So, yeah, I decided to join war. Not going to be active by any means, at all, but I don't think 2/2 war wins means anything, may as well try and go for a third.
Hopefully the gens have heard of me lol, but I won war 9 and 10 consecutively, and I'd like to win war 11 with a different team.
Favorites: NoneIf anyone saw my app before the no favourites change, I had


. I decided I would like to be in

equally, and a little bit of

, so any of those would be great, and I'd be encouraged to do a little more work (if I did any) in these elements. I do know Darkness and Air farely well, though, due to W9 and 10 experience.
I also have 12 upped quanta for every element, BE for


, and I'm willing to farm for any cards for elements I don't have cards for:
CardsTimezone GMT+10, active when I can be, no promises though by any means. Very risky bid relying on me to do hefty workloads, I'm not the 'front line person' (ask Physs/Afda), I don't really innovate, I like doing the background stuff that holds the team together, which is mostly testing to be completely honest, as well as an extra opinion on something.
GL gens in bidding