Improvements of PvP Event: Children of the Oracle
Original Children of the Oracle event can be found
Suggestions:According to the old rules of Children of the Oracle, this PvP Event meant to be quite newby-friendly with few yet interesting rules, without allowing upgrades and focusing on mono-decks, which are much easier to deckbuild and play than duos, trios etc. Furthermore, it was somewhat rainbow-hating as an event, since it was very unlikely you would be able to build a reliable rainbow with such a few new learnt cards, before the event itself ends.
However, time passes by and the community has been improved. Monos have been proved imbalanced in relation with monos of other elements, rainbows became less powerful after the 'Shard's nerf' of turning the into in-element cards and the community has more experience overall and we are able to handle more complex rules and demand greater variety of our PvP Events. Also, as more and more EtG players enter Gold & Platinum Arenas, people start to ask for more upgraded tournaments and less Shard-banning ones, despite the fact they also cry for balanced events. As a result, a lot of things need to be changed for the better, though it may be difficult to satisfy everybody at once...
1st) Its format & interface is old. I suggest it needs the more recent PvP Event Idea Guideline format, which can be found
2nd) Greater Variety needed. You can't satisfy anyone, can you? I mean, player A loves monos while player B loves rainbows, player C loves trios while player D loves duos, player E loves rare weapons while player F can't stand seeing another Flying Adrenastaff, player G loves Shards while player H is going to break his PC if another SoFre appears on screen. And how a single PvP Event can satisfy such a variety of people? There is a way actually; it is called sub-events. Sub-events are like mini-PvP Events in larger PvP Events and each of them have different rules than the others of its kind. Though balancing is as tough as always, having sub-events helps at spicing up the event, empowering its variety and (hopefully) satisfying a greater amount of EtGers. In our remake, we named our Sub-PvP events as acts of Labour and they are indeed 12 of them.
3rd) Adding strategy. Ok, we have mini PvP Events inside a bigger PvP Event and each one of them can even played as a seperate PvP Event. Is that so? Well, how are we going to connect these events together and spicing up things a little in terms of strategy? The answer here is "Loot", but instead of

