
Artist Task

8 (10.8%)
Team Entropony Cowboys
11 (14.9%)
Team The Crusaderps
2 (2.7%)
Team Fire
24 (32.4%)
Team Expensive Clocks
15 (20.3%)
Team Surf Ninjas
14 (18.9%)

Total Members Voted: 54

Voting closed: June 02, 2013, 01:43:28 am


Boss Task

9 (14.5%)
Team Entropony Cowboys
12 (19.4%)
Team The Crusaderps
5 (8.1%)
Team Fire
14 (22.6%)
Team Expensive Clocks
9 (14.5%)
Team Surf Ninjas
13 (21%)

Total Members Voted: 47

Voting closed: June 02, 2013, 01:42:29 am


Combo Task

Team Entropony Cowboys
6 (10.5%)
Team The Crusaderps
11 (19.3%)
Team Fire
13 (22.8%)
Team Expensive Clocks
16 (28.1%)
Team Surf Ninjas
11 (19.3%)

Total Members Voted: 44

Voting closed: June 02, 2013, 01:44:29 am


Deckbuilder Task

4 (6.6%)
Team Entropony Cowboys
8 (13.1%)
Team The Crusaderps
6 (9.8%)
Team Fire
15 (24.6%)
Team Expensive Clocks
11 (18%)
Team Surf Ninjas
17 (27.9%)

Total Members Voted: 46

Voting closed: June 02, 2013, 01:45:55 am


Forum Expert Task

3 (5.6%)
Team Entropony Cowboys
8 (14.8%)
Team The Crusaderps
8 (14.8%)
Team Fire
14 (25.9%)
Team Expensive Clocks
9 (16.7%)
Team Surf Ninjas
12 (22.2%)

Total Members Voted: 43

Voting closed: June 02, 2013, 01:48:07 am


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Re: Brawl #2 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49522.msg1075746#msg1075746
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2013, 08:15:10 pm »
I have a feeling that this round's deckbuild task is the competition of finding the most OP cards in Crucible more than the deck itself, lol.
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Re: Brawl #2 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49522.msg1075779#msg1075779
« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2013, 10:28:00 pm »
I squealed like a little girl when I saw multiple decks with one of my cards.  ;D
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Re: Brawl #2 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49522.msg1075858#msg1075858
« Reply #26 on: May 31, 2013, 03:03:39 am »
My take on the FE tasks - disclaimer - I will be harsh
I also agree with OTs comment about no one designing a system that can conform well to an ever growing card base.

 :darkness - You didn't really look to deeply into any changes - you changed the location of the vote button - an aesthetic change having no real impact.
    Having decks connected to the ideas isn't bad - but you added it more as an afterthought - something optional that a 'deckbuilder' can do if they choose. Either way it leaves little impact.
    More than anything - this is basically a maintain the status quo suggestion.

 :entropy - weighted voting is something I've suggested myself - unfortunately it has its own problems. You also based in on member rank - which is based on post count. This can create an issue where people make meaningless posts to quickly increase their post count so that they may have an extra vote - though certainly it may help a little to even out voting trends. You also mention an expert panel but fail to mention what exactly it does - I wish you would've expanded here.
    You also mention a mechanics comparison being required. - This is certainly useful for balancing purposes and would help to ensure better crucible submissions - but it has no real impact on voting. Another issue is when a truly unique mechanic appears that is difficult or even impossible to find a relevant match to compare it to.

 :light - Crucible - No art is something that has been previously suggested and something I personally am fond of. Your second point falters though - cost is directly related to balance, in this sense you seem to be saying: "balance aside, is the idea worth pursuing." This is something that should be taken care of in the Smithy long before it reaches the crucible. Also, balance is important at every level.
    Forge - nothing changed: Balance is still important at every step.
    Armor - Unfortunately, armory serves as nothing more than a holding tank for now - I had hoped for some suggestions regarding the armory itself.

 :time - The idea of requiring others to submit your cards to crucible is interesting - and I'd love to hear more of your thoughts on it. I worry about how it would play out though. There could very easily be confusion about who's submitting what. There's also the possibility of a card being submitted before the original designer intends for it to be so.
    The idea of an expert panel is not new - it's been discussed on multiple occasions - however the CIA is community driven - sure the experts are community members as well - but I worry about the impact of a double vote - particularly when vote rates are typically low.
    I disagree heavily with the last point - more directed at the second part of it. I have constantly seen and experienced ebb and flow with some ideas. An idea may be 1 vote behind proceeding one week and then receive little or no votes the next. This is the issue of fresh submissions tending to heavier popularity. On the other hand - the opposite happens at time too. For example - a card of mine - desecration - sat in the death polls for over a year scraping by with just enough votes not to be archived each week - then suddenly it exploded and was moved up. Voting trends are not so predictable as to set such a threshold.

