This is a fucking amazing team and this is gonna be great.
I'm posting before Brawl has started, so I don't know if you can see this, but I can see it and you'll be able to see it later (I hope)
You've all Brawled before, so you all know how this works, which is excellent.
So this Brawl we've got five types of task on the menu. I think that we'll be able to cover all bases. I want you all to do whatever tasks you're most comfortable with, and the reverse is also true - if someone needs help with a task, let's give them that help. We're a team, not five mini-teams working under the same name.
We've all got skills in all areas in varying amounts. I've grouped us all up into roles based on skills I think you guys are best at. If I'm wrong, correct me as soon as you can!
In no particular order:
- Lunaris: You're an excellent writer, I've seen the evidence. You'll be our Log Keeper.
- Linkcat: We're gonna win Brawl twice. Make us the best cards. You are our Mechanic - keep this ship running.
- majofa: I imagine you've seen a good number of decks in your time - I'd like you to be our Space Trooper, if that's alright. Also - if JCJ's review of you is anything to go by, you lay down critique like the law and say it how it is. I want you, when you can spare the time, to make sure that everyone's work is the best that it can be. Space Trooper and Critique Captain.
- dawn to dusk: Loving the style of your landscapes in your auction thread. You are our Mapper. I appreciate that you don't particularly have a preference for tasks, so you can be an advisor to the other tasks and I'll be an advisor to you.
- CleanOnion: I'm best at art and writing. I'll take Boss tasks and help out with all of you wherever I can.
If you're not happy with anything I've written above, let me know
right away. Let's make sure any problems are sorted out before the tasks, not in the middle of them!
If you need to be inactive for a bit, that's totally okay, but please let us know by making a post here or somewhere so that we know to take over your task for you!
A note about the theme: the team name is Battlestar Galactica themed but that doesn't matter. If we want to be thematically consistent between tasks, just know that we're on a massive fucking gunship with nukes and attack fighters, and we have no clue what we're doing. That's our theme. Cluelessness - but let's do it in a way that makes everyone look forward to our submissions.
I don't want to go heavy on BSG references, because in order to win we need voints, and more alienation means less voints.
Also, there's a PvP task somewhere in there - who's best at PvP? (clue: it's not me)
Cheers guys! Love you all <3