we are going to reward participants with Oracle points which can be spent in the next mini-pvp event and purchase more powerful cards. That can make someone think twice and act in advance...
4th) Creating Lore to spice things up. What is the difference between PvP Events and Sci-Fi books or Fantasy ones? Story! That's right, PvP Events need more lore, let's face it. Let us awake our role-playing spirits and make each pvp experience different than the other one!
Below, lies the new & improved version of Children of the Oracle PvP Event. Good luck & have fun!
New Suggested Rules:New Rules for Children of the Oracle, Suggested by Team Fire
Children of the OracleOriginal idea by:
Glitch | Developed by:
??? | Art by:
wikimedia commons | Organized by:
Do you think you have what it takes to accomplish the twelve labours of Elements and be throned as the next great Oracle of the holy temple?
1. HOW TO SIGN UP?Anyone with a forum and a chat account can sign up for this event. Start by reading the rules very carefully. Then sign up by posting on a separate sign up topic. If you cannot find a sign up topic, or if it is locked, this event is not currently active, and you will have to wait for it to restart.
Maximum amount of participants for this event is
32. If the event is full, you can still sign up as a reserve player, and will get a chance to join the event if any of the 32 players doesn't show up during round 1.
Ήταν μια ηλιόλουστη μέρα όταν η Πυθία κάλεσε τα παιδιά της να την συναντήσουν μέσα στο ιερό ναό των Δελφών.
Τα Παιδιά της Μάντισσας ΠυΘίας ήταν ιερείς ή ιέριες που εκπεδεύονταν αυτοπροσόπως από την ίδια, έτσι ώστε μια μέρα κάποια από αυτά να την αντικαταστήσει. Αντίθετα με ό,τι μπορεί να πίστευαν οι ξένοι, τα Παιδιά της Μάντισσας δεν εκπαιδεύονταν μόνο στις τέχνες της μαντικής και της τελετουργίας, αλλά και στην τέχνη των ξορκιών, της επίκλησης, της διπλωματίας αλλά ακόμα και στην τέχνη του πολέμου. Κάθε Παιδί αποτελούσε την μελλοντική γενιά του ιερού ναού των Δελφών και, ως τέτοιο, έπρεπε να μπορεί να προστατέψει τον ναό από οποιαδήποτε απειλή.
Τα Παιδιά συντάχθηκαν μέσα στον σκοτεινό και γεμάτο έκσταση ιερό χώρο ενώ μια μανδοφορούρα σκιερή φιγούρα, που καθόταν σε έναν επιχρυσωμένο θρόνο στο κέντρο του ναού, έγνεψε στους Οπλίτες-Φύλακες της αίθουσας να κlείσουν τις πύλες του δωματίου.
'Αφήστε με μόνη με τα Παιδιά μου', προστάζει μια φωνή προερχόμενη από την μανδοφορούσα φιγούρα.
Αφού οι Οπλίτες-Φύλακες αποχωρήσουν κλείνοντας τις πύλες από πίσω τους, η Μάντισσα μένει στην ιερή αίθουσα μόνη με τα 'τέκνα' της.
'Ώ μεγάλη Πυθεία, ποιος ο λόγος της σημερινής σύναξής μας;', ρωτά ο Ανδροκλής, ένας από τους Ιούς της Μάντισσας.
'Ώ πολυαγαπημένα μου τέκνα, δέχθηκα θεϊκό χρησμό από τον ίδιο τον Απόλλωνα! Οι μέρες μου στη γη είναι μετρημένες, σύντομα θα περάσω στην απέναντι πλευρά του ποταμού και θα ανταμώσω τον Άδη. Είναι θέλημα των Θεών!
Το αίμα των Παιδιών παγώνει από τη ξαφνική αυτή προφητεία του θανάτου της πολυαγαπημένης τους 'μητέρας' Πυθίας, μια προφητεία που έρχεται από το ίδιο της το στόμα.
'Και εμείς, ώ πολυαγαπημένη μας ιερή μητέρα, τί θα απογίνουμε;', η ερώτηση προέρχεται από την Δανάη, την μικρότερη από τις Κόρες της Πυθίας.
Η Πυθία αποκρίνεται με τον ακόλουθο μονόλογο:
'Δεν έχετε παρά να αντιμετωπίσετε τους δώδεκα άθλους σας. Κάθε άθλος αντιστοιχεί σε έναν από τους Δώδεκα Ολύμπιους Θεούς και σε ένα από τα δώδεκα Στοιχεία του σύμπαντος. Ο πρώτος άθλος είναι η δοκιμασία του Αιθέρα και του Δία, ο δεύτερος του Αέρα και της Άρτεμις, ο τρίτος του Σκότους και του Άρη, ο τέταρτος του Θανάτου και του Άδη, ο πέμπτος της Γης και του Ερμή, ο έκτος της Εντροπίας και της Αφροδύτης, ο έβδομος της Φωτιάς και του Ηφαίστου, ο όγδοος της Βαρύτητας και της Αθηνάς, ο ένατος της Ζωής και της Δήμητρας,ο δέκατος του Φωτός και του Απόλλωνα, ο ενδέκατος του Χρόνου και της Ήρας και, τέλος, ο δωδέκατος του Νερού και του Ποσσειδώνα. Ο νικητής ή νικήτρια θα με διαδεχτεί ως ο επόμενος Μάντης ή Μάντισσα των Δελφών.'
Τα Παιδιά της Μάντισσας δεν έχουν επιλογή παρά να προετοιμαστούν...Spoiler for TRANSLATION:
It was a sunny day when Pythia invited her children to meet her in the holy temple of Delphi.
The Children of the Oracle Pythia were priests or priestesses who were trained personally by her, so that some day one of them would replace her. In contrast with what outsiders may believed, the Children of the Oracle were not trained exclusively at the arts of precognition, but also at the art of spells, summoning, diplomachy, even at the art of war. Every single Child was the future generation of the holy temple of Delphi and, as such, must be able to defend the temple from any threat.
The Children were gathered inside the dark and ecstatic sacred place while a cloaked dark figure, while sitting on a golden throne at the center of the temple, gestured to Hoplite-Guardians of the chamber to close the gates of the room.