 :water - I tried to stay out of this for the most part - though I did make several suggestions. I'm happy to see a submission that tries to pull away from the current vote based system. I don't dislike the idea of a continuous system based on average score - but your aim was to balance the difference between new card hype and older ideas. Unfortunately I'm not convinced this will be quite as effective as anticipated. New ideas will be scored more frequently than older ideas. I also have an issue with the 10 point scale. A scale system means many different things to many different people. Someone who's light in their evaluations may score 10 for ideas they like and 1 for ideas they don't while a more serious scorer will be far more discerning. Averaging can help - but some more work needs to be done for this to be truly effective.

 :fire -  I know you're trying to earn votes for the competition - but the whole layout of your submission was entirely unnecessary. You added a recap - but it detracts from how you feel things are. I feel like you spent more time focused on the brawl and less on the subject. Of course there's nothing wrong with that - this is the Forum Brawl after all - but this topic is of enormous importance to many of the CIA members and your attempt to decorate everything turned me away a bit.
All that aside though - you bring up several good things - some of which have been discussed. I'm going to point out a few things.
    Card art and vote visibility are both suggestions that have risen before and are ones that I'm personally fond of. I digress a bit with the art though as I do feel it helps with theme exploration and feel it has a positive impact in some of the higher levels of voting.
    I don't agree with unlimited voting - though I see where you come from. I feel as far as the current voting system goes - the number of votes allowed being based on the number of cards in the poll is effective.
    The synergies and deck ideas certainly have a place in the topics themselves - and I feel both could be effective at better smithy to crucible control. But I'm unsure whether decks being part of the polls is a good thing. This has a possibility to lead straight back to your issue with art. If someone makes a deck for their idea that just isn't as great as it could be, it could be easily overshadowed by another that may show a card to be more desirable ignoring the cards impact on meta-game as a whole. In the same sense - a single deck is a poor indicator of an idea as a whole. Then of course the voting is supposed to be based on cards not decks.
    Including additional information about a card in its vote bar is something simple and easily manageable that I very much like the idea of.
    Not sure about the new division of polls - it has its own merits - but I'd like to hear a bit more of your thoughts on it.
    Lastly, I disagree heavily with the poll limitations as well as bringing back archived ideas into polls to fill them in. There are several issues here. - As pointed out by OT - the card base is ever growing - limiting polls to a 5 cards maximum is bad. What are you going to do about incoming ideas? What about polls that would already contain more than 15 ideas (if they would)? What if one level is capped and a lower level needs to push ideas up?
    The idea of bringing back archived ideas to fill in polls is altogether messy and you didn't give enough info on how it would work for it to be given consideration.

All in all I'm surprised that most people opted for the current voting system as well as the current tiers and vote layouts.
I feel like more could've been put into this overall.
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Re: Brawl #2 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49522.msg1075878#msg1075878
« Reply #27 on: May 31, 2013, 04:48:16 am »
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

I do believe it is fair to suggest the community judge different tiers by different standards (crucible cards being held to a lower standard than forge cards). One of these difference in standards is that crucible cards can be judged on whether they can be balanced while forge cards can be judged based upon how well balanced they are. However it is extremely difficult to change the standard that a community uses to judge a poll.

Typo: It was a 15 card maximum per poll in the  :fire submission. Your point still stands and is one I agree with.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 04:53:12 am by OldTrees »
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Re: Brawl #2 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49522.msg1075912#msg1075912
« Reply #28 on: May 31, 2013, 08:44:31 am »
Spoiler for Hidden:
My take on the FE tasks - disclaimer - I will be harsh ty; harsh critiques are usually better than soft critiques
I also agree with OTs comment about no one designing a system that can conform well to an ever growing card base. Already answered OldTrees question, despite the fact I couldn't completely satisfy him.

 :fire -  I know you're trying to earn votes for the competition - but the whole layout of your submission was entirely unnecessary.
 You added a recap - but it detracts from how you feel things are. I feel like you spent more time focused on the brawl and less on the subject. Of course there's nothing wrong with that - this is the Forum Brawl after all - but this topic is of enormous importance to many of the CIA members and your attempt to decorate everything turned me away a bit.
 Not really. If I hadn't that layout, my submission would be unreadable due to its size. If a book is 100 pages of plain text, it is just unreadable my most. However, if the same book has a good-looking layout, hero dialogues (even in the form of an interview) and even a little humour (no matter humour's quality) it is going to be read much more easily by the majority. Furthermore, Oracle's questioning helps at giving a few answers directly and decreasing an important amount of possible questions the reader has.

All that aside though - you bring up several good things - some of which have been discussed. I'm going to point out a few things.
    Card art and vote visibility are both suggestions that have risen before and are ones that I'm personally fond of. I digress a bit with the art though as I do feel it helps with theme exploration and feel it has a positive impact in some of the higher levels of voting.
Glad you agree. Card Art has its own topic anyways...

