I was feeling pretty unimaginative, so I played the same deck all 3 rounds. Feeling confident that it could stand up against whatever they threw at me helped.
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5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5f9 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 5l9 61r 61r 61r 61r 7q4 7q4 7q4 8pu
Basically I wanted a deck that had a decent capacity for speed and had a few tricks up its sleeve. Namely PU, which turned Flying Titans own benefits against him, bypassing Fog and Gravity Pull if he ever decided to fly one. As well as Rewind, which was cheap enough to splash in without changing the deck much, which would give me an edge in certain situations.
Game 1 - Flying TitansI was pretty sure I'd see this deck. I started with 3 Photons and drew a 4th turn 2. After that the Phoenixes started showing up and Immo's made themselves useful. I started PUing his Titans because I knew he had Gravity Pull and Fog in there somewhere. Pull never showed up, but Fog came out the last turn, just enough time to give him 1 turn to catch up and win. I used the only Rewind I would draw in all 3 games to send a Titan back to his hand to allow ME to have 1 extra turn, but Fog didn't haxx hard enough so in the end, it didn't matter.
Game 2 - Solar AflaLockThis deck surprised me. I waited for him to try to lock me down by Aflaing a Photon, then proceded to double immolate it, thereby killing the cell, and play 2 Phoenixes and a PU. A 4th and 5th Phoenix proved too much for the 2nd Afla he drew and it didn't take too long before they'd finished him off, despite the Morning Glory I couldn't touch.
Game 3 - Flying TitansThis time I started with 4 Photons, and drew the 5th. I swear Oni is a Photon Magnet or something. I once again had Immo's, but my Phoenixes were still on shock over facing down Aflatoxin, so they stayed hidden for a while. An early Fog slowed me down a lot, but the instant he flew a Titan to try and catch up with me I PU'd it, next turn Immolating FOUR Photons to PU another Titan, allowing me to match his damage with the chance of doing extra. His final turn he pulled out GPull, but it was too late, he only had 13 hp and my 2 borrowed Titans finished the job
gg's Oni! I must admit that I'm relived Black Dragon/Nymphs Tears didn't make an appearance. That would have thoroughly ruined my day. Better luck next time to Oni and the rest of Team E!