Hi all,
this is relatively simple:
Choose a Comic book character from any comic book industry (DC comics, Marvel, Dark-horse, ETC.)
Post the character here, it would preferable to post it along with a spoilered brief explanation on powers and abilities of character, so then no-one is confused.
they MUST have links to reliable and official info on their profile.
THENsomeone else, will choose a comic book character, to
challenge the desired Comic book character.
A discussion on who would beat who then Begins!
This means that all those wishing to post a character afterward will have to wait until the discussion is
In the meanwhile,
Pm me with the desired character so then I will post the Character in an awaiting list.
anyone who wants to choose a character to challenge the one in the awaiting list, should pm me, so then I can post an incoming discussion based on those two characters.
The list will be ticked off
in order as we proceed.
Rules:1: Please, No Flaming and No offensive language
2: NO Unsupported evidence of
Major implications, example: Batman having the ability to fly.
It must be supported by some kind of evidence, a link to the info would suffice and be best. otherwise it is disregarded.
this goes aswell for Character enlisting, they MUST have links to reliable and official info on their profile.
3: Specificity, you have to be specific, example : Batman can fly.
That is not specific, a more specific implication can be: Batman can fly in his bat wing (Air craft).
Remember! This is a discussion battle thread for those that
basic knowledge of the comic book world.in more blunt terms, no
noobs or
nooby implicationsThats all there is to rules
IMPORTANT NOTE: rule addition, Outside people are allowed to comment, but are only allowed a Maximum 3 posts.
they have to leave the arguing to the contestants, so we can't have them take over for anyone or seem like they are.
Also, Once the Battle Period is Over, There will be a Poll placed, for people to vote Based on the arguments made.have fun!!! here is the list, it will be constantly edited as events take place:
Current Character | Challenging Current Character |
Galactus | Thanos |
Time left: CountdownAwaiting Character | Challenging Character |
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