'Leave me alone with my Children', a demanding voice was heard coming by the cloaked figure.
After the Hoplite-Guardians departed, closing the gates behind them, the Oracle is left in the sacred chamber alone with her 'offsprings'.
'Oh, you great Pytheia, what is the reason of our gathering today?', a Son of the Oracle called Androcles asked.
'Oh, my dear children, I have received divine precognition from Apollo himself! My days on earth are limited, soon I will cross the river of the underworld and meet Hades. That is the will of the Gods!'
The blood of the Children runs cold due to this sudden prophesy of the death of their beloved 'mother' Pythia, a prophecy coming from her own lips.
'And what about us, oh beloved mother of ours, what is going to happen to us?', this question came from Danae's lips, who is the youngest Daughter of Pyhtia.
Pythia responds by the following monologue:
'You have no other choice than to face the twelve labours of yours. Each labour corresponds to one of the Twelve Olympian Gods and to one of the twelve Elements of the universe. The first labour is the ordeal of Aether and Zeus, second one of Air and Artemis, third one of Darkness and Ares, fourth one of Death and Hades, fifth one of Earth and Hermes, sixth one of Entropy and Aphrodyte, seventh one of Fire and Hephestus, eighth one of Gravity and Athena, ninth one of Life and Demeter, tenth one of Light and Apollo, eleventh one of Time and Hera and, finally the twelveth labour is the ordeal of Water and Poseidon. The winner of the twelve labours is going to replace me as the next great Oracle of Delphi.'
The Children of the Oracle have no choice than to get prepared...
Different Modes of the Event PvP Event Organizer or whoever may run this event must choose the 'mode' in whitch this event is going to run. There are the following modes:
{ 1 } : Short Mode : { 1 }In this Mode, the Event Organizer chooses
one of the Twelve Labours and runs it as a short-length PvP event.
The Event Organizer may choose the Labour by either personal preference or set polls and let the participants decide. He/she may even use RNG generators to help in this decision, it is completely up to Event Organizer's judgement.
{ 2 } : Medium Mode : { 2 }In this Mode, the Event Organizer chooses
two to eleven of the Twelve Labours and runs it as a PvP event with a varied length.
The Event Organizer may choose the Labours by either personal preference or set polls and let the participants decide. He/she may even use RNG generators to help in this decision, it is completely up to Event Organizer's judgement. Of course, he/she follows the same steps when determining the
order in which the Labours are executed (this is important, different execution order may lead to a completely different gaming experience).
{ 3 } : Long Mode : { 3 }In this Mode, the Event Organizer chooses
all of the Twelve Labours and runs it as a PvP event with a massive length!
The Event Organizer may choose the Labour by either personal preference or set polls and let the participants decide. He/she may even use RNG generators to help in this decision, it is completely up to Event Organizer's judgement. Of course, he/she follows the same steps when determining the
order in which the Labours are executed (this is important, different execution order may lead to a completely different gaming experience).
- Cards -The Children of the Oracle, according to each Labour, starts the Labour by knowning some (or all) of the cards belonging to some of the 12 elements. You can use an unupped & rareless card in your deck as long as you have learnt it (unupped and upped cards are considered differnt cards for learning purposes). However, in order to use a rare, ultra-rare or upgraded card in your deck, you must have learn it as many times as the copies you are going to include in a deck of yours (max. 6). Also, in order to learn any upped card you must know the unupped version of that card at least once! In other words, unupped & rareless cards can be learnt only once in each Labour while upped, rare & ultra rare cards can be learnt up to 6 times unupped and 6 times upped in each Labour. Keep in mind that you can't use a card for the current Labour if a Labour special rule prohibits it.- Learning Cards -The Children of the Oracle, according to each Labour, starts the Labour by knowning some (or all) of the cards belonging to some of the 12 elements. After a Bo3 game, you can learn any number of cards by sacrificing the respective amount of Winning Points and/or Oracle Points at your disposal (unupped and upped cards are considered differnt cards for learning purposes). Also, in order to learn any upped card you must know the unupped version of that card at least once! In other words, unupped & rareless cards can be learnt only once in each Labour while upped, rare & ultra rare cards can be learnt up to 6 times unupped and 6 times upped in each Labour. Keep in mind that you can't learn a card for the current Labour if a Labour special rule prohibits it. Finally, at the beginning of any given Labour you don't "remember" any cards you have already learnt during a previous Labour, but you can learn them again if you wish.- Here is a special table for determining learning costs of a card -CARD TYPE | Number of WINNING POINTS or ORACLE POINTS need to be spent in order to learn that card | AMOUNT OF CARDS LEARNT |
