In the end, team Expensive Clocks wouldn't have won against team
even if they won in every task.
The fact was a huge movement of votes in the last 9 hours (7-12 per task), which didn't change who was the winner but it was a massive sharpshoot (more than what a whole team could have done) that who knows why we (Nae and I) want explained
Did this swing happen before or after the vote totals were visible?
Did the number of votes go up/down/stay the same?
Have you considered that some people prefer to vote as late as possible so as to see as many reviews as possible?
How distributed/not distributed was the movement?
All the movement we are talking about in the last 9 hours (before the results were visible) have been either to change a vote for Fire and/or to drop down Clocks, iirc from what Nae told me (she was keeping track of it all)
Wait, there was vote movement in favor of the team that was leading 5th round (Fire)? O.o
From a competitive point of view (not what we want), every team (except the team leading 5th round) would want to avoid voting for the team that was leading 5th round. Yet the movement was 7-12 which would require at least an almost full team conspiracy.
The only answer I can think of is this:,48369.0.html (Ctrl+F "brawl") and even that does not convince me.
Spoiler for if you are interested to listen to the view of a boss who win the event :
But if that is the case, it is weird though. only me(fire guild) in team fire, and anarook and acsabi44 in team water. and the winner goes to top 3, team water end up 4th, that means only I get the guild points.
Of course I do not know about other guilds, but a lot of calculation actually is needed, and this is a mass conspiracy, which is difficult to elicit.
I am pretty sure guilds are not involved in this. there are seriously too much work involved, and also not logic to actually prevent any guild to get too many points. So I will say NOPE, guilds are innocent, since guild members are all around spread out among teams. ( just like war, who cares about affinity except master involved)
this sharpshooting, it is more like, many people involved, and they may all going separately, meaning they are not working in a team. but doing them separately. and so happen they are thinking of the same thing, and I suspect double account is involved. 7-12 votes means around 6-12 voters, or 3-4 voters who are using double account.
But as I have been thinking, since reducing votes means they actually decided to change last minute. weird, for someone who has already voted, to reevaluate again. It is not like there are any expert views this time.
to be honest, it is like receiving a big wet blanket though. team fire is doing very well, with team time following closely behind. we won 4 out of the 6 rounds, and team time is just behind trailing. the last time before round 6, we are only leading team time by 31 points, ( yes, brawlmaster did not update standing correctly, so it looks like only 25) but for other teams, we are leading by 100+ points, and have almost double the points other team has.
so this round, I was thinking, this is going to be epic, leading with only 31 points, anything can happen, and that also mean we only have 2 spare champion score. I know we are going to win some tasks, and other task team time is going to win. we are going to come very close, not leading by 90+ points like now.
truth be told, I have a feeling this is going to happen, because we all know that happens during round 1( first sharpshooting episode) , and as a leading team in round 5, I voiced out my concern to my team, and have to stop my forum expert (arthanasios) who is very eager to set challenges, and we took 5 days( till the last minute) to actually reject those challenges, only taking 2 wagers and sending 1 wager(which got rejected) because those involved have the whole time free on their hands. I told my team wager is still ok, but challenge is too risky( our private chat still has the record), so when naesala mention sharpshooting has occured, I was like holy s... and was hoping it did no end up badly. I never like setting up challenges and wagers at this point in round 6. round 3 is enough nightmare for me.
YES, I have to admit, I am very glad we are not the victim, and turns out we end up being more advantageous, so yeah, I will be called a hypocrite if I continue complaining. But I want to specially thank opsinis and I feel he is a very sportmanship boss. He is the only one who wishes all the bosses luck in pm, and he actually congratulate team fire in pm for the victory, when he is the victim in this case, not to mention he is the highest scoring boss until my combo task last round get ahead of him. I really admire and respect him for this. He complained the least. ** gives salute to time boss, opsinis** it is very hard to accept to be second when it is 6 weeks journey. I heard you harass your members? don't worry me too. my teammates are just too nice to slap me back in the face.
I hope you are not that demotivated and continue to be a brawler or boss again next brawl. If I were you, I may have took my laptop and threw it out the window
now just my feedback. all in all, good brawl, I learn writing lyrics by searching for ways to write good lyrics (-_-) , learn to make video, do card designing. I have never done that the whole time I am here

