IGN qwerter
Online GMT 7 - GMT 16 weekends, GMT 11 - GMT 16 weekdays. Maybe GMT 1 - GMT 5 sometimes. Rarely.
Bans None
---> Any others
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmBGo2q4J3a6dC1YOElkdUNQTnNXc19GS1FWWWk0ZFE#gid=0Hello Generals, I've technically been in the game for a good 4 years, but effectively I've not been really active until recently, before then it was just Forum Games. In any case, let's be honest. I ain't really a good PvPer. I did join a bit of Leagues (inactiveness because tests but I guess a game or so doesn't hurt, also if you need me in discussions I'll be there), tourneys, Trials, Sacrifice and Rent-A-Deck with varying degrees of failure. Nevertheless I'm in chat nearly every day in the GMT 11-15 slots specifically, I'm willing to learn during this experience in war in order to be a better player for myself and whatever team I might land in, if I land in a team to begin with.
By the way, if you're still reading this, If I do not farm enough monies, I am willing to sell some cards off-element for deckbuilding too.