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| (The following text is from an actuall PM sent by Silver Ferns' Forum Expert towards the rest of the team at March 27, 2014, 01:28:46 AM)
Hello guys,
It seems we are going to be partners in FBrawl#3! I am looking forward cooperating with every single one of you! Annele is a well-known and honorable forum member and I have no doubt she will be an excellent leader of our team! I also hope she is going to provide us all with a TitanPad (or whatever) private team chat soon enough (winks at Annele). ShiningHeart is a new member, but he seems a really exciting and outgoing person. I am looking forward beholding your artistic skills, ShiningHeart! Terroking is an old veteran of the forums, but I had never the change to work with him. Until now. Terroking, I am sure you're going to be an excellent Card Designer who can also help greatly at Deckbuilding tasks! Another legendary member and theonlyrealbeef in the whole world is going to be proven an excellent Deckbuilder and, despite the hard competition in this role, he can trully own this Brawl. I have total faith in theonlyrealbeef's skill. Sasuk3 , you are a new forum member but you have a great in-game experience. I know you can be proven a great off-topicker and you can surely aid at deckbuilding and card designing. I believe in you and I am sorry I have to fight against your brother, but I hope you don't mind! Apoch the Mad , release the creativity of your madness into an insane writing inspiration and you will be a winner! Welcome to the Brawl, the competition where the reason is mad and the sanity insane!  Finally, I am known as ARTHANASIOS the Scum (tremble!, lolz!) and I hope my previous Brawl experience will come in handy.  GL&HF to all of ya!!