basically the symbiont armor round 3 combo task is my first submission.... yeah first
learn to write lore by searching in web for ways to write a good one, not to mention the last time I write a story is during secondary school. suddenly I realise in my life, my creativity has gone dry from my monotonous and repetitive daily life activity.
yeah brawl, and when my friends ask me, why are you so tired and burning the midnight oil studying, I say I am doing both and is more active in forum for an event competition, then they say what is so interesting that you need to stay up? * note that because I am the only eastern player again like my war team, not to mention line is better when everybody is sleeping, I actually slept at 9pm and wake up at 2 am, and sleep again at 6 am. of course my friends notice if you do this for 6 weeks *
then I say it is interesting, I learn a lot, I even make friend with an Italian artist, how cool is that?
then my friend says, wow. must be a major event in forum. what is the reward for winning?
and I was ABOUT TO SAY * oh, reputation and a forum icon........ * I just choose to smile in reply when he asks me how much I am getting.
with that, I actually like the increment in votes. Unlike brawl 1 when everybody just give up in later rounds,in brawl 2 there are a lot of submissions last round for a comeback, would have been
a nice finisher move, had not of the potential trap the wagers and challengers end up this time. so
continue the votes increment but
I would like it better if there are no submissions worth 0 points even if lastsecondly, expert votes are really really powerful
And a last thing towards expert panel members (I will be harsh but there is no offence). By almost always giving your expert votes to team
you made the EtG community to adapt a subconsious envy against Expensive Clocks which, in my most honest opinion, caused the sharpshooting. Many voters may actually or subconsiously thought like this:
"So, Expensive Clocks are the blessed children of the elitist expert panel while the rest of the teams are the black sheeps. Ok then, I am going to use my voting power to buff their opponents and nerf them as much as I can. Death to the experts! Power to the people!"
Despite the humourous representation of the above problem, I think the fact that team
recieved most of expert votes in every round has actually made more harm than good to them. Next time, it may be better use expert votes in order to support a different team each time, especially a 'weak' one who many has lost motivation because of low rankings.
Just my 2
and I repeat I have no offence against the expert panel or something.
erm, that is too harsh. But I agree how the expert votes are too imba, especially the earlier rounds. cannot remember who, but he mentioned how team time jumped from being third to first instantly with the expert votes.
I agree to have more expert voters, but if it is still 2 points, then in earlier rounds, we just have to focus on how to be expert favourite. then in later rounds, go with what community like. not sure I like it this way, especially if there really are more experts next brawl. one thing I know about this brawl unlike the last brawl, effort and presentation is the key, tldr is ok. of course I am not talking about round 6.
with that effort and presentation comes another thing,
combo taskI really really really like the idea. especially round 3 combo task. It shows teamwork. But I will suggest the vote to change a little. making each component separate and as a whole submission, so that the winner do not get too many advantage points. but that is not the main issue, the main issue will be losers of the combo task( like second last or last) will be damaged severely and get left out too far. This is more dangerous if there is a big combo in final round.
just to make things simple like an analogy, we have a burger here to be submitted.
the votes should be like this, votes for the best bun, votes for the best ketchup, votes for the best lettuce, votes for the best mayonnaise, votes for the best meat, and finally
slightly more points for the best burger overall.At least, yeah it may give voters slightly trouble, but it is more fair. I know a team who had good components, but because of not so good meat, the burger is down. pity the baker who spent hours making the best bun he can offer.
Continue the combo task( very good idea) but change the voting a little, so that teams that lose are still motivated to see their bun is the best bun.
other than that, I am satisfied with brawl 2. and to win gives it more satisfaction.
I really have no exact suggestion for sharpshooting and double accounts, but while I was talking with the brawlmasters, I suggested the registering voters.
if we are talking about 100 public voters, ( or maybe not too ambitious , 50 +) then sharpshooting is nothing. but we do not have the luxury, so I do not mind if we know who are the 10+ voters who register and voted. this eliminates the double account. still, this suggestion is just meh, and there are maybe better suggestion to avoid traps again. But I want to take this opportunity to thank the 10+ voters, and also brawlers who used their 2 votes wisely and more importantly fairly. Thank you for trying to make the brawl a fair event. Not sure anyone will admit, but I really and sincerely hope people does not accuse other people. you many not declare openly in forum, but that does not mean you are accusing the culprit in heart, who may not be the culprit in the first place
I wish brawl 3 to improve further, and would like to thank the brawlmasters, Naesala and Chapuz on the job well done, and to say sorry if I offend you guys in pm. also to opsinis for being a good boss and my toughest team competitor

, and to brawlers who voted fairly. I really hope brawl continues and be as popular and great event like war and trial,
but ...
this is my last brawl. Unless something in brawl change my mind again.I like teams on element, and feels that it is not an issue since we are not getting 100 newbie voters, and with elements, boss can be chosen and it is easier to get more people to join in future. I seriously do not think submissions based on elements will change votes, and this brawl no one did a lot submissions on their team element. comics in volcano setting and team water bonus task are just few interesting examples, and I think it make brawl interesting, if one or 2 tasks occasionally are based on elements. just an idea
Being the boss for team

motivated me a lot, maybe because I felt bad for letting

down in war. maybe, or it is just my personality to finish everything I do with passion