Unupped and Rareless | 1 | 6 (or 60 for Pillars/Pends) |
Unupped and Rare | 1 | 1 |
Unupped and Ultra-Rare | 1 | 1 |
Upped and Rareless | 2 (you must know its unupped counterpart at least once) | 1 |
Upped and Rare | 2 (you must know its unupped counterpart at least once) | 1 |
Upped and Ultra-Rare | 2 (you must know its unupped counterpart at least once) | 1 |
3. BRACKETSThis event is a
Swiss tournament; the fighting between the Oracle's disciples will be randomized based upon score. Players with the same score fight each other, with a random number generator used to break ties. If the number of players is uneven, a random player get a bye, but the same player can't get a bye again any other turn until every other participant has got a bye too. Furthermore, a player won't be elected to face a certain participant twice, if that possible...
Games are BEST OF THREE (Bo3). The first one who wins 2 out of 3 matches is the winner of that game. (exception: There may be a Labour special rule that changes this. In that case, follow the Labour special rule instead.)
Decks built and used can be of any size (from 30 to 60 cards) and with a Mark of any element. (exception: There may be a Labour special rule that changes this. In that case, follow the Labour special rule instead.)
4. DUELSPlayers have 4 days to make the fight happen. They must contact their opponent using a PM, and try to find a time that suits both. If the fight doesn't happen, both players lose by default, unless one player is clearly more active in trying to find a suitable time. Event organizer will determine who the most active player was, and his or her word is final. If both player lose, none of them gains any points or learns new cards, since he/she hasn't won any duel in the first place.
Matches are
best-of-three. The first player who wins
3 individual duels, wins the match.
You can change decks & marks between matches.It's a good idea to either record the matches, or take screenshots as proof, in case something weird, like a desync error, happens. Remember, a player who gets caught cheating, will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events, so please play fair.
5. AFTER DUELSWinner should post a new topic in the "Battle Results" section, along with short description of how the match went.
Both the winner and the loser are required to post pictures of both their decks and their lists of learnt elements & cards. From the beginning of round 1, all cards learnt from each player are 100% visible to every other player. This means you will know what cards your opponent has available, and you should plan your strategy accordingly.
Also, you have to post any cards you decide to learn as well as the type of points (Winning ones or Oracle ones) your are spending in order to learn that specific card(s) of yours.ScoringYou get
1 Winning point and
1 Oracle Point for every game's win and you can select to learn one additional card of your choice from any element of your choice (For example, if you win your
Bo3 game with a
2-1 ratio, you gain
2 poinst and your opponent gains
1 points. Furthermore, you can learn 2 new unupped cards of any elements for the cost of 2 Winning (or Oracle) Points while your opponent can learn 1 new unupped card of any element). Of course, you choose your cards at the end of Bo3 (posting them along with your battle results) and can use them to your future decks.
The rules of each Labour may prevent you from learning certain cards. Also, be careful when spending Winning points, because you need them to win and if you spend a lot to buy cards you may stay a lot behind your opponents. Also, be careful not to spend a lot of Oracle points, since you can keep them to learn cards to future Labours.
6. WINNERWinning Child of the Oracle is the player who beats most of the Twelve Labours. In case of a tie, the player with the higher Winning points is the winner. If it is a tie again, the player with the most Oracle points left is the winner. If it is once more a tie, the winners play against each other until someone has clearly a score greater than his/her rivals.
7. REWARDSThe winner of the event will receive the following forum award icon:

8. THE 12 LABOURS ( Dodekathlon )The PvP Event organiser has the final word in which Labour the participants are going to play. according to each Labour, gaming rules may change, especially rules related to learnings of new cards. If the Labour's rules contradict the PvP Events via any way, you always follow the Labour rules.
A Labour ends/stops when a round is completed with at least a single player having a Winning score (number of Winning points) equal or greater than the winning score this Labour demands. When a Labour ends, participants must await until the PvP Event Organizer begins the next one (excpet if it is a short mode or it is the last of the Labours).
When a Labour ends and a new one starts, every card learnt by any participant are discarded and considered "not learnt". Also, every participant turns all the Winning points he/she may has to Oracle points, effectively increasing his/her Oracle points disposal by the amount of his/her Winning points and resetting his/her Winning score to zero. However, the Oracle points are NOT lost, meaning they can be used to future Labours to purhcase much more powerful decks much faster. Using and saving Oracle points wisely may seperate the good from the bad player. 
{ 1 }
Labour of Zeus:
Δίας: Η ανθρώπινη ύπαρξη χωρίζεται σε τρία μέρη. Το μυαλό, το σώμα και το πνεύμα. Αράγε, ποιο θα διαλέξεις να αναπτύξεις;Zeus: Human existence is divided into three parts. Mind, body and soul. I wonder, which one of these will you choose to develop?By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant must post or PM to Organizer one of the followig elemental groups of his/her choice:
Body |  | You know all the unupped & rareless cards belonging to the elements of Body. You can't learn or use any cards which don't belong to Elements of Body. You can't learn Trident until round 2. You can't learn Pulverizer until round 3. You can't learn Fahrenheit until round 4. You can't learn Arctic Squid until round 5. You can't learn Owl's Eye until round 6. |
Mind |  | You know all the unupped & rareless cards belonging to the elements of Mind. You can't learn or use any cards which don't belong to Elements of Mind. You can't learn Titan until round 2. You can't learn Pharaoh until round 3. You can't learn Lobotomizer until round 4. You can't learn Eternity until round 5. You can't learn Discord until round 6. |
Spirit |  | You know all the unupped & rareless cards belonging to the elements of Spirit. You can't learn or use any cards which don't belong to Elements of Spirit. You can't learn Druidic Staff until round 2. You can't learn Morning Star until round 3. You can't learn Arsenic until round 4. You can't learn Vampire Stilleto until round 5. You can't learn Miracle until round 6. |
Furthermore, you are NOT allowed to learn any
rares of your elemental group (Bosy, Mind or Soul) before the Round they become available (look at the table above). Fortunately, you can learn any unupped or upped versions once that rare is allowed. Shards, Marks and Nymphs are NOT allowed.
Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of

