
Whispers In The Dark:
The problem with a competition which allows you for 2 votes max per category is when preventing you from voting your 3rd most favourite submission, especially when deserve it. A neat and spooky pic with very good aspects, though it felt lacking some of Cucko's Nest 'magic'.
No offence (though you will be offended for sure) but this pic was looking like a copy/paste of a probably-not-free random grave pic found somewhere on the internet and slightly edited by sharpen/blur effects and another copy/paste of SoSac's pic on it. I suppose your artist was afk and you had to come up with something. (sidenote: A million apologies for my offensive comment, but I really expected more from a FBrawl submission and from a really strong team like DDD).


Death Dost Dominate:
A good implementation of a quite popular myth that exists in the culture of many countries. A solid effect and an area effect we have yet to see in EtG, it gets my vote (though I would preferred 2 points of mass poisoning instead of 2 points of mass damage).
Divine Light:
My second pick, I love both the aggressive and defensive nature of this card. It also has a risk (mass CC vulnerability) which makes it balanced. 2nd voted.
Whispers In The Dark:
I don't really like it. I don't see the connection between the 'whispers' and the effect, it takes a relatively simple idea and complicates it much and, in the end, it is just another DR effect (we have shields for this).
Cucko's Nest:
I was quite dissapointed not seeing a :time card here. The :death / :darkness theme & synnergy may was interesting to others but totally indifferent to me.


Divine Light:
Normally, that would be just another novabow, but the way you successfuly splashed :light cards in it gained my vote.
Whispers In The Dark:
An unoriginal deck indeed, but since I haven't seen a single SoSe at any deck of any competition for a very long time and since I believe SoSe needs more love, this submission got my vote.
Cucko's Nest:
Nice duo deck, but I strongly believe you guys really butchered your descriptions to make every single one of you represented by either a :time or :gravity creature. Moreover, despite this is not bad by itself, some descriptions (like Spy's) weren't making much of a sense. Dragons appear in almost any ancient and medieval mythology and it is not way the most famous japanese creature. Something like "Dragons are the most famous & powerful Yu-Gi-Oh cards, so Spy is a dragon" would made much more sense imho...
Death Dost Dominate:
I've seen quite a lot of poisonbows lately; this deck hasn't impressed me because of this.


Whispers in the Dark:
I really liked it! Short, but it catches your theme very well. Dark and twisted, perfectly fitting :darkness and you team. Voted...
Divine Light:
An overall very cool submission! Voted...
Death Dost Dominate:
It lacks something... something like more description of your religion. You have to write staff, to make me understand your belief system. Something more than just "Commandment 1,2,3,etc." or cool latin texts.
Cucko's Nest:
Good submission, but I really hated the way you overshadow any positive aspect of a Cucko bird in order to overmention its 'evilness' (something you did with your card designer's submission too). I love birds, they're cute, why you ruin their 'cuteness'? After all, any cute create is ruthless in the wilderness (they need to survive after all), so why you ruin our childhoods? :P


Death Dost Dominate:
Good formatting and good use of hyperlinks of your respective team members. Quite convienced of your awesomeness. Voted!
Cucko's Nest:
Good formatting and good use of spoilers describing each member. Quite conviencing about your awesomeness (42!). Voted!
Divine Light:
A Forum Expert's submission ought to be something more than just plain text (what is our difference with the Writer role if we just do what a writer does?). Moreover, not really conviencing...
Whispers In The Dark:
A Forum Expert's submission ought to be something more than just plain text (what is our difference with the Writer role if we just do what a writer does?). Moreover, not really conviencing...

In general, team Divine Light is the one who impressed me more. My team is the one that impressed me less (come on guys, we can do it better!).
No offence meant in the above text by any means. :D

« Last Edit: April 13, 2014, 08:51:46 am by ARTHANASIOS »
Brawl #1 team :time, Brawl #2 team :fire, Brawl #3 team Silver Ferns, Brawl #4,7,8 Brawlmaster
War #8 team :life, War #10,11,12 team :light, Brawl #6 team FROGS :life

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Re: Brawl #3 - Round 1 Voting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=54195.msg1133054#msg1133054
« Reply #59 on: April 14, 2014, 06:41:02 pm »
Round 1 Results

1. Whispers in the Dark
2. Death Dost Dominate
3. Divine Light Naesala's Pick
4. Cuckoo's Nest
5. Silver Ferns

1. Divine Light
2. Cuckoo's Nest Naesala's Pick
3. Whispers in the Dark
4. Silver Ferns
5. Death Dost Dominate

Card Design
1. Whispers in the Dark
2. Cuckoo's Nest
3. Divine Light Naesala's Pick
4. Silver Ferns
5. Death Dost Dominate

1. Cuckoo's Nest
2. Divine Light
3. Death dost Dominate TIED WITH
Also 3.Whispers in the Dark Naesala's Pick
5. Silver Ferns

Forum Expert
1. Cuckoo's Nest
2. Death Dost Dominate Naesala's Pick
3. Silver Ferns
4. Whispers in the Dark
5. Divine Light

1. Death Dost Dominate
2. Divine Light
3. Whispers in the Dark
4. Cuckoo's Nest
5. Silver Ferns. Naesala's Pick

When (if ever) will Chapuz' choices for Round 1 be revealed?
Death War #12/TBD TTG Brawl #6/1st Death War #10/9th GP Brawl #5/6th Death War #9/9th MoL Brawl #4/3rd Water War #8/7th DDD Brawl #3/3rd*Death War #7/5th*Death War #6/11th

