Dear all War generals/readers:
A few picks on auctions are filler. You have one or two really good people, then the rest are kinda... Meh. Most of this filler don't think this way; I, however, am 100% team filler, and pretty bad filler, too. Pick me at your own risk. And if you do pick me (why), bid as low as possible. I'm only really here because a milestone happens if we get 60 applications. I'm no where near skilled or equipped enough for this event, but I will do everything within my power for my team.
Ingame name: Frozengaia
Score: ~16k
Electrum: Currently about 600, was 2500 a week ago (I do Silver/Gold grinding)
Favourite element:
This is where the problem is. I have very little cards and next to no upgrades. So I'm only going to list all of my rares and upgrades, I have next to nothing of everything else:
Spoiler for Hidden:
All unupped unless otherwise stated.
Discord: 4
Shard of Serendipity: 4
Purple Nymph: 2
Arsenic: 6
Shard of Sacrifice: 2
Grey Nymph: 0
Titan: 7
Shard of Focus: 2
Amber Nymph: 1
Pulverizer: 6
Shard of Integrity: 2
Auburn Nymph: 0
Druidic Staff: 7
Shard of Gratitude: 2
Green Nymph: 0
Fahrenheit: 7
Shard of Bravery: 3 (1 upgraded)
Red Nymph: 1
Trident: 1
Artic Squid: 7
Shard of Patience: 2
Water Nymphs: 0, but 6 NT
Morning Star: 7
Miracle: 3
Shard of Divinity: 6
Light Nymph: 0
Owl's eye: 4
Shard of Freedom: 4 (3 upgraded)
Dragonfly Upgraded: 1
Blue Nymph: 0
Eternity: 7
Pharaoh: 7
Shard of Readiness: 7
Golden Nymph: 2
Vampire Stilleto: 5
Shard of Void: 1
Black Nymph: 0
Lobotomizer: 7 (1 upped)
Shard of Wisdom: 7 (6 upped)
Turquoise Nymphs: 3
Upgraded Quintessences: 4
Upgraded lightnings: 3
Upgraded aether pillars: 10
As you can see, Aether is the element I can serve to the best of my ability. By a huge, huge amount. But even then. I'm still not a good pick.
This is one of the few cons about me. This is also a severe, SEVERE con.
I don't grind much, and when I do, I don't do it for very long. I will try to change this so I can benefit my team, but I cannot guarantee and will probably fail my team to some extent in this regard.
Will my PvP expertise make up for my lack of upgrades? Hardly. I do not have a good amount of deckbuilding or PvP experience. I can, however, figure out how a deck works very quickly and I do not need to take long to be able to use a deck to its fullest potential.
I'm also really annoying.
As for positives, I am be very honest with myself and am quite easily one of, if not the single most active member of this forum. I am very good at building chassis and first-attempt decks; I just can't fine-tune them. I do not poop on the floor.
I can be very humourous, but my humour is of an acquired taste.
And because of my meekness, I won't get into a strop or argue with my blatant superiors when it's time for me to leave or am advised to do somehting else. In this sense, I am a pure vessel for my general lord Jesus master savior's glorious...ness. Don't know where I was going with that.
And yes, even though I'm only here so everyone can have a better war experience, I have read the war rules twice over and I will most certainly do my best and nothing but my best, on pain of utter humiliation, should I get picked.
Seriously, I'll allow Higs to change my name to something stupid and ridiculous if i don't do my best.
So, um... If you don't know who to pick for member #6, THEN consider me. But leave this one on the sides. Those non-existent upgrades really make me a pretty bad choice.
Happy to work with you,
Postscript: Watch me be a lot more upgraded than half of these newbs and then watch my self-loathing look completely idiotic.