{ 2 }
Labour of Artemis:
Άρτεμις: Ολόκληρη η φύση είναι μια τεράστια ελεύθερη ερημιά στην οποία όλα επιτρέπονται προκειμένου να γίνεις θύτης κι όχι θύμα.Artemis: The whole nature is a vast free wilderness in which everything is allowed in order to become victor and not a victim.*
By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant must post or PM to Organizer 3 elements of their choice (eg.



). That player begins the Labour by knowing all the unupped & rareless cards of his/her chosen elements (as well as all Other rareless cards) and he/she can learn any cards from any other element without any limits. However, by the time someone has posted/PMed a certain trio, any other participant must choose a different trio (eg. if a player chooses

, no other can choose that trio, but they can choose


for example). Shards, Marks, Nymphs are allowed here.
Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of

{ 3 }
Labour of Ares:
Άρης: Αυτά τα μικρά αγάλματα φτιαγμένα από πυλό, δέρμα και μαλλί γίνονται οι ισχυρότεροι πολεμιστές εάν εξοπλιστούν κατάλληλα. Δυνάμωσέ τα με την Οργή σου ή εκτόξευσέ τα με τους Καταπέλτες σου στο εχθρικό οχυρό. Σε αυτόν τον σκοτεινό πόλεμο, όλα είναι δυνατά.Ares: These little statues made of clay, leather and wool may become the toughest warriors if equipped accordingly. Empower them via your very own Rage or launch them via your Catapults towards the hostile fortress. In this dark war, everything is possible. By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant must post or PM to Organizer one element besides Darkness. That participant begins by knowning all unupped rareless card of that element as well as all unupped rareless

cards (as well as all Other rareless cards), but he/she can learn any cards from any other element without any limits (exception: GotP and Discord are banned).
In this Labour, your deck must include at least 3 Voodoo Dolls (unupped or upped) and, in order to defeat your opponent, you must reach his/her health to zero due to
Voodoo Passive Ability or by directly launching a Voodoo Doll to his hp (screenshot proof may be needed). Shard of Void is the only allowed Shard.
Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of

{ 4 }
Labour of Hades:
Άδης: Για να γλιτώσεις από την άβυσσο του Ερέβους πρέπει να συνηδητοποιείσεις ότι ο θάνατος δεν είναι ο εχθρός σου, αλλά ο φίλος σου...Hades: In order to escape from the abyss of Erebus you must understand that the death is not your enemy, but your friend...*
By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant starts the event by knowing all the unupped rareless







. and Other cards (however, they can NOT learn any cards from elements other than these mentioned before). However, there is a big exception here; Discord is banned and every creature not related with death or poison effects is banned. That leaves only the following creatures available:
Skeleton, Vulture, Virus, Parasite, Spark, Schrodinger's Cat, Grey Nymph, Scarab, Devourer, Deathstalker, Forest Scorpion, Dune Scorpion, Crysaora, Toadfish, Maxwell Demon. Reverse Time and Mutation effects are banned, as well as Discord and every single Shard.
In this Labour, your deck must include at least 3 poison-related and/or 3 death effect related cards (PMing you Organizer for checking if you decks are legal can be very useful here).
Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of

{ 5 }
Labour of Hermes:
Ερμής: Κάθε νόμισμα έχει δύο όψεις, αλλά και οι δύο όψεις συμβολίζουν το ίδιο νόμισμα. Για να χρησιμοποιήσεις το νόμισμα αποτελεσματικά, πρέπει να μάθεις να χρησιμοποιείς και τις δύο όψεις του αποτελεσματικά.Hermes: Each coin has two sides, but both sides represent the same coin. In order to use the coin effectively, you must learn how to effectively use both of its sides.By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant must post or PM to Organizer one group of opposing elements. That participant begins the game by knowing all the unupped cards of these 2 elements, even weapons (exception:
Discord is banned, however if someone chooses


duo he/she can use Other weapons instead, also
Crusader, Flying Weapon and GotP are banned). However, cards of elements not belonging to the participan'ts selected gropu can be learned, but with their cost
doubled in realtion with the corresponding tables. The groups of opposite elements are:

Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of

{ 6 }
Labour of Aphrodyte:
Αφροδύτη: Έχω χύσει αμέτρητα δάκρυα για τους ανεκπλήρωτους έρωτες και των θεών και των θνητών. Ορίστε, πάρτε τα δάκρυά μου, ώ Παιδιά της Πυθίας, γιατί θα σας φανούν πολύ πιο χρήσιμα από ό,τι φαντάζεστε.Aphrodyte: I have shed countless tears for the non-accomplished passionate love affairs of both gods and mortal men. Here, take my tears, oh Children of Pythia, cause they will be proven much more usefull than you can imagine.By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant must post or PM to Organizer 3 elements of their choice, except




but NOT

). That player begins the Labour by knowing all the unupped & rareless cards of his/her chosen elements (as well as all Other rareless cards and all

cards) and he/she can learn any cards from any other element without any limits. However, all creatures besides Nymphs are banned from this Labour. someone has posted/PMed a certain trio, any other participant must choose a different trio (eg. if a player chooses

, no other can choose that trio, but they can choose


for example).
Also, every deck must include at least 3 Nymph Tears and decks may NOT be consisted by more than 45 cards. All Shards, Nymphs and Marks are allowed.
Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of

{ 7 }
Labour of Hephestus:
Ήφαιστος: Ο Απόλλωνας όντως φόνευσε τον τρομερό δράκο Πύθωνα και ίδρυσε τους Δελφούς σε εκείνη τη θέση, όμως ποιος σφυρηλάτησε το όπλο με το οποίο νίκησε; Εγω! Αναρωτιέμαι πάντως, πόσους δράκους άραγε ένας θνητός σαν κι εσένα μπορεί να εξουσιάσει και πόσους να φονεύσει; Hephestus: Apollo indeed slayed the terrible dragon Python and established Delphi on that place, but who forged the weapon he used to win? Me! I wonder however, how many dragons a mortal man like you can command and how many of them can he kill?By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant has knowledge of all unupped & rareless cards of every element (including other cards). However, every deck used must include at least 6 Dragon cards (they can be either of the same or different elements) and victory must be gained with at least 3 Dragons on the winner's side of the field (screenchot may be needed to provided, it also doesn't matter if the dragons actually delivered the killing blow).
Any quanta denial card is banned (Discord, Devourer, Earthquake, Black hole etc.). Also, Dim Shields are banned.
Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of

{ 8 }
Labour of Athena:
Αθηνά: Αξία δεν έχει μόνο η δύναμη των χεριών ή του μυαλού σου, αλλά και η ικανότητα να βαδίζεις στο μονοπάτι που επέλεξες εώς το τέλος...Athena: It is not just the strength of the hands or the mind that has value, but also the ability to walk on the path you have chosen to follow till the end...By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant must post or PM to Organizer one of the followig elemental groups of his/her choice:
Mount Olympus |  | You know all the unupped & rareless cards belonging to the elements of Mount Olympus. You can't learn or use any cards which don't belong to Elements of Mount Olympus. |
Ancient Temple |  | You know all the unupped & rareless cards belonging to the elements of Ancient Temple. You can't learn or use any cards which don't belong to Elements of Ancient Temple. |
Elysium Forest |  | You know all the unupped & rareless cards belonging to the elements of Elysium Forest. You can't learn or use any cards which don't belong to Elements of Elysium Forest. |
River Styx |  | You know all the unupped & rareless cards belonging to the elements of River Styx. You can't learn or use any cards which don't belong to Elements of River Styx. |
Furthermore, your decks must include at least 6 cards of non-zero cost of each of the 3 elements included at your group and they must be
playable, in other words you must have pillars or other quanta sources to pay for it (a PM towards the PvP Event Organizer may be needed in order to determine the playability of some cards). Shards, Marks and Nymphs are allowed.
Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of

{ 9 }
Labour of Demeter:
Δήμητρα: Η ζωή μεγαλώνει και γίνεται όλο και πιο δυνατή κάθε μέρα. Μεγάλωσε κι εσύ...Demeter: Life grows stronger every day. You should Grow too... By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant starts the event by knowing all the unupped rareless







