24 cardsYou know what? You're no fun at all... Majofa my... uh... 2nd bestest buddeh! I needz you!By the Fire vested in me, I bid 24 Cards.
Quote from: Napalm Grenade on March 18, 2011, 03:53:23 am24 cardsYou know what? You're no fun at all... Majofa my... uh... 2nd bestest buddeh! I needz you!By the Fire vested in me, I bid 24 Cards.Am I not one of your bestest buddiez Napalmy?
Quote from: majofa on March 04, 2011, 02:19:31 amWhy I would make a good War team member Because I'm so win.Word Had I not made that clutch comeback, this application could've been mine and majofa the one reading it... scary.
Why I would make a good War team member Because I'm so win.
first is Doggsecond is majofathird is higsfourth is GG (GG and higs swap places from time to time)fifth is kev or youI am like way in the back... 15th, if that..