To Sot's reply on th main WotTH thread: Of course it will be easier to win the forum icons IF we win, but the question is how is that even remotely possible? Paragon now has 6 members while Mammon is still at 2 and Rampage is 0. By the end of th week, there is no way they won't win because they are guaranteed to have 3 members with excellent stats, while Mammon will probably still be stuck with Malebolgia and I, making us one member's stats short. Even if someone joins and are dumb enough to not fill up the final spot of Paragon, they start at level 0, so the existing rouster of Paragon are already snowballing in levels (furballdn is level 5 in two days, while I'm still level 1 having played for two days and not missing any rollovers), how is it possible for this level 0 individual to catch up and contribute to the house? At the end of each week, Paragon can just repeatedly screenshot their 3 members who snowballed in stats, while the other houses with the late member joins won't stand a chance. I find this system very flawed; you're making us do the impossible.