. and Other cards (however, they can NOT learn any cards from elements other than these mentioned before). However, there is a big exception here; rare weapons are banned and every creature not related with growth or creature-generating effect is banned. That leaves only the following creatures available:
Vulture, Scarab, Forest Spirit, Fire Spirit, Lava Golem, Steam Machine, Graviton Fire Eater, Pharaoh, Firefly Queen, Firefly. Reverse Time and Mutation effects are banned, as well as Discord and every single Shard.
In this Labour, your deck must include at least 3 growers and/or 3 creature-generator creatures (PMing you Organizer for checking if you decks are legal can be very useful here).
Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of

{ 10 }
Labour of Apollo:
Απόλλωνας: Κανένα Παιδί της Μάντισσας δεν θα ήταν ολοκληρωμένος ιερέας ή ιέρεια του ναού των Δελφών χωρίς την μαντική ικανότητα που μόνο εγώ διδάσκω!Apollo: No Child of the Oracle would be a complete priest or priestess of the temple of Delphi without the prophetic power which only I can teach!By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant has knowledge of all unupped & rareless cards of


elements and one other element of his/her choice. However, all Shards except Shard of Divinity, Bravery & Readiness, all weapons except Morning Star & Eternity and Nightmare & Dim Shield cards are banned. Nymphs & Marks are allowed
Also, decks must be made of at least 50 cards and include at least 6

and 6

Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of

{ 11 }
Labour of :
Ήρα: Δεν θα έχεις πάντα την δυνατότητα να πολεμάς με τα όπλα που διαλέγεις εσύ. Πολλές φορές πρέπει να παλέψεις με τα όπλα που σου έδωσε η Μοίρα.Hera: You won't always have the possibility to fight with weapons you have chosen. Many times you must fight with the weapons Fate has given you. Hera's ordeal may feel pretty unfair (it may be good to save up a few Oracle points for it).
By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant recieves one PM from the Organiser telling them with which element they begin (the Ogranizer must use RNG generators to determine the element a lucky or unlucky participant is going to get). After the participant recieves his/her element, he knows all the unupped & rareless cards of that element, plus he/she must choose one CC and one PC of another element(s) to know for free.
Furthermore, you may normally learn any cards from any element (including Other). Rares & Ultra-Rares are NOT allowed in this Labour.
Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of

{ 12 }
Labour of Poseidon:
Ποσειδώνας: Είτε στη στεριά είτε στη Θάλασσα, συνέχεια θα συναντάς 'καταιγίδες'. Άραγε, πως θα δράσεις εάν βρεθείς μεταξύ Σκύλλας και Χάρυβδης;Poseidon: No matter if you are on land or in the sea, you will continously encounter 'thunderstorms'. I wonder, how would you act if you find yourself between Skylla and Charibdys?By the time this Labour starts, before round 1 starts and before any brackets are made, each participant has knowledge of all unupped & rareless

cards, plus all the unupped & rareless cards of 4 other elements of his/her choice.
Furthermore, the participant has to select to be either Scylla or Charybdis. If you are a Skylla, you must use 6 Novas/Superonvas or 6 Immolations/Cremmations in your deck but you can't use any Pillars/Pendulums, Quantum Pillars included (you gain knowledge of Nova & Immolation for free). If you are Charybdis, you can't use any Novas or Immolations, but you can use as many Pillars/Pendulums you want, Quantum pillars included (you gain knowledge of every unupped pillar/pendulum in the game for free).
Decks used must include at least 1 card of each of your chosen elements and at least 3

cards ( Water Pillars/Water Pendulums
excluded). Shards are allowed, but no more than 3 Shards per deck. Weapons, Nymphs & Marks are allowed without restrictions. However,
Black Holes are banned, even those randomly generated by Shards of Focus or SoSe or whatever!Winner of this Labour is the first one to reach a Winning score of
Good Luck, Mortal!...