Don't allow pretty images in non-images needed tasks.
Round 1: Boss 2(Place 1)
Round 2: Deckbuilder 4, 1 and 6 respectively used images to show their CIA cards decks(Place 1, 2 and 3 respectively)
Round 4: Forum Expert 2(Place 1)
As you can see, who used pretty images in their stuff did better, this futures increases the need of the best Artist(Oh come on, we all know vrt did that task in Round 1 and 4).
Don't allow pretty colors and formatting at all.
The amount of pretty colors used when there isn't needed it's big, for a title I understand, but to write a full poem with colors(Yes Writer 6, I'm looking at you)?
Less points from votes, more points from judge.
The normal voter is biased towards what's prettier, not what's better.
Set a goal for Deckbuilder's decks which must be proven by screenshots in order to be validated.
Creativity is good, but having a deck that can't really work at all is silly.
That's all I have atm, if I have more ideas, I'm going to make my rant longer.