- What I really would change in Brawl is that there should always be a number of base points (1-2 points or so) for doing a task. It is in my opinion really bad to get zero points for having put effort in something, which you would also get with doing absolutely nothing. So: not doing a task = zero points, doing it = base points for doing it + community + expert, that's what I would suggest. (As far as I understood the points are already incremental per round, so maybe this needs just some minor fix for the first rounds)
- I think the expert judging should be done after the voting of the community, as it was already suggested. The expert already has his points to give, in my opinion it isn't necessary to also influence the community. There were no copy+paste jobs in this whole Brawl, I don't think that's an argument. Also, it should be same moment in all rounds, during this Brawl in some specific rounds (e.g. round 3) it was later than in most others (immediatly at begin of voting).
- I didn't understand why there wasn't a voting for Bonus #1 while there was for the other Bonus tasks. That's not really transparent (at least I personally noticed that only after the decision); I would let the community vote for all tasks.
- I would definitely always split the voting if it is a combo task; in my opinion it makes it very difficult to vote otherwise (e.g. part A of combo 1 is better than part B of combo 2 and viceversa - what do you vote?); also there should be clear rules when the submission of an incomplete combo task (with only some parts done) is allowed and when it will not be accepted (I've read about one such discussion)
- There should be a rule aswell when a voting has to be resetted due to incomplete or wrong voting information; it happened 1-2 times during this Brawl that submissions where incomplete or something was wrong with the voting (which can happen, no problem here!), but I noticed that in some cases the voting was resetted when fixed, in other situations it wasn't; may sound a bit picky, but it would be better to always reset, when that happens (or never, if that would be even possible)
- Time is in my opinion a very critical factor in the artist tasks. I don't know how fast the other artists were, but as a person who works 40-45 hours a week and has a RL too I really had to use every free minute I could find to produce decent art in a week. Without disrespect (!), I personally think you can design a decent deck in couple of hours, also write a nice text or invent a cool card in that time, but you can't leave an image incomplete after some hours, it needs lot more time, especially if you aren't a professional artist that does that every day. I think the Brawlmasters did already a very good job here to alternate artist jobs that were very and less time consuming (e.g. round 2 photo between 1 and 3 drawing) but still I think, maybe there could be an improvement here (maybe longer rounds for artists? I don't really know.) (Btw: also 2 out of 3 Bonus tasks were artist tasks..)
- I would really like to see a standarized way to communicate within the team (maybe a hidden forum or something like that). We used a Titanpad and I found that thing very confusing, especially if you have lot of text of different persons and rounds. I think its rather easy to miss something that way.
- This whole discussion about voting.. in my opinion everyone has the right to vote how he thinks it is best. Someone maybe more focused on helping the own team, others maybe for there best friends in the community, others in a very objective way or someone even based on reasons we can't know.
If you don't want people to vote in a certain way (e.g. for the own team) change the voting system (there were some good ideas on that already), but I don't see why to complain after the competition that everyone voted the way he/she preferred.
- ..last but not least: Brawl really needs more publicity. In many tasks the number of votes were equal (or even less

..) to/than the members of the teams, so there is something wrong I think. Maybe always notify the voting with the news, also set it as topic or something in the chat or even more esagerated: message to everyone xD