    I don't agree with unlimited voting - though I see where you come from. I feel as far as the current voting system goes - the number of votes allowed being based on the number of cards in the poll is effective.
Our current voting system based on the number of cards in the poll is effective as long as the high-quality card ideas are equal or less than the number of availalbe votes. If, for example, you can vote up to 4 card ideas while you're 100% sure there are at least 5 card ideas qualifying for the next Level (Forge or Armory), here our current voting system shows its major flaw.

    The synergies and deck ideas certainly have a place in the topics themselves - and I feel both could be effective at better smithy to crucible control. But I'm unsure whether decks being part of the polls is a good thing. This has a possibility to lead straight back to your issue with art. If someone makes a deck for their idea that just isn't as great as it could be, it could be easily overshadowed by another that may show a card to be more desirable ignoring the cards impact on meta-game as a whole. In the same sense - a single deck is a poor indicator of an idea as a whole. Then of course the voting is supposed to be based on cards not decks.
I have already answered about the amount of deck ideas within the card's submission. It is 1 Deck Idea, because 0 Decks Ideas offer nothing and more than 1 Deck Ideas can be too demanding for a card idea submissions and it is impossible to create every deck possible. Furthermore, a card creator oughts to be a deckbuilder, because he/she can't balance the new card correctly if current decks & synnergies are not taken into account. Decks at polls enhance the understanding of the way a card works, enabling voters to better witness the quality of a card (which is our aim in the first place).

    Including additional information about a card in its vote bar is something simple and easily manageable that I very much like the idea of.
Ty. I personally practiced to see what kind of characters can be added to a poll. Fortunately, elemental icons can be included, making our life much easier...

    Not sure about the new division of polls - it has its own merits - but I'd like to hear a bit more of your thoughts on it.

Division of polls is my suggestion of putting apples with apples, oragnes with organges etc. Though we are going to have much more polls & topics, their simple yet effective categorization ensures easy navigation and creates more free space for cards to fit in. Of course, this is going to be apllied at Armory level too, avoiding the ever-increasing number of Armory cards for the time being.

    Lastly, I disagree heavily with the poll limitations as well as bringing back archived ideas into polls to fill them in. There are several issues here. - As pointed out by OT - the card base is ever growing - limiting polls to a 15 cards maximum is bad. What are you going to do about incoming ideas? What about polls that would already contain more than 15 ideas (if they would)? What if one level is capped and a lower level needs to push ideas up?
    The idea of bringing back archived ideas to fill in polls is altogether messy and you didn't give enough info on how it would work for it to be given consideration.

Polls limitations helps at keeping polls in a managable size. A maximum of 15 card ideas shouldn't applied to Armory due to its ever-increasing size. If a poll has more than 15 card ideas, it is going to stay as it is, but it won't receive any extra cards until its cards move to a higher Level (Forge, Armory etc.). Any level below it won't send ideas to it till free space is aquired. On the other hand, polls with fewer than 5 card ideas can just be let to receive more card ideas and then advancing its cards to upper levels normally. Bringing ideas from the Archive was just suggested as an extreme and not permanent measure, so I won't try to justify it more.
Of course, this is going to slow down things with capped levels. But still, since the suggested voting system is going to advances according to the overall amount of votes submitted and not according to a weekly-monthly basis, the slow down is more due to the inactivity of our community at certain polls (and there is not really any excuse for our CI&A voting inactivity) and less due to the suggested system itself. May the route be blocked for a while, but voting activity will return things to normalcy.

All in all I'm surprised that most people opted for the current voting system as well as the current tiers and vote layouts.
I feel like more could've been put into this overall.
Look, the wording of this FE task encouraged messing up with polls, topics & votes directly. Making/suggesting changes above that wasn't really encouraged and was dangerous to go off-topic.

 Furthermore, as a new Card Curator, I would like to see your prespective and suggestions about CI&A too. ;)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 08:51:30 am by ARTHANASIOS »
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Re: Brawl #2 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49522.msg1075914#msg1075914
« Reply #29 on: May 31, 2013, 08:53:48 am »
FYI - last two lines are directed at the task submissions as a whole - not just Fire
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Re: Brawl #2 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=49522.msg1075916#msg1075916
« Reply #30 on: May 31, 2013, 09:04:05 am »
FYI - last two lines are directed at the task submissions as a whole - not just Fire

I know, but I think I still had to answer that one... ;D
« Last Edit: May 31, 2013, 09:37:27 am by ARTHANASIOS »
Brawl #1 team :time, Brawl #2 team :fire, Brawl #3 team Silver Ferns, Brawl #4,7,8 Brawlmaster
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