IGN: Spacious, or DaHumanitarian on Kongregate
Timezone: GMT +8
Usually Online: Weekdays: 1800 - 2200 or 1500 - 2200 depending on the day. Weekends: 1200 onwards till 0400 of the next day, except Sundays.
Favourite Elements: 1st
Cardpool: Practically nonexistent, I'll elaborate below.
I realise the chances of me getting accepted into a War team are extremely slim, but you miss every shot you don't take.
I just begun playing Elements today after coming from a Hearthstone meta ridden with rotten TGT slime, and unfortunately I didn't feel like slapping three hundred dollars on packs to have more options so I decided to find another CCG, which was Elements. I was Legend for 7 seasons in a row in Hearthstone, playing a deck called Grim Patron. This shows that given time I will have sufficient understanding of the game in order to competitively play at the highest levels of this game.
I will be extremely active on both weekdays and weekends, however I realise my timezone may be an issue as most players probably live in the States, but I am willing to stay up late if it means extra preparation for War and/or grinding electrum.
There are still two days till War, and despite playing for only three hours, I have a score of 4000. I am willing to grind FGs like there are no tomorrow if that means I will be able to get a good shot of making a team. A competitive environment such as War is one that I excel at - I have a strong winner's mentality, and I will do whatever it takes in order to win. I'll listen to the vets on my team and be humble, hardworking, and not afraid to play AI3s for hours on end. That being said, I understand it is a huge liability to pick up a newbie at Elements, but I feel it will pay off.
Thank you for your time!
UPDATE, 31st August
I have a topic on General Discussion logging my growth in terms of Score and Cardpool called "The New Player Datalog", hopefully this shows my growth and will convince some of you to bid on me.
This is Day 3, I have a score of 11k and about 40 upped cards (I have the fully upped version of limitless speed). My growth hasn't actually been falling off over the past few days, it is in fact an exponential increase and by the time War begins I seem myself with at least 100 upped cards. Also, I have one Purple Nymph (yay)